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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. I was thinking about this song this morning!
  2. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CATWA-Animated-Eyes-Tears/10050661
  3. I’m thinking that’s an old review and it’s been updated quite a bit since then. That review looks like it’s from 2015. The latest one I could find is on YouTube. OP if you put signature+Alice in the search bar on MP, quite a bit comes up. I didn’t see many big name stores in there. It looks like there’s enough to keep you busy though.
  4. Janet Voxel

    Blender 2.82

    Wouldn’t it just be easier to start a Blender 2.8 help thread instead of this nonsense?
  5. *ding ding 7pm* Person you know: Hey, what’s up? You: Not much, I’m at/doing *whatever*. How are you? *no response for 5 mins* *you close the box* *no response for an hour* *another hour passes you forgot about the random IM and log off* *The next day you log on saved IM from Random person Time stamp is like 3am* Person you know: Sorry! I was afk. I’m good.
  6. Janet Voxel

    Blender 2.82

    You believe that?
  7. I just got home, but that's what they're doing: wearing a prim that gives the vendor dialog.
  8. This is a scam people are running at crowded events. You happened to catch someone just as they were doing it. You did the right thing.
  9. Mudskin? Responded the same time as above. Try Bold and Beauty
  10. I'd say it depends on how malleable you are. Are you the type of person that settles with on certain look and that's "you"? If so, you'd want to go with a look and choose accordingly. Are you a sculptor? The type of person who takes the materials they have and shape it into what it wants to be? If that's you, go with the head first and see what you can make of it. I'm a sculptor, if I like a head I'll get it and play with it and tweak it, and tweak it some more, and tweak it some more until it feels right. you'd be surprised with what you can pull off with one head and how mutable they are with different skins and makeup and that's fun to me. I love the current look I have now, but I changed it about 6 times before I was completely happy with it and stopped tweaking. Meanwhile, I have three totally different heads and looks I'm in the process of just tweaking until they feel right. When I get tired of this look, I'll switch to something else that is ready. Think about the type of avatar you want and how often you like to change and play around with things.
  11. No! I'm Madelaine McMasters!!! Sets you on fire
  12. Hmmm....Janet Yeetly, Janet Jazzhands, or Janet Covfefe....some real possibilities in here. No Janet Hamberder though....maybe next time LL.
  13. We’re doing our first group video conference at work...it’s going exactly how you would expect.
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