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Everything posted by LyricalBookworm

  1. Thank you so much for making things a bit more clear about decorating our homes for the holidays. I'll look forward to wandering around Bellisseria seeing what others come up with since I'll still be decorating my family's home before we retire to the family sim for the holidays. 😊 The clearer guidelines are most appreciated!
  2. Laura often ideally reads everything. D R U I D
  3. I'm never one to initiate a conversation with someone I don't know. Personally, I don't mind someone simply saying hello to me. I think a conversation goes better when the person initiating begins how they are most comfortable. As long as it's respectful to the other person of course. The key is keep the conversation flowing after the opening greeting. Don't expect the person you message to carry the entire conversation. For the most part, just be yourself.
  4. Titlers I believe they are called. The floating text above the head people could randomly change at times. I saw these a lot when I first joined years ago.
  5. Thank you! I will never be able to get that entire image out of my mind now. You did make me spit water all over my computer screen though so well done! 😂 On related topic? I think Second Life would have to be a multi-faceted movie consisting of many genres. There is simply too much going on at one time to stick to just one! It would certainly be interesting to say the least. 😂
  6. Friends remember everything you advised. S T Y L E
  7. Harriet often understood Sam's effort. G O Y L E
  8. Nancy understands doing good everyday. S N O W S
  9. Angela knows infinite short stories. L A R P S
  10. Francine intended eventually no danger. F O L K S
  11. I won't tell you that I understand what you're going through because I feel that wouldn't be properly validating your experiences, emotions and struggles. I'm sorry you're struggling with life right now. I've never really belonged. I was originally born into a very religious background that was really abusive. I was also born with some health conditions that went untreated until I was adopted by my Dad who was a single parent. I was home schooled and grew up Quaker. I knew from a young age that I would never be able to live on my own, I would never have children and eventually would lose the ability to be active, to drive and walk. I was also born hoh/deaf and have been slowly going completely deaf my entire life. My Dad made sure he prepared me for this the best he could and encouraged me to live my life to the fullest for as long as I could. Growing up I took voice and music lessons, I was in a community choir, did a lot of walking and bike riding the country roads I grew up around. I went on getting three degrees. One in music and two in English Literature. I was an opera singer and professor up until eight or so years ago. I'm now in a wheelchair off and on at the age of 42. I can no longer work. What I have won't kill me. It is just debilitating at times. I never fit in besides with my Dad and church community because medical issues and disabilities don't really allow acceptance. Being different is beautiful. It is something to be embraced. Even through all the pain, I wouldn't want to be anyone else but me. I'm just sharing my experience to simply say.... You're not alone although no one is going to understand what you're going through completely, but you. Please know though, even though you feel you don't fit in society that you count. You count and you're existence is precious. Your individuality is precious. Just know that please. 💗
  12. Queens understand everything under Everest. D O T E D
  13. I love snow. I love having four seasons. I wish this was a grid wide implementation by Linden Lab for Bellisseria. Otherwise, it really would look out of place. Not everyone would be happy with that. Which is totally understandable. We are all different. We want and like different things. It would be a joy to have a snow theme though. Wonderful idea. There are four seasons on my sister's sim and in the next few weeks that is where my entire family will be going back to fulltime. Our Bellisseria home was only going to be a holiday home and now it's time for us to get back to being surrounded by our entire clan and snow. 😊 at least for the winter season....
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