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Fox Wijaya

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Everything posted by Fox Wijaya

  1. nobody is talking about taking premium perks away as far i see it, but the wondering was about the renewing for an extra term at the same price and the new premium level that's comming, my remark is in this context: a possibility to upgrade to the new premium level, even when you signed up for the longer term at current costs.
  2. yes those will work. ( it's rarely needed, not forbidden , to tag Lindens for daily questions)
  3. i can't imagine they will keep you sticked to the "old" premium as soon the new one will be released
  4. did you ditch your Netflix too when it raised within 2 yrs from 9 to 14 dollars?.. or sended emails with the same content as you see here?.... big difference is.. LL did change their decision... a Netflix will laugh , raise a bit more and go on with business as usual. Premium got more groups, more insight in your spending, more land, new homes (at availablitly, but still have that 1024 sqm tier level) and LL didn't index the premium fees for years, perhaps they should do that, 5% every year? .. result would have been the same.. and perhaps even without the raise of landholdings and new homes.
  5. untill you go compare what you can do in SL and in Sansar ... for a normal non creating user you'll run to SL within 15 minutes and never go back to that "better graphics commercial failure project
  6. there are nearly 60.000.000 registered users... and a (relative) active userbase around 1.000.000 ... that "few" thousend that's stored is a joke.
  7. yes, you can move the alts you found to a different email adress, and a new old forgotten one will repsond to your emailcall on the one you have mutliple.
  8. sometimes it's your connection, try resetting your modem/router
  9. group owners can delete people very fast and easy, last logins are shown in the memberlists, there's no need to involve LL in that.
  10. one of the plans could be a better use of abilities in the groups by the owners. I said it a bit earlier at the Answers section... all those clubs with manager groups, dj groups, and whatever groups, could easely put all in ONE, and use the group abilities to seperate those roles in receiving the notices meant for that role only. ... it would reduce really a zillion useless groups.
  11. not sure they still randomly do it, if so, there are of course a lot more residents, so if they do it's less chance to get one. But never know what happens.. some time ago a friend of me, got send a lovely Linden Bear, out of the blue sky
  12. nowhere i think... your shop,... your responsibility only when you pay a huge insurace rate you'd be partly out of the storm when it goes wrong, but not for usual business risks
  13. ok you make the link to minimum wage.... what happens in rl when a store doesn't give enough to get that? they close or change strategy .. but not here... they start biting their landlord/buildingowner/ or whatever you want to call LL when they want their part. A rl owner would kick your store out of the building faster than you could pack your boxes.
  14. i am, and really millions of dutchies are online for 7 or 8 hours a day, your calculation isn't right.. so now you say 1.2 million residents... means 200.000 from the world and 1 million russians... get complicated to follow now
  15. no.. thats why you rant about them... btw. i didn't see any blogger about homes on the sims where i hang out .. nor as owners of houseboats there, just residents
  16. now you see why groups need to be repaired... it bugs to much ( i'd use a "evil smile" in this context )
  17. at 1 ...would only hit the creators that sell on MP at 2 could be a option at 3 you cán already hide your library at 4 .. yep could be really adding something at 5 ..i'd go for only cash out for premiums, perhaps premium light, but reinstate the groups for basics, but take this ability to the higher level. at 6 think this will go against several TAX laws, when you can buy/sell L$ anonymous, laundering is around the corner waiting.
  18. disapointing perhaps but it's always been that only the last premium gift is in the kiosks, so yes all give the same btw..think you don't have the worst location for your home [edit] boat!
  19. to add... if you want to keep the mainland 512, you cán take a old linden home without going into the next tier level. But if you opt for the new one when available you still would have to leave both, or leave the old home,( because you can own only one linden home at a account) and tier up a bit to get the new linden home type.
  20. please keep this subject in the active threads? Now it gets allover the place and many won't look at the answers section ( because it's no discussion here) If people finally would use the groups in the right way, and look deeper, you don't need a zillion groups for the same venue. A onwer can switch roles out of notices, so when only managment is selected they would would receive it. ( if not buggy)
  21. if you want to have both, you need to raise your tier level, if you only want the new Linden home ( when available!) you need to sell or abandon the 512 parcel
  22. big problem with OS .. you'r there but your friends aren't or just a handfull, ánd it;s like SL at least 10 yrs back in time on many levels. seeing the stats about online players in SL at any time, shows that your million are sort of trumpian fake news.
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