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Fox Wijaya

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Everything posted by Fox Wijaya

  1. Fox Wijaya


    you might have faster suggestions when you post in the "wanted" section Answers is more suited for questions about how SL works ..( or doesn't work )
  2. i say Lindens too normally .. but when comming to the forums it can be really helpfull to adress the things with their real name, otherwise we see posts like " it doesn't work" and nothing more... really hard to guess what doesnt work. ánd... i would really want to buy a Linden..let's start with Patch ..( one is enough at my age)
  3. it can..or even will be, me... but really was this section here all the time?...can't remember ever seeing it...i'm confused now.
  4. in what matter?... what's the difference with direct USD transfer to your account with the same CC or paypal as you buy your L$?... or like Ana does.. put in a order and cancel so it ends on the USD Balance?... It adds no extra risks for possible fraud or responsibilities as it has now.
  5. it is hardly of any efford, if you know the item, check the orignal delivery date at MP, than go to the bought items and click redeliver... done.. and thats all. It's only a few clicks, even when you had bought zzillion items, your deliveries are sorted on date. Just keep in mind, some sellers won't put updated versions there, they will put the item up as new, so no update from them.
  6. last weeks... ehm.. scaring them all, they don't show up, they know who's next to be killed ... (i'm cleaning up my collection)
  7. we'r still waiting on the future plans of earlier meetings.. wait with new ones a bit... (sorry daniel for your name on the quote!)
  8. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/287-wanted-full-private-island/ https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/288-wanted-homesteads/
  9. edited the post during your response added, if your order passes, ....( with cancelling in time, you shouldn't get to pay those fees i think) It's a usefull feature lost when they took away to add USD to your account directly.
  10. nothing against it, i think, but if your budget allows, it's more profitable to do one buy, store your dollars at paypal an option? now you have twice the 1.49 fees if your order passes, thats together close to 3 usd = roughly over 750 L$
  11. didn't look deep into it myself, but perhaps you can find some info here https://thebellisserian.wixsite.com/news at the forums some info might be burried in long and somewhat derailed subjects
  12. that's a recurring question:) and more or less answered by the Lindens: no .. but there will come other themed regions with different designed homes or even other type of living spaces. When adding too many styles and sizes the themed neighbourhoods are doomed to fall into the chaos as on the other mainland regions. There are already questionable additions made by some that make others frown, some successfully reported and deleted, others balancing on the edge of the "in theme" rules.
  13. Stradog Clef de Peau Not Found or even the appliers that come with your catwa (if they still do? ) if you use MP and search there, i'm pretty sure you'll find a lot, also will learn how to find things what's available, what might be more than what you get reccommended here, because most people have a favorite, and that;s not always the same as what is available . Most best combinations are the head and body appliers for skins that are by the same creator.
  14. wow...take a deep breath... it's just a response to your it's really not that hard to see that yours is just a few lines above the long running thread with the same content.
  15. could be a interesting study to have a deeper look at the cause of your need to post so many harmless observations
  16. so true... imagine you have to read 7 topic titles down... that would be to much 🤔
  17. sounds to me more a release for developers, reading the contents it will be seriously confusing for people who only hunt for the cheap option. The store shows more bodies who seem to be further developed, of course with a different price. Also very doubtfull there is, or will be, a decent amount of clothing and skins available and one big thing... no omega My conclusion : not suited for normal use (yet)
  18. what kind of problems do you encounter?.. Just"not working "doesn't really help to guide to solutions. You get specific messages? Is your card a real Cc or prepaid?.. Did you confirm the email change?
  19. read the news, read the email you got, or follow the information at the blogs/FB or any other platform that's meant for communication. As final place, look at the membership page in your account All actual facts.
  20. Er is een volledig Nederlands forum geweest in de hoogtijdagen, los van LL btw, het is nooit echt een grote geweest, en een langzame dood gestorven.
  21. yep totally agree, scaling basics and freeloaders in the same category is simply totally wrong. There áre freeloaders... but also again 2 groups ... one that made the choice not to spend money and do everything to keep up with SL developments, the second group is also by choice, but doesn't make any efford to contribute anything to this world, but those also are found in the premiums.
  22. would be a bit the same to forbid to join discussions for 2010 accounts with only 2 posts .. or forbid non merchants talking about process fees.
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