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Everything posted by KathrynLisbeth

  1. Other benefits of that Set land to Group thing.... this is if you wanna/can play with scripts. touch_end(integer total_number) { user = llDetectedKey(0); if (user) if (llDetectedGroup(0)){ do_THING();}} } do_THING() is some other thing. (Duh!) Like Lights or change parcel Music, etc Makes so that gotta be wearing the group tag for clicking to work. Helps Keep my bad alt from standing on the sidewalk and flicking your lights and opening and closing your windows.
  2. If the server is running the EEP stuff and you are using the Regular Release Viewer. You get weird sky. It is the normal viewer doing a 'make the EEP sky' 'show up mostly right' translation. It is because they are still testing and poking at the EEP server and EEP viewer stuffs. When EEP is in the normal viewer, things will go back to looking 'not as weird'.
  3. Sometimes .. A continent is only a continent. Und othertimes.. Is in SL.
  4. Ooooooooo! More! I wanna see more!
  5. So basically is this? If I am currently renting land from another resident, I will have to ask that resident to change the lighting to one that I wish to use at a 'said time' in order to make photographs. Photographs of all the clothes and stuff and things that I bought? to make photographs? Or.... If there is a nice photogenic pretty general purpose sim. One that is open for people to come and take photographs. One that currently does not care what personal windlight one would use for taking photographs. One that just prefers to have traffic on the off chance that people would donate some $L to keep the place open. Now that too will be more limited in Utility?
  6. It broke in August. Was broken for about 6 weeks... mid-October. Fixed. Noticed it was broken again yesterday... After the new EEP stars were in the Sky, and before the Inventory Implosions (when bodyparts didn't want to rez).
  7. Naw. Been like that for years. Is just there. Long ago I think they just decided to make more copies of the Linden Home continents instead.
  8. I noticed this before too. Short answer. I dunno? Is confusing! At First I thought it was just because the newer avatars become less than full permission when moved from library to user account. Newer Avatars being the avatars released since the ones that are shown under Choose an Avatar / Classic. Kimberly, Wyatt, etc. However now the Classic: Kimberly, Wyatt, etc. those can be worn piecemeal. Dragging one object at a time onto avatar. So it appears that currently the last two released batches of Starter avatars. The Ones with shoulder pets or the horses, and the ones from just the other day. Rhiannon, Petrol Sue, Bitsy, Gretchen are the ones requiring dragging the entire folder to the avatar (or using the floater) Additionally The Animation Overrider - Female in some of the Library / older outfits. Example Female Designer Outfit. One is unable to drag and drop (transfer) only the AO on to avatar. It becomes no copy when obtained by dragging the entire folder. While some of the older Library outfits, again the Library / older outfits / Female Designer Outfit example, will become less than full perm in the avatar inventory. The Slam Bits are goofy and if you rez it into ground and take back. They lose their restricted permissions. So Long answer is still. I dunno? confusing! But seems to be something permissions related. Mostly. If it becomes no copy, can't drag and drop, period. But is still weird b/c the needing to use the entire folder to wear something that becomes copy, no mod, no trans -- that only applies to the last 2 batches of Starter avatars entered.
  9. Oh and while the shapes are mod, the eyelashes aren't. Eh? It won't matter.. no one would try to mod the eyeshape sliders.
  10. The Monique Hair is reminds me of something.... Just trying to Remember. Something. Something. Pool's Closed? Maybe?
  11. And the Animation Scripts and the Full Perm Animations in some of the Objects. Oops.
  12. Gyazo for Screenshots and Short Video Clips. It already exists. Having used it many times to show a fresh noob a 'Hey looket! in inventory'. Then replying to the follow up of 'But I NO Have that System Folder'..... That is why I included that one 'nit picky' recommendation of the default NOT being the HIDE EMPTY SYSTEM FOLDERS. Actually I think that initially long long ago... in viewers far in the past. Hiding Empty folders was not default behavior, it was a FIX.
