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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @Whirly FizzleI am saddened that you are so blasé about this. It is generating a LOT of issues in SL and if ALL regions are bugged how on earth are we supposed to get the names to show? Does the issue resolve with a region restart still? ETA 17.01.2021: I am corrected by Whirly. This appears to be a new but outwardly similar bug. It is surely even more important that it isn't propagated across the Grid.
  2. @Monty LindenSo...are LL knowingly going to promote a bug to Main Server tomorrow? After all the fuss in various in-world groups, the noise cannot have failed to register with the Lindens, and now you have heard it from a trusted source in Whirly and Henri. Come on, it would be stupid to promote a bug that affects nearly all accounts. Wouldn't it?
  3. For goodness' sake leave Henri alone! He has explained many times why he WILL not supply LL with the personal info that they insist upon. Not all countries have laws that synchronise with US law. I have quite safely used Cool VL and while I don't currently (I don't like the V1 UI) it is perfectly safe and has some distinct advantages.
  4. @Rick Daylight, one thing that does occur to me is that I think environments are classed as assets similar to objects and thus clearing the object cache as you will have done with a total cache clear may have cleared some corruption in the object cache. Don't take this as expert opinion, it's not, as Whirly Fizzle and Beq Janus will readily concur!
  5. @Rick Daylightwell, that's not what I was expecting. At least a drastic action has yielded a result...as to why... I must leave you to the Firestorm Devs. This is beyond me. Sorry.
  6. In the Firestorm wki there is a specific note about missing inventory and the missing environments are no different. You have already noted that the environments are visible in the Linden Viewer and therefore this is a Firestorm issue, which is quite common and a right royal PITA. Please look at the url I attach: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_missing_inventory This has among its options one that involves copying the uncorrupted inventory file (a .gz file bearing your avatar key). that "should" solve the issue. The fact that this issue persists suggests that either the FS devs do not know why it is occurring or have not yet devised a suitable fix.
  7. Thanks Caleb. Does this then mean that Main Server regions will get the new configuration that has bee talked about so much of late?
  8. I note that at least one of the computers was running an Nvidia Quadro GPU with a very old driver. I cannot help but wonder if that might give alpha rendering issues. The whole issue centres, as far as I can see, on alpha rendering. The view of the OPs inventory "worn" tab clearly shows that alphas were worn but they were clearly NOT being rendered. Not being familiar with non Firestorm viewers, I don't know if there is a setting that blocks alpha rendering. Corruption of the OPs texture cache seems to be ruled out by the observations of others. The remaining causes seem to be limited to SL issues and I have nothing to offer there.
  9. and meanwhile Lucia Nightfire suggests that there is nothing untoward occurring with save states and region restarts: For once I think Lucia is wrong. Oh, and ignore my final post in that thread! It was just a bit of whimsy on my part and a long way from serious comment.
  10. That all depends on what you mean by "pudding". One use refers to the generic desert..."how can ye have yer pudding if ye don't eat yer meat?" The second use refers to a rich, often baked desert frequently eaten with a sauce. The 18th century political rhyme "Georgy porgy pudding and pie" would suggest they are different things. It could also be that I don't know what I am talking about...."Nurse! The screens!" Exit, stage left, wibbling.
  11. @Lucia NightfireReally? Why not? Surely, the implication is, considering the preceeding post from Jaylinbridges, that we are to expect data loss at every restart? I'm pretty sure that didn't happen pre uplift. Presumably LL have lost the fine control of the server restart process they used to have at the data centre? How is that going to be acceptable to users and if users become disenchanted, they will leave and SL will cease.
  12. @Coyote MontaleI think you have done all you can, this issue is Linden Lab's and only they can fix it. If you hear nothing soon poke them again.
  13. Shh! Don't given them ideas they might think they're shinier than useful fixes! & @Monty Lindenyou are now the official Linden forum lurker...oo'd a thowt it...a Linden with a sense of humour!
  14. @Monty LindenD'oh!! ETA: Hang on...we are talking about the configuration change that was supposed to have this miraculous effect on script-run, aren't we?
  15. @Monty Lindenfunnily enough Woods WAS on Le Tigre many moons ago (about 6 or 7 years, actually) around the period of the "Timewarp" server bug! Yes it is working just as it has pretty much all of '21...45-55% script run indicated. Shouldn't it have got better by now...everywhere else seems to have done. Are you saying now that Main Server regions DIDN'T upgrade??
