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Fox Wijaya

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Everything posted by Fox Wijaya

  1. nobody says to shut up, but to get real it does matter where the costs come from and making a loss after a 2.5 % raise tells your business isalready on the edge of falling. It is not possible to say now what loss there will be, all who do are just panicking . In a year or half year, you know what happened, adjust your plans and see if it works. about that we agree. thats what it is.
  2. as far i know it's automaticly, as soon it's abandoned it goes in the pool and comes up in available stock again. Sometimes there seems to be a delay before it shows, i expect thats just the system, not a manual release, and perhaps just a response on the many people who are hammering the site with their auto refreshers, what is in fact close to ddos, and should lock out their ip's for getting assigned a house for a month.
  3. it's totally irrelevant what my position is, it's a matter of calculation, and you are incorrect.
  4. no, your way of discussing is not clean, you drag in things that aren't connected to the influence of SL at all, those are different for every country , so LL can't be taken responsible for that. All that is relevant.. as said, is the things that happen till the moment you click "proces credit". All after is for your own. Including those things you indeed have to raise your sales, or prices. But again, thats different for everybody, depending on RL rules by your government and fees by instances not connected to LL.
  5. no it's incorrect, not the 100 is the 100% to calculate with but the 97.5, because that's the current amount for transfer. ( i know peanuts when you talk about 10 dollars for processing, but when it's about 500 it gets substantial different)
  6. it is NOT about getting the same amount, you confuse things. It's only about the raise of fees, NOT the net result on your rl bank. The only thing what is connected to SL is the amount till the moment you click "proces credit" all after is is irrelevant.
  7. of course not. now you get from every 100 dollars in sl a transfer of 97.5 dollar and pay the fees and taxes in the new setting you get 95 of the dollars in sl and pay the fees and taxes. .. so your tax and fees get less.
  8. in fact by the raising fee of LL you pay less to paypal and less taxes... but seriously, external costs are of no relevance in this discussion, for you those are, but it's only about what is in control of LL. .. it's the same as when having a regular job and you have to pay social fees/taxes, those are not in control by your boss.
  9. no not at all, that's not in control of LL... contact Paypal or your government for those.
  10. you didn't even read what i was saying but directly climbed the rope when you thought to see what i said... there's nothing in my post that says your settings suck. the one that is presumtious are you, you think LL can work miracles.
  11. it would be a good start to read the sticky posts ( its why they are sticky) all the questions popping up in this new thread are answered several, if not hundreds, of times in the most recent posts.
  12. you can not see if somebody is a copybotter if your demo items are so easely turned to full items by a botter you need to change your demo LL does not discuss in any matter the outocome of a report if LL doesn't see a reason or find directions to that in the behaviour of the reported acounnt, they won't act on it LL can do as much as possible in the code to prevent copybotting, but no system is waterproof and the botters will be able to walk around any block thats made faster than it's implemented in the software. It's not only in SL, see the amount of other game assets that are brought in here. As last, there is not many really unique stuff in sl .. when one can make it, another one can make a perfect copy/lookalike too, don't confuse that with copybotting. My prim looks the same as yours ... It's more like in RL, buyers have to be educated that 5 L$ full perm from one day old accounts are smelly ... don't buy it. This type of botters only exists because there is a market.
  13. little addition... i don't see the Li of the homes in the calculations here.... we'll have to put those anchors somewhere too those are on the non parceled parts of the sim, with the landscaping and few little other thins that are put there. At a random LH sim i see homes with 87, 83 and 93Li .. those are on the public land anchored. The density of the homes is a lot higher than the new ones, on the old ones that will for sure hit the available free Li quite hard. A fast count showed 40 homes, and together with the landscaping i'm thinking the LH homes are already on 30k sims... but not having a lot of of room to assign more, because there isn't more.
  14. i think it was Abnor Mole explaining in another thread earlier, this wouldn't be as easy as thought, the way the homes are achored ( because they don't have the root at the parcel, it would be a hell of a job to redo all old home sims ..move objects, re parceling, moving anchors .. would be more time consuming ( however the new releases also take some time) than build new sims.
  15. the linden homes also were upped in their primlimits as any other mainland sim .. not sure where you get your 7500 prims from... every 512 parcel has 175 Li.
  16. i think nobody knows what you are talking about... at least i have no clue what you'r saying. covenant = landrules .. no idea how you set that to your partner and name shows up in green
  17. perhaps at least try not to see the premiums as the ones to blame. Perhaps skip the threads with this subect if it causes so much bad memories come up.
  18. as usual these posts end in sour responses like this one, you as creator look down on others that have another view on things. Instead of listening you put them down and go sit on your throne as saviour and ruler of SL. You know... SL was a LOT more fun when we all could play with our own rezzed plywood prims, instead of the happy few with meshskills. Yes you can call it art at the moment it's created, but as soon you as creator starts selling copy copy more copy, it looses that status and get just a object. And your users create SL with it, you don't, at most you create a sim with your products.. or a home, but not more than than. It's your buyers that make the rest of the world, and you get paid for that.
  19. most banks don't, it would mean your mortgage fees are variable, but we have 6 long months and 6 shorts, februari even missing more..... rates and fees are mostly equally spreaded over the year, all months taken as the same length, with variable true months it wouldnt be
  20. for some people a month is 4 weeks ... like banks put all on 30 days..
  21. would have thought we slowly got out of the kindergarten attitude.. we'r adults, or suppose to be.
  22. There are so many speculation threads about all around the recent things that aren't here yet .. are you sure this really contributes? It will only deliver more splattered dreams and thougths And to be honest, i'd rather see LL first finishes other things that were promessed more than a year ago...just as example... last names..what btw originally isn't tied to super premium at all. Keeping adding things in this process will push other things backwards or resulting in more pubic releases that are halway finished = half broken even before anyones can use it, as is not uncommon in SL. Dont hold your breath on new premium, go on with your life, and decide later when it's released. It's already been said that you can upgrade from the old premium.
  23. it can't be told enough how severe the rashes get with those horribile freenies!
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