  13. Aya ... Some Kids Just DON'T like playing with Legos. Accept it.
  14. Virtual World is Not an Email Client. It's not really about trying to make it simple, it's about making it straightforward. ---------------- I started with a nice tl;dr version, but a summary up near the top is probably better. 1) The users are the number one source of help for other users. 2) We answer questions and type in how to find a setting repeatedly. So ... Do you want that to be easier on the helpers? 3) Make the PATH to a setting be direct. So ... Is it more important to make it look simple, or to make it straightforward to communicate 'How to Do'. Help Me to Help you to retain users. ---------------- A good analogy to making it simple but very much NOT straightforward is this. You take a car. In order to not overwhelm a new car user with all the tricky controls. One can locate the turn signal and the wind shield wiper lever under the rear seat to keep it out of the initial line of sight. Additionally one can place the emergency break and the air conditioner controls in the car's trunk. See! That way the new driver is not overwhelmed with all the buttons and levers and switches. *sighs and facepalms So translating that into terms of the Viewer.... I postulate this. Majority of SL user help interactions are resident to resident text chat, and to make it FUN! Google Translate is gonna be involved sometimes. Sometimes as an experienced resident you already know it is gonna be some long drawn out process of helping. eg. "Can you help me learn my Mesh body?" Other times you know it is gonna be something simple and straightforward. A find X setting in preferences, or click X button on HUD. -- top menu / Me (or Avatar) / something / something | click X -- top menu / Preferences / Preference Tab | click X, or adjust slider Y But ... and this is the part I think is really Important. It takes time to type all this junk out. Time that takes away from doing whatever other stuff YOU logged in to do. So each time someone needs help, you have to make a decision. Do you stop what you were doing and help? So make a path to a setting .. a PATH. Not a Do this, do something else, go back to where you were. -------------- So... Lets look at three examples that I can think of offhand that could be simple and straightforward, but... someone put the gearshift lever in the trunk, under the spare tire. In all these cases. I see unneeded Steps that I have to type to help others. Now helping people is nice and all that, and sure it seems like I am making a big deal out of a few tiny extra steps. But type THEM a few hundred or a thousand times!!! Anyway.. the examples Since we are assuming they are a total new user. Let's show the setting in the menu or the preferences to 'show' approximately where to find it for later versus using a keyboard shortcut. -- since they are new they might get confused between the use of Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F3+A+username+favorite_drink & Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F3+A+username+favorite_sandwich Case 1) Some Adjustment to a Preference. Hypothetically they are lagging badly and a good first step is lowering draw distance (then other things can be considered but seriously try lowering draw distance, and a coupla other things... before installing new router firmware) top menu/preferences/graphics, click advanced settings and find the new window floater thing that opened. then ... find 'some setting' on that window and adjust Case 2) Some Adjustment to Advanced menu Enabling Quiet snapshots, b/c they are tired of the shutter click (or you are tired of hearing it) and the holding camera animation is screwing up the picture top menu/preferences/advanced, Show advanced menu then.... top menu / advanced (NO the TOP MENU ADVANCED! NOT THE PREFERENCES / ADVANCED THAT YOU JUST USED!) then ... (second attempt) ... top menu / advanced | check Quiet Snapshots Case 3) Animation went weird so need to Stop avatar animations and turn the AO HUD on and off. Assuming they are using Starter Avatar with Starter Avatar AO b/c a New User 1) top menu / movement | stop all animations 2) click the AO HUD.... Whoops! No. is an invisible prim. Um. Oh so ... find in inventory, detatch, reattatch... Um. Nah. that takes too long Um.... Eh... Er? top menu / Choose an avatar -- > be something different, and dont argue! I don't care if you don't wanna be an elf! be an Elf! Change Later So.... Potential Solutions Case 1) Some Adjustment to a Preference. Preferences is not complicated if there is two or more graphics tabs. Actually is simpler / less typing And potentially easier for a more inquisitive new user to find on their own Preferences / Graphics 1 | click X thing, or Preferences / Graphics 2 | click X thing, or Preferences / Graphics Presets | click X thing Also I will Postulate, the more inquisitive new user is one who will probally more likely stay b/c can self entertain And it Still won't be as big as the Preferences in some of the tpv's .. but that is Okay. LL viewer is kinda the defacto 'Starter Viewer too' and this is not a bad thing. so Own it! Case 2) Some Adjustment to Advanced menu *coughs* to turn on the Advanced menu it says Use at own risk *snorts* It is that dangerous? Just have it already turned on Case 3) Animation went weird so need to Stop avatar animations and turn the AO HUD on and off. Well the Starter AO's... Just no. Why is it not a HUD in the corner with AO on the texture? Click on and off! like a simple old style ZHAO!!! Now that is me rambling on for a bit to lay out some examples... To me it matters less if menus and stuff is all spread out. It might just matter more that the path to a setting is just that. A path. Not turn this on first, no check if something is already on. Especially... since they are new and you already have an advanced setting showing by default and you forgot that you enabled it 6 years ago. Additionally.... Try everything possible to make the Path be less that the length of a gesture text field! them: "How do I ______?" me: plays a gesture instead of just ignoring them Also a coupla additional Corollaries. 1) Just lose the pronouns in the menus and in the system folder names. This is not a Firestorm is better than other viewers thing, and even though Avatar is more characters than Me, so the gesture would be more text. Having to play with a translator can / does garble it. 2) Have the system folders always shown as the default. Items in the inworld view, avatars, dialog menus, some different AO, gray shapes b/c new and not up to speed on tinkering with settings, ie General Randomness is just a given. Having the inventory appear consistent between logins is a good thing even if a folder is empty. When I am trying to help someone and I type 'Look in X system folder' and they say 'I don't have X system folder', or a screenshot of the system folders is different. Don't add extra layers of confusion Remember -- If advanced user, can always turn it OFF. If they are new, make it consistent to show where X is. Anyway Just some thoughts. Even if I typed a lot complaining about typing a lot. If I type less when trying to help users. Who knows? maybe they will stay.
