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Fox Wijaya

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Everything posted by Fox Wijaya

  1. everybody, really everybody is replacable. And yes, somebody with the same skills will stand up. This discussion is done before, you'r convinced nobody is better than current, and i think it can be replaced with new blood. Have a look how many left after past struggles, or said to leave but still are here and swallowed their hurted pride... there's really nothing missing in SL, nothing.
  2. like that is relevant, fact is there will be others jumping in, you know the world turns... it will also when i or anybody, even creators, leave.
  3. others will take their place happely thats already a fact for many years, established creators/stores always had a pré position, it takes years, good quality or good copy skills to get the same reach as the oldies do. And there are too many to get there.
  4. wasn't it ...long ago... that LL did send a cake for rezzdays? something vagely is in my memories
  5. nobody blames you for spending the time as you do, but that is a choice, and you choose not to look at information that's freely and available at several channels... choices...choises, but don't complain for a choice thats easy to change by yourself
  6. true... using barbed wire isn't very comfy... but i don't see that happening
  7. LL has several ways they communicate with their residents, can't blame them you don't use one of those
  8. but isn't Mercedes and Bugatti exactly doing the same? Just with cars? If you can't afford one of those brands your car might be made by Chrysler or Skoda... in the worst case Trabant ... all has his price. so also in SL, if you cant have a fp sim, perhaps renting a homestead, or parcel is more your thing. But like many that Bugatti is only to look at, never to have it. We'll have to accept our limits a bit more, and with less jealousy to others. Those that have aren't more happy than the less havers.. nothing wrong with wanting more, but stay real.
  9. you still can subscribe now i think, the new rules aren't active yet .. and if you have it you can keep it
  10. can be, that's a opinion of many, and choices always open a door, but also close others. We'll now have to deal with it, and we can't change it. If ever comes a new system, we'd hear the call for the old system again because also the new one will have it's limitations ... and imagine LL will ask money for it...the roof would hit the sky again.
  11. now LL only has to deal with a limited group of owners... imagine all resident get a sim, i'd love it, but support would be unworkable. and it's simply not how most things work... lets call Bugatti.. lower your price to 10k for you top model .. or mercedes or any other brand. We have a capitalistic system, most of us in rl but also in SL. ... and LL needs income. The real SL experience isn't about having, but being and doing. Thats not limited to the rich few.
  12. my situation isn't really interesting or relevant, the real question is do people really need all those slots... or do people want those slots... big difference. just a little example..a big event the event group has 35k members ..reall hundreds, and in combination with the other event groups, thousends didn't log in for years... fgs clean up...it's just a minute of work. next to that...those 35k members are also in the groups of the stores that participate in that event... the event sends several notices daily all the stores send notices ánd notices for the event ... for me that last is a load for the system thats not needed, you already know they participate in the event, from FB from the event itself and from seraphim. It's my opinion that a few of those could think about... hey lets not send multiple spam crap around. Residents themself, and not only LL have a responsibility to get this system working better. We, or most older ones, know the groupsystem never was intended for this use, and however LL COULD have done some things, it's for us to remind that not everything is endless stretched. Use it with care. The mentality of "we can so we do" isn't the best.. we see that all the time around us in rl.
  13. depends how you see it ... i'm not premium and will have the same, i don't see it as issue, but just a time to adjust to new rules. Pick your groups wise
  14. sometimes you really have humor Prok but to most...ehm... nahh don't do that please
  15. thats not out, you just have to be patient till the new batch gets delivered, with some luck you'll get one than. till that time you can use your tier level at mainland or half mainland and a old linden home.
  16. not as much as you think.. only the fees are the part that LL takes, all other will be cashed by the fellow residen that you pay.
  17. this partly can be solved by groupowners, they can eject those. For the inactive groups LL could decide to dissolve those. (i think)
  18. yes seriously ... i think you, like many , make the mistake LL gets all the money when you buy your L$ ..but hey surprise... they don't except for the buying fee they get a lot less for it, because the amount they get has to be reserved for cashing out of the creators later. Sales and transfer fees are the only thing that provide income in this matter.
  19. yes i know, but that doesn't make high premium and low premiums ... all are the same
  20. you were stating it as it was you, why you bring your friend in? or are you living with your friend and the total income is above that amount, in that case it would be fair you mention the whole income and not just yours.
  21. nearly all EU countries have social laws that provide a income from the goverment, the 900 has to be added to that?
  22. and in a week time these discussions will be like all others before when changes came ....: history, and all go on as before, some will leave, some will still be grumpy, but all the rest will be business as usual.
  23. there is expected nothing, you will not loose any groups you joined alread, just not be able to join new ones before you'r down to the new max
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