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Randy Pole

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Everything posted by Randy Pole

  1. Everybody is having to cut back on thing thanks to rising prices. However I am sure LL are well aware of the economies as they have to pay for the hosting of those sims whether they are full of abandoned land or not. This is sadly a cycle of autumn and winter we will have to endure. Not all places will survive as people cut their losses. I do not foresee any massive cutting of costs by LL for the simple fact that they (like any other business) have their own increasing costs to cover. I'm not sure of anything that has come down in price - unless its wages in the real term.
  2. Then why not use your debit card with LL instead of having PayPal in the middle?
  3. I'm not sure if it is a US centric thing to call everyone a credit card but there are debit cards in addition to credit cards. Credit cards are basically a loan that you get billed for monthly. Debit cards are linked to your bank account and each time you use it the funds are taken directly from the account so there is no credit/loan. LL accept both sorts.
  4. /me sticks a "Currently in Second Life" title on my head
  5. Consider going premium and buying your own plot on the mainland. if that is not an option then only pay the minimum amount of weeks in rent and renew at the last moment.
  6. The price increase for premium membership is $2.49 which, considering there has been no price increase in over 10 years comes out at an increase only slightly above the rate of inflation. Yes any increase is unwelcome but in all honesty to have no increase in so long is good going. An increase in the number of groups? Not really interested as I have only 30 group memberships. An increase in offline IM's - again not really that interested as I disable many groups from notices (spam event groups mostly). The basic users will be up in arms over this of course as they are seeing their groups cut from 42 to 35 but hey - LL is here to make money and SL is not free to host. All in all this is not a major problem for those who give LL their money via island ownership or premium membership but it will be an issue that the basic members will not be happy about one bit.
  7. No - offering any form of compensation is not a good idea nor is it needed. In the benefits for Premium Membership it simply states that you can have your own private Linden Home - it makes no reference to the type of said home. As the older styles are still available whilst the new ones are sold out then no remedial action is necessary to compensate as no loss has been experienced. People may WANT a new linden home but the bottom line is they are entitled to just a linden home (meaning the older styles when no others are available). This jumping up for compensation for a perceived loss when none has happened is a sad trait in society these days.
  8. They already tried that with Horizons - it did not go so well.
  9. I get that you are disappointed for which I sympathise but then you go and lose all that sympathy by hurling out groundless and false accusations of bias on who got the homes. Don't forget - you CHOSE to stay up all night. Nobody forced you to.
  10. My hunch is nothing much will happen until the start of normal office hours for the folks in San Francisco at the earliest given that most people who want these homes will probably be in the US they would want to open up at a time they are awake. Just a guess though.
  11. If you are not experiencing any lag potentially caused by the scripts being in the items then nobody else will either as scripts are run server side not client side (everyone on the sim would be lagging). However, as other have stated it is a rule of thumb to always remove all unnecessary scripts from items (once ensuring you have a backup of course). Now if only all designer who use texture huds on no modify items would also include a feature to remove the texture script once we have set it.
  12. There was a post made on your account dashboard on Monday, April 15th, 2019, 7:28:00 PM (UTC) titled - Fresh New Linden Homes are Here with New Themes and Larger Options That linked to the page No need to monitor the forums etc. just take a look at the dashboard as you go to log on to SL and catch up on what's new - that is what it is there for after all.
  13. Well Well with such an apparent bad attitude and inability to provide constructive criticism I am not surprised you have "former" in your job titles. It matter not one jot how much money you decide to spend on L$ purchases - that does not entitle you to any different treatment. You have not lost anything - just take one of the old (and small parcel size) homes back in the meantime and wait for the release like the vast majority are.
  14. Very lucky of you I hope more become available en masse soon as I know several people wanting to get a houseboat.
  15. Good luck and hope to be able to welcome you to the new continent soon.
  16. Randy is 18 - he's been 18 for far too long. The person behind Randy may be a bit older.
  17. The bots are there to make the place appear popular and thus rise in the ranking for destinations
  18. The inability to post directly to Flickr is frustrating but thankfully not the end of the world as they have alternative upload methods - they just omit the extra bits like location details & tags which you have to manually set. I expect that once they complete the migration (which I had to undergo twice as it somehow immigrated my logon back to my yahoo one) this will all get resolved.
  19. I tested this and there does indeed appear to be a delay before the warning message is sent (in chat) to the intruder. Not sure exactly how long the delay is though. Also - I tested it on land elsewhere and it works fine so this is not just restricted to being used in your Linden Home.
  20. A good and sensible addition that some may need - for now I am happy to have my home open to all until such time as I get fed up with their muddy footprints.
  21. Ok lets start with parcel settings. Yes I know that Firestorm has a workaround to use parcel settings by having text in the description field but let's be honest - that's not really a very elegant solution. The solution provided by EEP is far more elegant. You mention a massive UI that covers the whole screen - well I guess that depends upon what resolution you run at. Also that UI is only needed for when you are setting up the environmental settings - once you have set them up then you apply them from the "My Environments" option that opens a tiny little window. You also mention marketable objects for EEP - yes you can create environmental settings and then share, sell or give them away. However that does not mean people will suddenly create environments and hold you to ransom in order that you can obtain them. Every current windlight setting can be imported so you have hundreds of them out there free to import at the moment. I seriously doubt anyone is going to make a big business out of selling EEP settings. The most important thing about EEP is I think progress. It ties together the client, parcel, sim and server without the need for workarounds and hacks in clients. All clients will see the same thing (assuming they adopt support of EEP). It is as much a step forward as windlight was when it was introduced - I'm sure you can remember there were many of them who complained and said windlight itself was not needed and caused problems. Is it perfect - of course not. Is it better - in my opinion yes.
  22. The only time I do not use regional lighting is when (to me) it looks awful or I am doing some arty photography. Every other moment I am seeing regional settings as set by the owner. Sadly many people assume that because they use a viewer which allows them to permanently override lighting settings with one they prefer that everyone must do the same. Thankfully that is not the case. I am throughly enjoying the regional lighting in the EEP enabled viewer and enjoy it as my default SL viewer - yep I am one of those weird people that does not use a third party viewer. Don't be scared of me
  23. The "Shop" looks all very slick but having to enable media player to use the HUD, lack of real information or a real demo that I can use outside of the controlled environment of the shop plus my memory of my previous TMP body and the total lack of support it has makes me wish they people are not fooled by this. I may be wrong but I suspect this is more of the same - flashy style but no real content or support in the long run.
  24. Sorry you feel that way but I found out about the new homes from the main dashboard and the post made there on April 15th. Short of sending out a mail message to everyone I'm not really sure how it could have been communicated more. How would you have liked it to have been communicated?
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