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Everything posted by rasterscan

  2. Have you ever been in SL and discussed to your friend / loved one / partner an incident or event they simply do not recall ? Perhaps a garment they wore, or a certain sim you thought you had visited. Only for it to dawn on you it was all a dream in RL ? No ? S'just me then
  3. I wonder if you have firestorm and have taken advantage of its BACKUP function in prefs ? I am finding it a real handy quick fix these days is simply to to restore my backup and quit and relog when it says to. There is a caveat to all this. The backup needs to be made when your viewers running sweet as a nut.
  4. Took me back to a place I stumbled on one day. It was a memorial garden, where residents could leave tributes and epitaphs to their lost loved ones. I spent hours reading every one, and cried more than once. It was quite a place, heavy with ..... emotion, grief and love. Imagine that in our digital world. Anyway I've never re-found it since.
  5. That's what I was trying to spit out thanks bro
  6. I've managed to keep my car going for 10 years using posts from motoring forums, nuggets like how to reset the computer and stuff, so old posts are sometimes invaluable. In a second life scenario there are some womderful scripting nuggets out there still useful some 10 years later. So ...
  7. Just because some information is 5 years old or more it does not render said information irrelevant nor redundant. If said information becomes fashionable or pertinent at a later date then so be it. imhfo.
  8. First week ? I was stood in a sandbox trying to get a box off my head. Got chatting to a lovely lass who asked if we could kiss and told me lots about SL. Could'nt believe my luck. Two years later and I was informed I had been bitten by a vampire and it cost me 650$L to buy a green potion to get my soul back. I paid it.
  9. I've always wondered what the bridge is for. Thanks Selene. I will detatch it and see if it helps prevent so many crashes I suffer these days. I doubt it but anythings worth a try
  10. Nice click bait laughs ! Your'e not an LL employee perchance ?
  11. It terrifies me how many of you are willing to discard 'the other sizes' or 'the other makes' Who hasn't wanted to change size and shape from time to time, but no longer has the M L and XL sizes after a thorough spruce up of the inv ? Gutting and expensive. I work on a 'keep all sizes just in case' basis. Plus two backups of everything.
  12. Who's got the biggest inventory ? Own up. I'm at an eye watering 25,664 items Going to organise it one day.
  13. Are there any internal scripts, textures, or items inside the object ? If there are, check / set their perms too
  14. Ouch from the link - Today's peak is 18 and average is 8 people
  15. If you lose a (no copy) item upon a failed rezzing simply relog and it'll be back in inv. Secondly NEVER rez onto mesh - the results can be unpredictable. Create a good old fashioned prim and rez onto that.
  16. LMFAO ! You have me quaking in my boots with fear sir.
  17. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/INVISIBILITY-CLOAK-HUD-HEAD-SITTER-Hide-Avatar-Hide-Name-Tag/6447741 Great in lagged out malls n stuff Although it cannot hide anyone from this http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Online_Indicator
  18. Can you make her eat the bratwurst and repost pic ? TY.
  19. Start a RUTH group flash mob. Arrive en masse at events. With sculpted bratwurst. It'd be a hoot ! No ? ok . I might make my own animesh Ruth army now.
  20. Sound advice. That's where it went wrong for me. I was snapping and snarling at LL right here in the forum and all the time my request for information email was sat in my spam folder. The embarrassment was excruciating. LL were very forgiving given my attitude at the time. I did of course apoligise profusely
  21. Quick Prefs to lower lag ... Draw distance makes a handy anti lag quick fix. lowest for clubbing, I whack it to 256 when sailing. Also Avatars slider helps me. 4 max, the rest rendered in 2D if its packed oh and name tags off. Lastly, for some weird reason this PC like working in 'Atmos 6' mode and its pretty too. I just keep the slider around 'noon' Lastly I've spotted a 'low lag' button in this pic I never noticed inworld ! Wonder what it does !
  22. firestorm > developer > avatar > character tests > test female and there she is ...
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