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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I am trying to actually understand you. 🙂 Unless you're just trolling us to get a rise out of us, in which case I should just block you.
  2. Ahh, I see now. Well, if everything you do is "roleplay" - then who cares what you do? Nobody could POSSIBLY be "hurt" or "offended" by someone else's "roleplay"! Not sure why you are asking questions like the one in the OP of this thread, since it is all just "roleplay". Or, are you afraid the "roleplay" reason won't work when Linden Lab comes knocking because you broke a Term of Service? If that's the case, why are you using the "roleplay" reason with us?
  3. Just heard an episode of "This American Life" about rat lovers! @Rat Luv
  4. 1) ...wait wait wait, it was a joke?! I only saw this part in your original post. Maybe it's something unique to English? Peeve: I must have a terrible sense of humor. 2) Did you mean "jingoistic"? My browser underlines "jingotistic", but not "jingoistic". 3) Or, is "jingotistic" a portmanteau of "jingoist" and "fantastic"? I'd have guessed "jingotastic" in that case; example usage: "That was some jingotastic humor!" Peeve: I need to learn English.
  5. Here's a theory: those who used the previous Mentors program were those who really needed it. Subsequently, whether or not they stayed / were retained is less a reflection of the Mentors program, and more of those who just don't "get" Second Life.
  6. I totally agree. She should take personal responsibility and follow the spirit of the rules.
  7. But in RL, you get a free STD with your gaming experience.
  8. Gig Workers! Only paid if good reviews. Uber but Second Life!
  9. Now you've got me! I'll forever wonder if you are roleplaying, joking, or serious. Because, most obviously, your build didn't come with the flag, so all you would need to do is remove your flag prim or change the texture to match the building. Thanks for being a good sport in your reply!
  10. Thank goodness it's not like something we could be "voluntold" for! That'd be like in a RL job when you're "volunteered" by the boss to do something, which really means "being told to do it". Those poor Moles!
  11. I think the OP, by constantly bringing up their "adult business ads" in these threads, is attempting to "advertise their adult business in the Forums" without actually "advertising their adult business in the Forums". I mean, we get it. And some of us are grossed out just knowing you've got something that "omg you can't talk about or you'd get in trouble". But really? Ewwww.
  12. Yes, the standard I remember for ambiguity is the Panda, not allowed in the Western bar because he eats, shoots, and leaves. (Two extra commas, but still an example.)
  13. If you think back, I swear she posted about how she had put a big Confederate flag on her building. I was reminded by the "Southland" picture on her adboard. Does that count as doing anything else?
  14. I knew you could, but it never occurred to me that you would with your "initial" tier; but that's how people use their premium Alts. D'oy!
  15. Ironically, that is how being homosexual was viewed not long ago. It was even in the official book of "diseases" for many years, the "DSM"!
  16. Can you "donate" excess LI / Prim Allowance to a group, benefitting the group etc.?
  17. It seems the benefits of being a mentor are mostly altruistic in nature, with the added bonus of a certain caché?
  18. Realistically, how will the new Mentors program be like / unlike Oxbridge Caledonia U.? Less classes, more 1-on-1?
  19. Thank you for all these details! I think it is exciting that there are Mole Team Leaders!
  20. Perhaps we need to nominate someone as an errr, "sacrificial" Mentor, who can sign up and give us all the deets!
  21. Thank you! @Quartz Mole, Can you tell us if many Moles started out as Mentors?
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