  16. @Linden Lab @Monty Linden I am simply going to repeat. Woods of Heaven has NOT changed! With due respect to Lindens (who I have to assume know what they're talking about) this is truly ridiculous.
  17. @Trina Varriale: what that tells me is that there is a systemic issue with SL's operation on AWS' server cluster that gives issues in resolving the destination urls of instances outside of the northern USA. There is little or nothing that we, as users, can do (since the use of VPNs have some serious downsides, as well as such an obvious upside) but there IS something that LL, as a client of AWS can and MUST do. The most obvious downside is: just how important to AWS is LL? My impression is "not very", and as a result there is little that is likely to change. What we do then is a question above my pay grade.
  18. Well, @Tama SukiI am bound to say that your proposed arrangement is to me neither desirable nor in any way logistically valuable. However, while I subscribe to the mantra "diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks", I do not think your solution would find much favour within the SL user community.
  19. @Tama SukiI have to say that I am unclear as to why you find the present inventory format unuseable. I have a range of named non-system folders in Firestorm, but it is neither unweildy nor is it overlong. For an inventory of 30-100k items I find it perfectly acceptable on all my accounts, clearly it requires a large number of subfolders, in fact aside for the obvious system folders for calling cards there is no great need for a plethora of subfolders, I use probably 10-20 in each category, more in my own created folders for types and creators of clothing and shoes, some specifically for types of avatar, which I find more effective at finding stuff than outfit folders, though I have quite a lot of those as well! I find that the inventory support is much the same in the Linden Viewer as in Firestorm, though without #RLV support obviously, only a minority of users I suspect would want that. Granted, the default viewer is not as good at dealing with communications, but to my mind, that is the principal reason to use Firestorm and I simply do not notice the performance penalty that some experience. I personally think that your complaints are a little excessive and would be fairly easily addressed by a liitle thought on your inventory structure. But that's nothing but my opinion and does not apply necessarily to anyone else. I also think that it is vital to remember that the Linden Viewer is of necessity a compromise, so that new users are not overwhelmed with a plethora of choices and format alternatives. There are ample options of third party viewers, Firestorm and Black Dragon being just two, for more experienced users.
  20. I simply fail to understand the underlying plan behind this restart schedule. My home, Woods of Heaven, was restarted today just seven days after being rolled to the present server software version. It is not long since we were being told (well post-uplift) that regions would only be restarted after 10 or more days, since more frequent restarts were unnecessary. So has something changed? Configuration changes may underpin some of these restarts, though I still see no performance on my region, and by no means all of them. This all makes no sense and I am left wondering just how much control of Second Life Lindn Lab actually still have. I know that to many all this is pretty trivial and irrelevant and so long as the thing keeps on working, why worry? That's just it...it isn't!(working, I mean). We have teleport disconnects that have nothing to do with poor client connectivity and vanishing animesh on top of more traditional maladies. There is a term used occasionally... SNAFU.
  21. "They're back!" So...these tricksie announcements have returned... so why did they vanish? This is so annoying and frankly ridiculous. It seems once again that the left and right hands of Linden Lab are not well acquainted. And still there is no information as to just WHAT sort of restarts these are. Is it a roll to the code introduced on the RC channels last Wednesday, or a simple restart? Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen. @arabellajones, the restarts were announced on the GSP at the weekend, but they were pulled yesterday. They were gone when I checked the GSP at 3pm PDT last UK evening. Why, is a mystery.
  22. @Linden LabAnd we are now on the eve of yet another round of rolling restarts with no information from LL as to what we are to expect. Have you abandoned any pretence even of informing your users? ETA Monday 3pm PDT: I just looked at the Grid Status Page and all mention of rolling restarts for both Main Server and the RC Channels, which were there over the weekend has vanished. So I must assume that there will be no new code rolled, since the routine restarts rarely warrant a post on the GSP until they are happening. Maybe it's just me but this seems a bit haphazard.
  23. @AndromedaPrime most TP failures are due to the system at the LL end being unable to resolve your url and therefore it has no idea where you are or even who you are. It there cannot put you into a safe hub, even if it wanted to. When a destination region is failing or offline the system returns you to your destination and tells you that your TP has failed.
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