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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Sometimes Turbo is so cute, he gets a solo picture.
  2. 1. Ahah! By using a script, they just enter the URL in response to a dialog / or chat on a specific channel. The script has rights to make the change, so no group is required. So in your script example, anyone can change the stream URL, the owner just needs to touch the object first. 2. Unless you want certain users to be able to touch-to-invoke the script, then the script would need to check something like "If toucher is in Same group as Object", and Object would be deeded to the group. I sometimes forget, in that last scenario, would the DJ need to be wearing the Group Tag that the object had been deeded to?
  3. I don't think you need to "DEED" it, just "set it" to a group. The group would need Roles including a role with the "Ability" of "Parcel Settings"= "Can change Music and Media Settings", and the DJ would need to be in that Group/Role. Gee, I hope someone is able to validate my answer - but "setting" your land to a Group should be totally safe. DEEDING your land to a Group sounds potentially frought.
  4. Maybe is "Bonus Feature", for to make Horizons land owners feel extra special!
  5. Confirmed! Yesh..I hope the folks who got parcels on those roads paid less. Without "bad ideas", there would be nothing to compare "good ideas" against! There would just be "ideas"!
  6. Today's scene #3 - A "Castle". Bonus, it comes with cute Crowns! The castle walls are so "angular" and "blocky", it almost looks more like a "cave" - appropriate for a Lion King!
  7. Today's scene #2 - a "Workspace". Ugly as sin.. I'm not sure, but probably it is meant to be textured by the user, and the round "room" at the end is for "green screen" shots? Maybe the part in between (with the arrows) is for "rezzing"/"building"?
  8. Today's scene #1 - a "Tropical Island". Almost my least favorite, there's no way to hide the poseballs.
  9. At least the roads closest to my parcel don't have this!
  10. I'll have to go back and verify one day, that the "center-of-road" barriers are indeed at Region crossings! That makes sense if so. To clarify: The "traffic lights" themselves are phantom (pretty sure I checked) although they are like Prim "ramps" that go up/down/change colors.
  11. My thought was, they prevent head-on collisions but encourage driving at dangerous speeds. There are no barriers on either side of the road though, so you could still drive off the road into a business or home!
  12. This suggestion is great! Basic members would still have to pay land tier. Just no "free" LL home or other Premium perks. I predict that if LL changed the rules so Basic can own Land: there'd be an initial loss of revenue from users who went to Basic from Premium. But, it would attract more users to buy land who otherwise may have rented to avoid the Premium fees. So over time, the loss would be overtaken by new income from Basic members buying land.
  13. That car/whale/beast/person looks familiar! I guess because it kind of looks like a friendly whale/submarine. Everyone knows one of those!
  14. These are all "Paradise Blanket" rezzer Prim builds, from about 2008-2010! I rezz each one to script awhile, and am finally taking pictures. Once I finish taking pictures of them, I'll move on to another old scene rezzer. I usually leave a scene rezzed when I'm not online, at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pengallen Bridge/34/227/60 I changed the "blanket" to allow anyone to use. Just sit on it, click it, select "Use It", select a scene, then the default height "60".
  15. I left my home region to test something, and saw "Street Lights" and "Safety Barriers" on a Protected land road. (One or the other was created by Abnor Mole!) Is this common? I have not seen either "streetlights shining from below", or road "Lane" barriers before. The "safety barriers" are actual obstacles, you can only cross the road in barrier gaps unless you jump over. At first, I thought this was Resident-created stuff that they managed to get into the Protected roadway. Edited to Add: The "Safety Barriers" are because the Region crossing is in the middle of the road!
  16. Me: "Well, this is a surprise." (news that not-running scripts lose state) My Scripts: "Well, you'd KNOW if you ever took me anywhere!" * pout *
  17. Hopefully this would result in more "2X" prim land!
  18. I understand what you are saying. Sorry, it just doesn't make sense. That's ok, I don't need to understand, I'll just do a test myself so I maintain a shred of sanity. What you didn't say is if the box was attached to your avatar the entire time. I assume you didn't take it into inventory. Yes, using LSD has fixed most all my "script State" issues, I basically use the LSD to preserve my State. Thanks!
  19. I didn't see in the OP: oversupply. More supply than demand, is a basic explanation of, "Why is the Land Market Doing So Poorly?".
  20. There am no escaped. There am no gud widout ebil.
  21. This specifically (by TP) does not seem accurate. If I set a HUD script to not running, TP elsewhere, then set the script to running, it remembers it's state.
  22. That's what I do with fences and huskies. Plus, I add spikes and concrete debris to hold down the chicken wire. 😹
  23. I was being sarcastic / ironic with, "the difference is obvious".
  24. Ok! So in the vein of, "In the event of a thermonuclear explosion, get under your (school) desk", we'll be Safe at the Safe Hub. Come the apocalypse, I mean.
  25. Don't they all come back, either super old, to be prosecuted as murderers, and/or to be murderer?
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