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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. Yeah. That was a weird one. 17LI indeed. I lost an hour of my life editing and re-editing wondering wth was wrong before I turned to the forum to get help. 17LI would have been the last thing I would have tried. The ad would have said nothing but 17LI before I had finished. And would still have been rejected. Laughs perhaps slightly bitterly. My friend does'nt know what a disguised loli is either btw.
  2. 2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said: Like laughing gas, or a feather tickler! 1 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:err nope Shall I fetch the mask or not then ?
  3. That might work if I've had a few drinks first.
  4. Sounds expensive this one chaps
  5. Then there was the one who one starred me because my 0$L LCD wall clock didnt work as a HUD. smh. After that one I started caring less. And furthermore I took to responding cos' you can comment on the reviews. Fight fire with fire girls its the only way. One of the best retaliators I've read is Utilizator he dont take no sh*t. And yes, I do spend far too long reading reviews and review comments. I know it's unhealthy but .... its like a sort of hobby now in its own right.
  6. My worst was a disgruntled customer who used an alt to one star all my best sellers, when I used to sell for 10L cheapy cheap. One starred with lies like 'this AO deformed my avatar' and .. 'the box was empty' . I cried in here about it and was advised to up my prices, which worked.
  7. Customer bought a skydome I kindly sold yes mod. He fiddled with the textures, wrecked them came back and one starred me for bad textures. I upped the price to 99 after that one.
  8. Wow ! High Five and Thankyou ! Fixed ! Wonders what a disguised loli might be but I aint googling it
  9. MP refuses to list my item - Successfully updated, but banned text in the description field caused an automatic unlisting of the product Heres the item decription: I just cannot fathom what is upsetting the holy ears of Linden Labs. Can you see whats offending them ? Oh and Ive tried clearing cache etc in chrome - surely its not 'He comes' ... is it ? ... Nope - changed it to 'delivered' - still unlisted
  10. I discovered, as usual long after most of you, that in Quick Prefs, clicking 'Atmos 6' right near the top of the drop down list, and sliding the sun slider where desired, makes the game look fantastic. Before that I spent years on a fixed midday sun position, which is fine, but not half as visually pleasing, know what I mean ?
  11. Interesting. Bitter experience has taught me if I delete three of 26K items, they will be the three I want or need the next day. The secret to a smiley Inv is therefore, to watch like a hawk what goes in at the time it goes in. If one can be bothered. I dont always follow my own advice.
  12. Up to my neck in Inv. Determined to organise it, one day. The obsessed will be delighted to learn slashing the contents of the notecard folder and burning hundreds of 'calling cards' can bring temporary relief. Also want to know if it's true more than 25K items ... elements ... can lag our viewers and game ?
  13. I thought they had been ? ( 5 year no login flushed out ) Anyway, I spent flippin' ages removing the visit links from my MP adverts. There's still a few to clean up, I'll keep at it. From a sellers side of the coin I wish they'd make a Global link change button.
  14. Until they finally kill the goose that laid the golden egg they wont be happy at the lab
  15. That's the least of my problems. I've been lagging and crashing like its still 2003 wth are they doing at the lab ? It's been so bad lately I looked up high fidelity Rosedales new venture on the web but I ain't about to strap a pair of binoculars to my head for nobody.
  16. May I recommend two really nice places for making new friends ? They are moderated to ensure a level of decency and are newcomer orientated. The Shelter - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isabel/86/236/79 NCI Plazaa - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kuula/50/157/28 There is also voodoo sploder and virtual fishing games free to play, win a few lindens, meet new folks.
  17. DJ the right reverend Doc Rast, retired, is coming out of mothballs just to enjoy a sing along set with my friends at Enigma2 music club today ! And you, dear reader, are invited ! If you like sing alonga sway alonga modern tunes this is the set for you ! Adelle to Zedd poppy totty hot hits ! That's DJ talk but you get my drift 12 noon to 2pm SLT. Taxi - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ram Island/218/37/24
  18. Hey all . THANKS ! My friend is Belleza Isis but I think she told me slink shoes fit her but dont quote me on that lol. Um. ... block heel pump. gotcha. Try ingenue .. gottit ... vintage grins yes I suppose they are but to me they are a great 'workers' style practical shoe, that might be worn by, say, office workers, hospital staff, teachers, librarians, policewomen, stuff like that. and thanks for the MP link. Brilliant CHEERS again !
  19. Hi. Seen shoes in SL like these anyone ? ( this is rl pic ) and what would this style called ? Cheers !
  20. display names that give themselves a title - Master, DJ or whatever Ah. Well I was fancying 'The right reverend DJ Doc Rast' but I'll hold off then.
  21. Autonug sed: scripting in SL or building in SL will both be new to me and I want to start with one at the moment... experience in writing programs in C++ and python, but always eager to learn more Scripting then - LSL scripting language is a hoot. Enjoy ! Here's my latest project just playing and learning KFM - key framed motion ... https://gyazo.com/ac025da7f0b69b89e292566f3c94196d You may notice I'm not so hot at building . Make a prim, texture a prim, script a prim. It's all good Especially scripting I would suggest generally SL'ers will be better at one or the other rather than masters of both, though I'm often wrong
  22. Premiums a bargain really. I love the premium only sandboxes, I love the 300 weekly stipend, plus the one grand bonus. I love the new 1024m land allowance at no extra cost. If you 'pay' for your game in anyway at all, especially renting plots, consider premium instead, its great value. I might add. You've gone prem and you dont like the linden housing estate house provided. Start hunting the 'for sales' on the viewer map ! Get a 1024m plot or two 512 plots for no extra tariff ! Buying land instantly will cost an extra 2500 to 20000 $L purchase fee, depending on sale price. After scouring the map, especially around the coasts, I found the perfect plot ... I used to pay 500$L a week renting to enjoy such locations. Now they're giving me 300 a week instead !
  23. Hiya ! Simple in theory ... but I'm struggling. How could I make a prim with a hole in it ? Could it be done with 2 prims then exported maybe ?
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