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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. I agree. I was in there earlier and it was packed with slim bodied avatars. It's probably time someone took a decent swipe at it. You know what? It's not a bad body, not by a long shot. It's not scalable like Kupra though. I don't mind the butt cuff and I'm not one of those "My butt is size 0 and its still HYUGE!" people either, so there's that. I managed to get it down to size 13 without it deforming. To me it looks like a normal sized little butt. I was pretty happy with the shape I made with it in about 5 mins. I used an ebody skin and I think it looks nice. Being this slim isn't really my thing, but being this size and shape works for me. I already like having a BoM body without alpha cuts, so that's a plus. If you have to have alpha cuts, skip it. Inithium doesn't do them. It's pretty light on complexity at under 9k. Certain angles, the wrists look weird. That's my quibble. I happened to have a single outfit for it already and I've seen a few things for it. I still think I'd wear Belleza Classic over it, but it's pretty good!
  2. Yeeeeaaahhhh, but I don't think there's going to be a lot of people going around saying "This is the best body there ever was and ever will be!" or "If you wear anything else you're a fat cow and a dum-dum doo-doo head" like they do with Maitreya
  3. Gen X got another update?
  4. We’ve definitely hit female mesh body fatigue. I might demo it and play around with it this weekend, but that’s about it. It looks nice, but if I wanted to slim down from Ebody size, I’ll just wear my Belleza Classic and call it a day.
  5. I hear people do that inworld all the time. It’s like « I have to pay tier » when you ask where they live it’s Sassy Rental Estates. Someone also mentioned a bug. That got glossed over, and nobody really confirmed the bug. I think that has something to do with it too.
  6. It’s best to just use the uuids that come with the V for the body too. What you’re seeing is a mismatch between the normal and spec maps for the V vs the rest of the body.
  7. She’s right though. If you have say a 8192 parcel and decide to downsize to a 4096, you would have to go in and manually set your tier to 4096. Unless a linden notices and lowers it for you. If you don’t, you will be changed for 8192 the next billing cycle. I still want to know: Why would you pay tier on 15k+ sqm of land then turn around and rent a 1024 parcel from someone else?
  8. Why would you be paying rent to someone when you own a parcel?
  9. It was a good time yeah. I call it the sandbox era. People did seem more open to chatting and making friends. I think part of that was the possibilities seemed endless and people just shared more in general. I think the social aspect was just better back then. People tended to hang out in a single place for much longer. Thats about it though. I also remember the lag. If you think it’s bad now, oh boy. Just waiting for a sim to rez was a 10 min ordeal. Sure you made a lot of friends, but you were more likely to get: ‘friends’ that begged for Ls, people you wondered why they were on your friends list or someone that just wanted to tp you to their club. There was a lot more trolling. Trolling now is tame. Back then, you’d be hanging out and suddenly be blasted into space or suddenly attacked by flying ding dongs (that was a popular one) or someone would just tp in just to crash the sim. Or vampire attacks, you’d be dancing and just get a random invite to be bitten lol. That cool thing someone gave you in a sandbox was just as likely to deform your avatar as be a set of glow sticks. It was weird, wonderful and annoying. Would I want to go back to those days….eh, I dunno. Go back to being ruthed or tping in and my hair is in my butt? Or buying shoes and spending a half hour tinting the feet?
  10. Wow, blast from the past. I don’t remember if they made skins specifically for it, but that definitely is from the applier era. You might be able to wear applier clothing too. There might be applier clothing specifically for it if you do a search on MP.
  11. The beauty of the pbr viewer is you can save your relevant bakes in a gltf file while you’re modeling and just have them ready for when it goes live. Then come back and upload them. The only time it really takes is the amount of time to bake your maps. That’s how streamlined it is.
  12. Lowen did have some nice skins!! I only mentioned the ones I could post a picture of! I’m definitely going back sometime next week to see what kind of makeup and addons they have.
  13. I think cocoamatrix had a free skin and there were a couple of places that had some older skins on sale for like 299. There’s definitely deals to be had this year.
  14. This part. I played around with PBR on the test grid and while there’s a difference, it’s pretty minute. I did a dinky little build to see how it works. The ALM stuff still works the same as it always did. It’s a improvement, but not an earth shattering one. Things seem to render faster and your graphics card will noticeably be doing work, that’s about it. I think it’ll be a couple years until we start seeing a lot of objects only done in full PBR glory, so it really shouldn’t stop you from buying anything. The pipeline is pretty simple, so hopefully my timeline is off. I am a little curious as to how it would affect skins, but I don’t see it altering how you see SL to cause too much concern.
  15. I got in early with my Lelutka group tag. I think this year is better than last years. I feel like last year there were a lot of picture that were over processed looking. There were a few new creators and a couple I forgot about. A couple of standouts for me were Pretty Young Thang, CocoaMatrix and Voguel.
  16. It’s hard to say what’s going on without seeing your work.
  17. The two creators did part ways. However, you can still buy from both of them as they opened their own stores: Aloe and Oracle.
  18. I noticed that too. Not sure if it’s intentional or not, but I had to go back in blender export my object as a gtif file, then upload that into second life. Then I was able to mess around with pbr. There really should be a temporary sub forum for pbr because I have many questions.
  19. I don’t know…..blocking works fine for me. As long as I can’t see what they’re saying or doing I don’t care. They can see me all they want, because my blocked auto response is hilarious. As for other people, if they’re into what the troll is doing. I probably don’t want to be around them either.
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