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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. See this seagull ? It took FORTY seconds to appear after i rezzed it from inv ! 40 Seconds ! Perhaps I should try clearing my cache ?
  2. I right click an object I am wearing and I choose 'Detatch' Why does it then take 30 seconds or more for the object to detatch ? More feebleness. Oh! Wait ! It'll be my PC or something I am doing wrong won't it !
  3. There could be a clue to the current abysmal performance issues in that statement. Are you listening LL ?
  4. Now that's a good idea. I could live with the feebleness if I was non premium, but I'm paying them to completely reboot my PC without warning while I'm in the middle of scripting at worst, or a sudden close to desktop at best. Sort ya'selves out LL this is not good enough.
  5. Laughs. The old 'It's your PC not SL' caveat simply does not wash anymore. Expecting people to cheerfully part with their hard earnt for this sort of performance certainly belongs to 2003 and not 2019. Look. The answer was simple and obvious. Keep the servers up to date and expanded. But No. Lets waste the profits on Sansar instead, everybody's itching to strap a pair of goggles to their head after all. Buck up Linden Labs or you're going to drive away even more users.
  6. Yeah remember everyone - when SL lets you down - frequently - its YOUR computer or what YOUR doing thats at fault. Its never the Linden Labs fault and don't forget it.
  7. Second Life has become feeble and unstable. People are giving up in droves. I dont blame them.
  8. Not here. 6 crashes today in 3 hours. I made the mistake of wanting a little sail on the blake sea. This games not worth playing anymore it is utterly unstable charging money for this trite feebleness is a cheek.
  9. Sick to the back teeth of TP crashes, and sudden crashes some even reboot my PC. Dunno if it's SL or the Firestrom viewer but after 16 years to make the game stable I'd call LL a FAIL. I would'nt even play it anymore except I have friends here now.
  10. Generally speaking, my neighbors infuriate me no matter where I end up living. I know I know, it must be me then. 🐼
  11. Dons my sprinting shoes - I don't want to end up 3 blocks from the water
  12. https://slhomegardenexpo.com http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Linden Homes Preview/44/200/25 Thanks so much for the links. Totally impressed.
  13. Did someone say we can go preview somewhere ? Anyone have a linkypoo ? Hug
  15. Have you ever been in SL and discussed to your friend / loved one / partner an incident or event they simply do not recall ? Perhaps a garment they wore, or a certain sim you thought you had visited. Only for it to dawn on you it was all a dream in RL ? No ? S'just me then
  16. I wonder if you have firestorm and have taken advantage of its BACKUP function in prefs ? I am finding it a real handy quick fix these days is simply to to restore my backup and quit and relog when it says to. There is a caveat to all this. The backup needs to be made when your viewers running sweet as a nut.
  17. Took me back to a place I stumbled on one day. It was a memorial garden, where residents could leave tributes and epitaphs to their lost loved ones. I spent hours reading every one, and cried more than once. It was quite a place, heavy with ..... emotion, grief and love. Imagine that in our digital world. Anyway I've never re-found it since.
  18. That's what I was trying to spit out thanks bro
  19. I've managed to keep my car going for 10 years using posts from motoring forums, nuggets like how to reset the computer and stuff, so old posts are sometimes invaluable. In a second life scenario there are some womderful scripting nuggets out there still useful some 10 years later. So ...
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