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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. I remember one club hired my man for DJ --- when he showed up they said non-mesh permitted and asked him to leave. Then added him to the ban list.
  2. I popped in world a little while ago and it seem a tad or 2 slower.
  3. The loot boxes in MMOs are rip-offs like the Gatcha's in SL. As for SL --- I don't think it's a true bank. But the fee is too high for converting your money into Lindens.
  4. One place my man used to DJ at had the landing point between the mall and the club. They were in separate buildings though. Rather have the DJ greet in local chat instead over the stream. It's annoying trying to enjoy the music when the DJ is consistently talking over the music.
  5. Some performers use their own stages that has a built in group invite script that will say "Welcome so-so to Joe Blow's show and sometimes grabs avi names of those beyond the parcel. When I had my club near the SL Railway it would announcements of people riding on the trains going by.
  6. Long ago I liked this house a friend in world had but was nervous about buying it since it was like 3k. So she rezzed it on my land to see how it looked. Found out the shape of the building went beyond the border and she derezzed it. Since she also gave me the LM to where she got it --- I managed to find a smaller house and purchased it. I used it for a few months before I decided go back into the club business and used the land for that.
  7. Before I sold it --- I had a club on a island sim (Quartz) and the owner put these butt ugly rock walls to divide the parcels. A few times I returned her rock walls when she place one between me and a neighbour who visited my club and then after the events go to her house to chill.
  8. Same on the land. Sold it to a friend and kept the $L on my avi since it wasn't that much. I do think the increased fee is one of many things that will hit us from the new Lab owners.
  9. It's LL --- New stuff will always be "soon" but new fees come faster then ants to a sugar cube!
  10. I'm so glad Uranus was able to squeeze in there. I now feel relieved!
  11. New Brighton in world also has poetry readings weekly at 5pm SL.
  12. One of my nieces is a LMFT and uses EMDR using a pulsar box to do the bilateral stimulation and the old box she was using was a simple one she just turned it on and it worked. When it went kaput she got a new one and it has a screen on it and stuff. Now it takes her 29 hours to get the right settings for her client. So technology is not always better.
  13. SL does run on computers last time I've checked. Or is it the Game Boy?
  14. Here you go! A quickie toss together for a bumper sticker!
  15. Why is that making me thing of making some hasenpfeffer? 🐰
  16. When I had my venue furies were welcomed --- but child avi's were not. I used to allow those too, but when a couple times when they got nekkid and let things show I had to swing the ban hammer.
  17. Yelp is famous for letting business pay for removing bad comments. I never believe what's on Yelp anymore.
  18. I miss it. Nothing but garbage on it now. If it was still all music --- LL could've approached them about a show for SL musicians. And publicity for the virtual world.
  19. Money for nothing and chicks for free...... (Dire Straights)
  20. Plus AWS provides the maintenance, storage and upkeep on the servers and keeps them updated with the latest back end stuff.
  21. I'm sure someone in world could replicate that welcome page image.
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