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Everything posted by LyricalBookworm

  1. Beautiful fencing! I haven't seen it around yet, but it would be nice to know if they are going to include it in the content creation packs. Variety is a good thing. 😊
  2. I have major social anxiety so trying to converse in local chat is torture for me. When I'm at a public venue, I don't have the nerve to interact or speak with others in local or private chat first. I'm also a loner, so most of the time I go to an event to enjoy it on my own. i will of course politely respond if someone speaks to me in local chat. Same when someone sends me a message. The most comfortable way for me to become friends with another is speaking one on one.
  3. Over the years I've had trick or treaters stop by at my home on my sister's residential sim. I always put out a bowl of candy on the porch for that purpose and my security orb goes off the entire day of Halloween. I won't be taking part in the organized trick or treating in Bellisseria, but I will still put a bowl of candy of my own choosing and turn off the security orb for the day. I love trick or treaters stopping by.
  4. Me too! That is saying a lot too because I'm a tiny prude for the most part. 😊
  5. 1. To a degree. I think they have given us the tools to create community. It is up to the community members what they do with those tools. I don't think anyone would want a forced feel of community. Just as in the real world, you're going to have varying personalities whose sociability will differ greatly. They have provided us with neighborhoods, parks, public pools, roads we use, paths we use, water ways we use, etc. It is up to the individual what they do with those things. 2. They've already done that. 3. Those things sound very appealing, but I don't think it should be the focal point at this time. I wouldn't wish to be part of a role play, but if others would greatly enjoy that it should be an option for them. More residential regions are needed because Bellisseria is such a popular place to live. 4. I've personally not attended any of the many social functions in Bellisseria yet because of anxiety and shyness, but there are so many topics where photos have been shared where both Lindens and Moles are mingling with residents. There isn't any us and them mentality that I can see. There isn't a disconnection and they have already integrated themselves into the community. 5. I don't feel they need to be monthly no. What they have in place already serves its purpose. 6. I think these forums do that already. There are also inworld groups that do that as well to keep people up to date on events and happenings. Each of us has our own definition of what community is and what we wish to gain from it personally. I'm a very shy and quiet person for the most part, yet I'm pretty active around Bellisseria with my family. I'm often out horse back riding, bike riding, walking around or swimming or sailing the water ways. I sit at parks and public pools around my neighborhood or out in my back garden. I can look at the map and there are a lot of people around me always. I never feel alone. I have respectful neighbors. I've not encountered anyone rude in my wanderings. The sense of community is already there. It may never be as active as one may wish, but it is there. I don't see that changing. I think over time it will shape itself. Through the summer there was a massive amount of events. This Autumn there have been hunts and even a contest for the best yard decorations of the season. Community is happening all around us already. It is up to us to reach out and take part. The tools are there.
  6. Edith and I wandered around an area near our neighborhood where houses are going up. Where the work is going on, I saw this breathtaking park area for the first time across the street. It had picnic tables, sweet outdoor lights and a bench up further than what is shown in the photo. It is absolutely beautiful and I have to say one of my favorite spots I've discovered so far! Edith and I both agreed that we must share. LM to the beautiful park area
  7. Tea throughout the day. It can be a simple cup of tetley brand tea or apple and cinnamon. Pumpkin spice during Autumn. Maybe three cups per day. Between those cups of tea I have a lot of water or vegetable juice. Food wise it depends on the time of day. Morning oatmeal, toast or bowl of fruit. Afternoon usually a cup of soup and crackers. Dinner varies. If I'm snacking though every now and again it is popcorn or pretzels. I also love gold fish cheddar crackers. I have a really tiny appetite so eat several small meals throughout the day.
  8. I like mountains, water and rocky landscapes. Our home meets none of those criteria. I don't let myself dwell on what I don't have though and just focus on what I do. Hubby and I both decided to be happy with what we have because we know how lucky we were to get a house on the first major release. We aren't going to release because it would be more hassle at this stage because finding perfection in what we don't have is harder than finding perfection in what we do. It is less stressful too! At least for us. Everyone is different though and if you feel the need to search for your missing perfection, go for it! Being happy is important.
  9. Congratulations to both of you! I think both versions of you and him are absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous and lovely couple! Please enjoy your special day!
  10. Edith and I out in the back garden before nap time for my tiny miss. She just kept making this little face so I had to take a photo since I love the idea of her laughter. I love to think of what it sounds like. My husband loves the sound of her laughter and he tells me she laughs a lot. I think this sweet goofy face is proof of that. She adds so much joy to our home in Bellisseria. One of the favorite moments of my day is when I get to sit quietly with her in our home enjoying the calm beauty around us. I love that the Lindens and Moles gave my family such a beautiful place to be a family and live our lives.
  11. I think everyone has their own system and preference with how they or their alts get a home which is totally alright. We are all different. Nothing is ever perfect and it would be sad if it was. Everyone has a different idea of what personal perfection is. I just feel all the time and effort that has been put into these parcels are very apparent and for that reason alone, all are a perfection in their own right. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself @Chloe Dolores. I'm sorry to hear about your triggers. I'm also very acquainted with triggers myself and they aren't a fun thing to experience. I hope you find your alt a home that is everything you wish it to be.
  12. My last three photos. Sorry there is so many of them. I certainly had to take a photo of the view because although not right by the water, still so lovely. The whole area is lovely though so I'm not surprised. We feel so fortunate we got one. ❤️
  13. My alt Elfie's caravan that I'm slowly trying to put together and still stuck on how to fit a bathroom in. Such a beautiful area though!
  14. @Beth MacbainOne way I see it, it looks like a type of animal image you would see on a totem pole. I can't say what type of animal. Another way to see it...I don't even dare mention it. 😳
  15. Second Life is my social platform. It is an extension of my real life. I love spending time with my husband and daughter, our cats, my sisters, nieces and friends. I love to explore. Whether it is sailing, bike riding, horse back riding, swishing my tail under water or flying around as a petite fairy, exploring is such a wonderful part of sl because of the pure creativity and talent I get to see and share with others. My spiritual communities are here as well as me being able to dance, sing or even recite poetry if I want around people who have known me going on eleven years and accept me without question. I love taking photos and blogging about freebie fashion I find too. There are endless possibilities in sl and that is one of the main appeals. I'm still learning how things work and I hope to never stop learning. It's exciting and fun. I hope you find your niche here.
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