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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. MaggiJin, the advice about demos is good. But please do take some time with it. When I got my first bento mesh head I tried the demo, liked the look, and bought (2000L). Later I discovered all sorts of difficulties with the HUDs and with the eyes I wanted to wear, so in the end I got a LeLutka (5000l more). Best to collect a lot of demos of everything, go to a sandbox (or own land if possible), and spend a few hours playing options - mix and match. Try on some of your fave outfits if they have the right mesh, and take your time!
  2. Call me names if you like, I am enjoying it. You never know what you learn, nor when it will be useful.
  3. But you will still cuss a lot....
  4. I just got in too. It was OK half an hour ago, so it you are in, stay in!
  5. Can't seem to get in right now. Can get to aditi OK, so it's not the line (or the British Misgovernment interfering with communications). Any one else having this problem? EDIT: Just spotted this: Investigating - We are aware that there may be an issue with Second Life logins at this time. We are actively investigating this issue, and will provide updates via this blog. Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this.
  6. and I was just about to give the complete answer. But now I forgot the question. Doh!
  7. at least you can't be accused of being abusive to noobs on a necro-thread. This lot are all from 2012, and so ancient.
  8. OK, well 'be nice to Noobs day' didn't turn out so well yesterday. So today it will be 'Scuffy Saturday', as usual.
  9. I'm having a 'Be nice to noobs' day. I hate it, but I am gonna give it a try.
  10. OK, so what can we do to make you feel at home? For a start we don't see it as a game, we see it as a social platform where we play a role. Some of the roles we play are not cuddly, I admit, but it is almost always just an act. So, how about we start on a fresh footing? Welcome to the General Discussion Forum.
  11. EXACTLY THE SAME AS IN RL. Don't let Linden Labs fool you into being a giant! Fight heightism in all it's evil forms! I am 5' 3" (1.6M). In RL, in SL, and I will never submit to heightist prejudice!
  12. I often find myself making a small change to accommodate the better fit of a new clothes item. Over time this changes the shape quite significantly. I find it quite instructive to occasionally go back to a shape from 6 months ago, and see how I have shrunk.... or grown. Now and then I have gone the whole hog, and reloaded the regular Maitreya original - oh YUK!
  13. I was going to post Lorum Ipsum (in it's entirety), to show you what a real wall of text looks like, but then I realised I am the only one who speaks gibberish fluently.
  14. Oh, and cheer up! It's next year already.
  15. My partner and I go exploring Mainland in PODs. Find a POD station, sit on the POD and it takes you for a tour. Fantastic fun, free too. We have a POD station on our parcel now. But the best one for choice is here: YavaScript Pod Station, Sansara, Durango (158, 190, 117)
  16. Now that IS a good idea. I had to ban one avatar that complained she bumped her head going up my stairs...
  17. You have to do that anyway, because so many places have terrible physics. That's why I always set my as-worn height on Linden bottom-land, you just can't trust a mesh plane.
  18. As I guess it's obvious by now, I'm one of those who needs to know 'WHY'. And now I do. Thanks. And ya, I do have that appearance pose thing set. Edit: I thought I had, but on checking I don't - so that is still a mystery. Glad I asked.
  19. Thanks for that. Now it starts to make sense. Almost all those settings, apart from the heights, are changing the shape of something I already alpha-ed out!
  20. This post and the question it asks makes the fundamental mistake of thinking that SecondLife is ALL about commerce and clothes. While I might agree that many of us enjoy the ability to create an avatar and dress it as we would like to a very hight standard, and there may be some people for whom this is the most important aspect of the system, for me at least it is only a minor part of my 2nd life. Even if Linden Labs shut down the commerce, removed the shops, made us all look like one of their clone-avatars, I would still log on, just to meet amazing people in a place where (race/disability/sex/age....) prejudice is pretty minimal. SL, like RL, will reach it's goal about the same time as hell freezes over. It's the people that matter. (even Maddy and Snugs)
  21. 2 post troll... probably an arsetome recruiter.
  22. Since SL gave us the easy-to-change hover height adjustment, shoe designers have slowly stopped including shoebase objects in with their creations. But I like them for ease in which they can added as part of an outfit. So usually end up making my own. The way I do it is to add a new shoe, and then edit it's parameters, the important ones seem to be Heel Height and Platform Height. But I don't truly understand them. Can some kind soul point me at a proper explanation? Edit: I should add that, to avoid the effects of floors being made wrong with the physics below or above the plane, I do my shoe fitting on the sea-floor at Z=0, and on Linden ground. On top of that, when I change the setting and then close the edit, SL changes the hover height again, so the carefully set hover is now wrong. This results in a process of going round and round until I get something that works. Why is this happening and is there a workflow that prevents it?
  23. No, they are talking about me. Because I have a title. Suck it up, commoners.
  24. It's easy, first get a full perm all round photo of a naked Rihanna.... I suspect you will need to pay the lady, as her look is her Trade Mark, and I'm pretty sure the courts would support her if she wanted, say, $10M for the shots.
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