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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. If I go off too hard, I’m usually the one that ends up getting blocked. So I usually shoot in a zinger then block them while they’re stunned.
  2. Yup. I was going to say some are actually very talented. I was close to doing a set with a guy that was truly talented. Too bad he was a d-bag. I went afk for a couple of minutes and the real him came out. It was one of those “Do you know who I am?! I don’t wait for anyone! I’m A-hole the great! I have women begging me to take their photos!” Kind of things, where I was like “Some guy on the Internet with a really big head? I know who you are now!”
  3. Well the “I’m a photographer” has been a long running thing on SL, even before there was a Flickr. Now that you can just upload snapshots straight from SL to Flickr, some took advantage of that by trying to make themselves look more legit. That still can’t hide bad photos though.
  4. I think the last line meant he didn’t like you much before, but does now. Minr?.....uh...struggling with that part. Maybe his hand slipped? I run into quite a few guys like that. I usually ignore them when I see their Flickr page is full of pictures of them banging different women or different pictures of them in the same terrible pose and nothing else.
  5. Could also have an alt as someone you know already.
  6. You know, I tried to stay out of this because of the ridiculous right wing intellectual dishonesty, but um...if you honestly think racism ended with affirmative action or there magically isn’t a disparity between blacks and whites in the US you need your head examined. Quite frankly, you’re living in a bubble. The straw manning in this thread is ridiculous and a little appalling. Please vote tomorrow Americans so this kind of rhetoric can go back under a rock where it belongs.
  7. It’s not. Most people do those types of promos on Facebook and Instagram. Flickr was kind of a catch all for pretty much anything. You’d get ads, sure. If you followed a designer. It was mostly bloggers and photographers though from SL. Already a lot of bloggers and designers are jumping ship and putting up links to Instagram. It’s going to be an interesting couple of months seeing how things shake out.
  8. In op’s defense. The message they had/have up is kind of vague. It could be read as they were going to get rid of anything that wasn’t a real life photo. I definitely could see how someone would interpret it that way. I’m just glad they consider virtual photography a part of the medium. Because it definitely can be and there are some really great, inspiring SL photographers on Flickr.
  9. A word of warning about a cheaper mesh head. You’ll be getting a very basic head, often without animations or very basic ones. They often don’t respond well to the shape sliders, so that look on the package is most likely going to be the look you’re stuck with. So a cheaper head really isn’t going to really sell you, if you’re on the fence about them.
  10. Are you serious? That sucks.....I hope LL is coming up with an Alternative.
  11. To be fair, furries get a bad rap in RL too. To also be fair, I’ve seen plenty of furry females with big boobs and butts too. I think it’s mostly club owners that do that. It might be because most furries walk around naked all the time? I’m not really sure. It could also be because back in the day a lot of trolls would wear furry avatars when they went places to troll. It could be anything really. Personal preference? The funny thing is most of the furries I know are pretty cool and knowledgeable. I find I can actually have a decent conversation with furries.
  12. It’s pretty much is a learn as you go type of thing. Unless you actually take classes for it. Just take your time and learn how to model first. I would recommend Haven Ditko’s mesh clothing videos on YouTube. She used to do classes at Builders Brewery years ago. To me she does the best step by step instructions on how to do mesh clothing in blender and you come away with basic blender knowledge. I also find when watching tutorials it’s best to slow them down to .75 or half speed. Often they do little things that they don’t say, but you can catch them at slower speeds. Also keep in mind tutorials use different versions of blender so some features are different or have different names!
  13. It’s the SL version of the friend zone.
  14. We’re still around, it’s just not the way it used to be. Even a sim like Soul Vibrations isn’t like it used to be. It recently changed and people just stopped going. So even that isn’t a go to place anymore. So if you’re looking for a spot where black people congregate, there sadly isn’t one. You can still bump into black avatars at shopping events and there are black communities, they just aren’t very persistent like they once were. There are still black DJs and parties, but that’s a thing you have to be in the loop on and go from there. As far as what happened, it’s pretty much the same thing that happened to SL in general. It’s a pretty complex answer though. It’s pretty much what some other people have said though. SL has a pretty active Facebook presence and a discord presence. The thing is when you’re using those things, you aren’t really engaged in SL. So you’ll run into people in SL that will ask you about your SL Facebook. It’s very interesting what has happened. You’re going to have to do a lot of searching and sim hopping to find what you’re looking for. Just don’t expect a large scale thing like back in the day. Most of the black people I’ve found, I’ve approached them first. And you’re right, you can tell. ?
  15. Oh! I haven’t had one of those in a looong time!
  16. I had one that cracked me up later, but at the time I was a little PO’d. *ding ding* Him: oh you have Flickr, nice! Me: I see you have one too. (It has about 6 pictures of not the greatest quality) Him: Yeah, What are you up to today? Me: Oh, I was shopping earlier. Just hanging out. Him: You should show me what you bought, maybe do some modeling for me. Me: Why would I want to do that? (short pause) Him: BECAUSE I SAID SO! Me: Not that kind of party my friend. Have a nice day. Him: Oh.... sorry. (I’ve moved away from him and closed his box) (10 mins pass) *ding ding* Him: Hey, can you follow me on Flickr?
  17. Janet Voxel


    I’m just curious. Is anyone using Houdini for mesh? If so, what are your thoughts and opinions?
  18. I’m just going to point out, this is what I’ve been saying for the past couple of months. If nobody makes a decent tutorial(s)on how to optimize and a reasonable work flow, the majority of creators are just going to use Marvelous and 3dMax for clothing and call it a day. Just because it’s easy. It’s the path of least resistance....it’s human nature. And pointing to a tutorial on how to make a low poly box isn’t going to cut it. Look at it this way. There are tutorials on how to go from Marvelous to Blender to SL and they are easy to follow and easy to find. Telling someone to learn how to mesh or making fun of them for using a particular pipeline is counter productive and it might even be a little alienating. Leading them to stick with what they know works. Something to think about.
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