  15. And..... for double, triple, or quadruple avatar fun. Figure out the right graphics combos, and use them saved graphics presets! Graphics presets - Located in the top right! Yup right there. That thing that looks like a monitor, next to the clock... Nuuuu not the red X! Collars/RLV does come in handy for this application too. Can drag them all along together, force sit your alt / alts, and force tp them. It is much easier to learn the RLV stuffs, if you are driving both avatars. Don't worry, is not really that kinky to force tp your own self to a store or anything. Oops. Not Alts, that might be a bad word, according to some. *rolls eyes, loud enough that the click you heard earlier was me as I was typing this* I shall henceforth refer to them as 'Models'. Until i forget and type alts again. Dangit! I typed it.
  16. Preferences / Advanced / Allow Multiple Viewers
  17. Well.... they ain't even trying to color match. so I reckon they ain't wasting time reading no numbers. Reckon they ain't got no time for such as that, with all them their poseballs to get to. Oh and recall. Don't hafta cam up a skirt or show invisiprims. Can set TPV Area Search to list attached objects. So now wondering if someone can just make a Bot client add-on to sniff out all them dirty parts and message automagicly. Like For Science?
  18. Hmmm? A Nexus Thingamajig. OH! Like the Old Tele-Hubs? From before Direct Point to Point Teleports? Interesting. Oh Oh! And the land values around the Nexus (Nexi, Nexus-es-es?) will shoot up again, right? So will 'revitalize mainland'! Oh oh oh! Maybe can even charge L$ for teleporting? So people will buy more L$. </supersarcasm>
  19. Well <insert impish grin> they could be very important and busy and under holiday stress. I do understand not wanting to communicate with them further, but...... Since it is the Holidays, and before you mute them forever. <Stiffles laughter> You could search for a compile a list of the various ointments and creams that they could apply to their POSTERIOR PAIN? Modern pharmaceuticals are improving all the time. Then after some helpful Holiday News. Mute them. <grins>
  20. YAY! We Got a Pony! https://gyazo.com/e627a0bc37f1e702bb46349f2f8f01bb Sure it is a little Skinny and looks like all the hair fell off and it needs its nails trimmed and the jaws are kinda big, but ... PONY!
  21. Well duh! It's subjective. Height, other body proportions, AO, manner of dress all of that blends in the mind of the person viewing the avatar. The other body proportions are not limited to the obvious hip and breast size either. I will postulate that the face proportions due to human allometric growth will have a strong influence on perception. Eg. Kids grow into their head size - They tend to have bigger heads and faces in proportion to body. Some of this perception is of course influenced by cultural biases, real life phenotypical norms on a day to day basis, etc. But.... Is always this. If land owner takes umbrage to your appearance. a) change, b) leave, c) be forced to leave Afterwards, can always make a forum post or thread about how so and so is a meanie poopy head that told you to change. Then we can ramble on about that for a few pages. Eh? is something to talk about at least. Gives the opportunity to share some funny gifs. You could try asking the land owner to leave? Let us know how that turns out.
  22. Recheck lost and found. See if you have a coalesced object (w/ the permissions of the lost item). The icon looks almost like the object cube, but a little corner is missing out of it. If a set of objects is returned at one time, it can be mushed in there, and another object has the name.
  23. And note the animation priority. Sometimes you load the AO correctly and the dance or stand looks wrong. So do this..... top menu / developer / avatar / animation info then when ya play an animation, including the default anims. you see the animation name and a hyphen and a number (the Priority). example: the default ground sit is sit_ground_constained - 3, the 3 is the priority. Then with AO off, to minimize extra number confusion. Test Dances and Stands and make sure they are at least priority 3, I use priority 4. Sometimes with lag and stuff. I get hiccups on the screen. Kinda a flip-flop between the ground sit default and a dance. Using a priority 4 helps mitigate. And.. there are a few free starter AO's on the MP that use Priority 4 stands. Not my thing for regular stands, but can open the AO like a box and grab a stand for the ground sit slot. Can do this with a Scripted AO or the Client side AO (FS and others). Even if not a fan of client side AO's. They are Pretty Useful to configure the Anims you want in an AO, then can write the card to load a scripted one.
  24. Just cam the end terminal and click once tablet is clicked. Doh! Did I just give that trick away?
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