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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. It is beginning to look as though NVidia have made a complete hash of their most recent GPU drivers for most Linux and Windows. see:https://jira.firestormviewer.org/browse/FIRE-31747 & https://jira.firestormviewer.org/browse/FIRE-31746
  2. Alisha, please see https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_bake_fail and read the whole article. You can try replacing all worn items by a full outfit replace from your outfits folder, always assuming that you have any saved outfits. Also you might try using the default Linden second Life Viewer: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ and see if you rez on that viewer.
  3. The issue of being disconnected when SL cannot resolve the start and end location of a requested TP is something we all suffer now and then, though in recent months it seems far more common than it was for years. At these disconnects SL loses all record of the account's configuration and reverts to the state at the last "good" shutdown, including any scripted functions. Strangely (to me) any worn mesh changes are retained but any worn layers, be they alpha or applied (I suppose these are scripted), are not retained. In these times of BoM that can be a real pain in the shoes... I mean ***e. I have never experienced (touch wood) any of the more extreme inventory or photographic effects mentioned above.
  4. @Prokofy NevaI was quoting Mazidox Linden's words, quite what he meant I would not like to say but I would imagine that the technical folk were watching the boot-up process for each sim-server closely to see if they could identify any rell-tale signs of incomplete loading of their software.
  5. This puzzles me. When Second Life was hosted on Linden Lab's own servers inside a terrestrial data centre, I can recall that a rolling restart instance where new software was being rolled out would take upwards of 20 minutes, sometimes an hour. Over the years that time did reduce somewhat but I did not start to worry unless my home region was down for more than 45 minutes. Following our elevation (cough) to the cloud such restarts could take over 90 minutes since the new server hardware appeared less happy to accept new software and Oz Linden and others noted that the process was "not as smooth as we would wish" Recently Mazidox Linden told us that rolls were being done more slowly out of "an abundance of caution", and some servers appeared reluctant to restart promptly. Perhaps I have been fortunate but my home has only once in recent months showed a reluctance to restart, and even so the downtime was less than two hours. As Love Zhaoying notes above: There could be a new, more thorough verification process in place, which occurs before the simulator servers are "brought back up". This is, as I understand it, so. Perhaps we should be glad that LL are proceding with "an abundance of caution" now, since the alternative would likely entail a good deal of data (asset) loss. I have an analogy. You build a tower of cards: now, as you add new and better cards to this tower, you need to remove some of the older redundant cards from lower in the stack. If this is not done carefully, the entire pile comes crashing to the ground. Not a good scenario. Therefore all additions are done with great care. SecondLife is a very high, somewhat unstable tower of cards. I think we would all prefer that it did not come crashing down.
  6. @iceing BraveheartLaudable though you request is, this is not the place to make it. Put your request/ideas into a JIRA submission under "feature request" and someone from Linden Lab will see it. Posting here, in a residents' forum, is unlikely to reach their eyes. While some members of the Linden operation do vist these pages from time to time, your chances of them seeing your post are minimal and the likelihood of any action on their part resulting is tending to zero. jira.secondlife.com is your point of entry using your SL login.
  7. Has anyone else noticed that their region traffic is oddly low since this last set of rolls? I am looking at 2 different regions, both on Main Server so on 571998. Both are less than 50% of their normal value. It's only a small sample so far so I don't know if it's an issue or not, yet.
  8. Still no Deploy information. This is disappointing and quite honestly a little worrying. LL must have a reason for not giving out the information post-roll about this week's deploys, if it is just arbitrary laziness that's bad, if it is because they are concerned about potential exploits, that's worse.
  9. @Linn Darkwatchdid I say that it was either/or? No; some of the work done recently has NOT been of a high standard and I, like many others have complained. There is much that they "could do better". Linden Lab's user facing approach still is FAR from satisfactory, the repeated litany of "attend Server User Group meetings" is frequently trotted out. I cannot, for very good RL reasons. One thing that I fervently wish LL would address is the frequent silence on the Server Thread regarding the upcoming rolls. Some weeks it is more important than others but it is still necessary, in my opinion. In that case it is my opinion that you have been VERY fortunate.
