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Fox Wijaya

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Everything posted by Fox Wijaya

  1. your feet been long enough off the ground, it's a bit time people come down again.
  2. as there are several styled neighbourhoods planned, to maintain the current overall look in the existing homes, it's not very likely there will be added variations to the current ones. Also the new themed neighbourhoods won't likely have a huge variance, but limited choice. If you want something different, you'll have to try your luck, and abandon the one you hold now, for being able to get another totaly other style.
  3. hope you don't get the thunderstorms with loads of rain... as we got last days.. i;d go for a boat if i were you...
  4. if it's very confusing, draw a circle , put the SLT time in it with the coresponding time of your zone. stick it at the side of your monitor.. don't have to calculate anymore.
  5. in the matter of landcosts you forget one little thing; if your landlord is big enough to participate in the Atlas program, you think you pay only a little more than the usual maintenance fees, but you don't... you pay actually a big chunk to that landlords own wallet. Nothing wrong with that if you like it that way, but it makes the picture bit more realistic, and your contribution is a lot smaller in that case. I;d rather be direct customer of LL for those amounts, tháts really adding something to SL. And more insurrance you won't get kicked off your sim when the landlord goes down ( doesn't happen a lot, be we see those cases quite often during the year on the forums when people come there what to do ....)
  6. and... the wednesday ( with some luck longer )
  7. you don't have to be premium to own a full sim, only for mainland. [ok edit... should read donw more...nr 3 telling it now ]
  8. Fox Wijaya

    New Continent

    the same way as you get a old linden home, by clicking on the links in your account page. But there are just a limited amount at the moment. You'll have to be patient till nx batches are released or you are very lucky and find a free one on that page and claim it. Going inworld and look for free ones won't work, you cant claim one by that. Also have a look at the extended info and posts in the Linden Home section in the forums.
  9. there are now far óver 200 pages with info about the the new homes, several hundreds of posts explaining why, why ... more why and when ... it should be enough to inform late realizers there are homes, where to find info and not keep asking where to take the turn while the board with directions is in bold in front of them.
  10. department of warm blankets is around the corner, support at the other tab, this is discussion. and just my humble opinion... the whining about missing homes, not be able to get one and all other related to this : news will appear at the Update thread .. subscribe to that and please stop opening new threads.
  11. the solution is not that difficult you say you want to up to a full sim : buy one. ( and homestead do not get a lower maintenance fee, only the full sims)
  12. yes it works a bit wonky for some ... for me it works great to get the offliners to email, but even when not capped at all, they poofed inworld while they should be there waiting i think... it's a bit less handy way to copy/paste the names in search to get the names up and respond when they arent on the friendslist.
  13. given as examples some posts back it's very simple for me, if i see, or get notices/messages, advertisement in Belliseria there will go a AR to LL .. fast, simple and clean.
  14. i have nothing against the L viewer...what i like the most from Firestorm is the way it's adjustable, and possibility to disable nuisances... inworld and in settings.
  15. thats never been possible what you can do is sell your L$ and keep those in your USD balance, from there LL will take the money before they use the registered payment method (CC/paypal) when you rent from another resident you can of course mostly pay with L$, but in that case its not tier but rent.
  16. thats why there are forums ... the sign/notice info is here since 30 minutes after second release.
  17. partly... here is why : ACS holdings are 16.7% ..thats a huge chunk of sims.. ánd residents that rent there, so also economic of quite some importance...i wouldnt like it as company to put such one at risk of loosing. And i wouldn't be surprised AC also owns a few LL shares.
  18. just selling your L$ doesn't make them go to your paypal, you have to start the process credit procedure. If you only sold your L$ those will be parked at your USD balance, if you, before process the credit, buy L$ again or any other fees for LL, first your USD balance will be used, and only after that your registered payment method. For the remarks on your pp or CC, perhaps try re-add them ór contact billing.
  19. yes thats how i read the post by LL too, the current will be the low premium, and the new one super premium.
  20. somehow.. somewhere... deep in my thoughts there's a little voice telling me, nót to prepay and take the 30 dollars more spending for granted when i have to renew. We'r giving LL a sh*tload of cash, but that will run out faster than we pay it. We all know about that moneydrain in VR, is it really wise?..... How about that new premium.. will that be worth it, or a new way to get more money when the bucket gets empty ... i start thinking LL should play a bit more open and show their plans longer than just a few weeks, with realistic timepaths. Don't mention planned features as comming soon when it, mostly, means more than "soon" and shows to be a year or longer.
  21. think you'l have to be on the old frozen forum, can't repy on those anymore
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