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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. Regarding costs to have a 'cherished plate' surname ... Patch enquired inworld what, generally, people would consider paying for such a feature. I went in at 9.99 usa dollars, but others were willing to pay 99 dollars and the highest bid was 200 usa dollars. So I upped my expenditure to 19.99 usa dollars, " and not a cent more" if I may quote myself at the time. But I see from above posts I may have to to stretch to 25 - 35 usa dollars. If its 25 I will mumble and pay. If its 35 I will mumble, grumble, for a week, then pay. If its above 35 I will have to seriously rethink my options
  2. The last money tree I knew of was at The Shelter, out the back. But last visit it was gone So I've built a new magic money apple tree Anyone can play it here ! Enjoy ! - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scimitar/239/139/39
  3. Somehow I got the free 50's diner out of that vist !
  4. And then we get to fashion .. and you get this. Whatever and whoever this is supposed to attract is beyond me. No one is dressing like this. No one is buying this. No one wants to join SL so they can wear their hair backwards, dressed in a bin bag with a dish cloth. Howls ! For what it's worth.
  5. Selectable last names is a cash cow waiting to happen, I for one would be willing to part with 10 bucks usd for a 'cherished plate'. . Make it so, LL. I was at the speech yesterday and understand the code goes deeper than deep, and therefore we may need to be patient a while yet.
  6. Well, if you want 2048m of land it will cost more, yes.
  7. Gosh. Reading all eleven pages of this thread was an emotional roller coaster of a ride for me. The peak being this quip from a well know stalwart "I knew I should have never logged back in but I listened to the other half's offer of a mesh body." Raised a smile and I don't mind admitting it. So. In the cold light of day I did a little math. (99 x 100) / 365 = 27.123. What else could one buy for 27 USA cents a day ? Furthermore, I could even go non premium and play for free ! In summary, SL is still a great deal imho.
  8. I heard the boozers of Bellisseria have gone underground ...
  9. Those who wish to explore the new lands will find this Landmark List in the Bellisserian Weekly invaluable !
  10. Legacy ? LEGACY ? ... my TMP is still in beta ! Still waiting for the 5 grand tattoo layers to work properly ! They won't be getting any more of my hard earnt !
  11. If we stop considering LL to be a mighty corporation and start considering it as a SME ( Small to medium enterprise ) working their butts off to try and keep the boat afloat it becomes considerably easier to forgive them the errors of their ways ... Getting a housboat may have helped my disposition considerably as well
  12. Oh the bikes are peewee bicycles and they are super for exploring the new lands but they are gachas and prices swing wildly just sayin
  13. So. The Beautiful new lands LL made us at Bellisseria have generated considerable interest. So what started as a coffee morning became a bike ride and, inevitably, we ended up at the pub Thankyou LL :D. Thankyou moles and most of all thankyou residents
  14. Gorgeous pics. Man alive second life has never looked better than it does in Bellesseria. So much still jaw drops me in awe and we've lived there ... a month now I think ! Anyway, we were enjoying the disco at the beach on Sunday and I had a surprise visit
  15. Yer. I'll hang on for now rather than risk TOS
  16. Could I rez my virtual fishing bouy at our houseboat or does it break TOS please anyone know ?
  17. Something beautiful is going on behind Allie Cat. I'm intrigued. G'nite everyone.
  18. I was but a fleeting chance of a line of catnip, until squirrely showed up whereupon I was swiftly discarded like a torn toy mouse.
  19. how did you embed the movie joy ? So it plays in normal viewing
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