  10. @Caleb KitWell after 15 years of SL I am astonished that you try to hold events in the middle of Main Channel Restart day! I have been in SL since 2008 and I can remember whole days of SL being inacessible due to Rolling Restarts. The fact is that the restart procedure, which was relatively straightforward when SecondLife sim-servers were in an LL-owned part of a data centre, is far less so now that SL is hosted on AWS' cloud servers. That has been true for 18 months now (I think) and throughout that period there have been issues of one sort or another with the restart schedule. Having a building event on a Tuesday strikes me as being perverse in the extreme anyway, if your region is on SL's Main Server Channel. In my opinion being caught out twice in the last three months suggests that your experience is no worse than many of us and having to cancel an event once in ten years strikes me as very reasonable indeed. No one enjoys these protracted rolls, least of all the technicians who need to work extended shifts to keep tabs on the servers, but I would rather they WERE protracted than have borked rolls and roll-backs. Nowhere in LL's ToS do they promise an uninterrupted service and they would be fools to do so. As to rezzing issues and the like. most of those are caused by glitching internet connections and poorly set-up PCs. I've not been immune to some of those myself...it's frustrating but that's life, first OR second.
  11. Time for this week's guesswork. I'll find out when we roll I suppose. ETA: it seems that all Main Server is getting 2022-05-20.571998 and if the general experience is anything like mine on Woods of Heaven, it seems to work well. The Release Notes are STILL not available to the general populace.
  12. There will be more authoratative answers but put simply, Group chat operates on a dedicated server set, not just one server, and as all communication in SL it operates via the sim-server hosting whatever region the receiver or sender is on.
  13. This issue reminds me of a problem that plagued me several years ago. The script message was actually from an RLV active device I had used on another region and had totally forgotten about. In the end I managed to click on the chat header and I then blocked the object/script and my issue went away. That may be your only resolution.
  14. I think back to the scenario set out in Tad Williams' "Otherland" stories, over 20 years ago. That implied lightning fast broadband, haptic feedback on a level unknown to mankind (or should that be personkind?) and high power computing freely available to all...a Nirvana that we can never realistically acheive. Even then the plot revealed that the degree of computing needed was quite literally superhuman. It's nothing more than a pipedream, and I want some of what he was smoking!
  15. @Dorian FelixRead the above posts. Again. All your points are addressed with a varying degree of hard-bitten cynicism.
  16. I suppose they'll post something eventually. It would've been nice if it had been before the RC channel roll had started.
  17. And 571613 is Grid Wide. It was to be expected provided no untoward issues arose, which I must assume they did not. I wonder what surprises LL have in store for us on the RC channel this week?
  18. Oh, so it WAS called SLeek was it? Well well!
  19. And some remembered wrongly! This was the app that I was wondering about on another thread only I'd remembered it as SLeek. I do not recall much about it but I do recall that on the work PC that I used at the time and the Tin-can and string "broadband" we had at the time (Guildford, UK) it was rather unstable. ETA: having seen your other post I am now confuzzled (nothing new there). Maybe I was using SLeek...but what WAS SLeek then?
  20. I'm just curious. Back in 2007-09 I briefly experimented with a text-only SL client that would run on low-powered computers (such as were available in my workplace). I was essentially computer illiterate back then and I never really got it to work that well. You could chat and fiddle with inventory but teleporting usually got me disconnected due to the lousy Internet we had there. I think it was called SLeek or something - anyone remember it?
  21. Respect cuts both ways. And the security orbs on Mainland are governed by LL's rules but are not owned by LL. The timers are set by folk who sometimes display a degree of paranoia that closely resembles "passive aggression".
  22. 'bye then. Let me elaborate. I have wandered the highways of Second Life mainland via the Linden roads and via the map for years and I think I can number the times that I have been hammered by aggressively set security orbs on the fingers of both hands. There is a LOT of empty land on Mainland these days and I always know where I've been. I do find those aggressive orbs a pain when I'm flying, thanks to skanky region crossings. Solution? I fly a little higher. Most orbs have a ceiling but I have no idea whether that's an SL standard or just a "good manners" convention. I just don't find it a real problem and I have never felt I was entitled to go entirely where I pleased after my first couple of months in SL.
  23. @Lilly Kiyoriand anyone with similar issues, LL are, at long, very long, last doing something to help. Please see:
  24. I visited the region, as Qie did, just a few minutes ago and while my FPS was not as good as Qie's (Windoze 10 Ryzen 9 3900X GTX1660Ti) my viewer (FS) ran as well as it does in most "good" places at High-Ultra and 256m DD at about 25-30FPS with no detectable lag. so to my mind with only 2 other avs on-sim, (one being Lord Derryth) all seems well. Bearing in mind that my avatar is above average complexity and highish script count, I am wondering what the fuss is all about. I wandered around for about 5 mins without mishap.
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