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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I was curious about the "tags" vs. "areas" reference, so read the "sign up page" Application (sorry fellow Dark-Theme people, but I kept the formatting): 7. To be easily recognized by Residents, you need to wear your group tag. Your Mentor tag should only be worn while actively mentoring at your designated location. Also remember your appearance, profile and behavior need to reflect a General (G) maturity rating. 8. Mentors are required to use the Second Life viewer. Most Newcomers will be logging in with the Second Life Viewer. The Newcomer tutorials at the Welcome area are also provided with the official Second Life viewer in mind. We ask that our Mentors use the Official Second Life Viewer and have intimate knowledge of it so they may be more efficient and able to help them. We do not ask Newcomers to download any Third Party Viewer. So if I understand correctly, "you need to wear your group tag. Your Mentor tag should only be worn while actively mentoring at your designated location" implies that the "designated location" will be either the "Welcome Area", or some special "Mentoring Area" TBD (@Chic Aeon refers to a "newbie area"). And, it implies that "mentoring" is planned only for those "designated areas" (no tours, etc.). That's too bad, if so! On the positive side, if OFFICIAL "mentoring" is limited to some "designated area", it definitely limits the scope of mentoring "responsibilities". That sounds better than some open-ended Mentoring concept. Anyway, some good information was in the "Application" that was not elsewhere. Thanks, @Chic Aeon!
  2. I like how the suit appears to be photorealistic.
  3. I was wondering, will new human avatar users be comfortable with Furry mentors? Will Furry mentors be comfortable with Gorean users? Will Gorean users be comfortable with Dinky mentors? Will Dinky mentors be comfortable with Vampire users?
  4. To be honest, I saw the original post title and thought, "Self-Realization Fellowship, cool! Paramahansa Yogananda!" He was founder of the "Self-Realization Fellowship" ("SRF"), and author of the classic, Autobiography of a Yogi. But shortly after, saw it said "actualization"! The mind goes where it goes.
  5. Yoga mats! Similarly, I've got a nice Japanese build that came with some Tai Chi poseballs, too. I wonder if there are any ASMR hangouts? Some people get a charge out of that. Unfortunately, Second Life only tickles a few of the senses. You have to reach pretty deep to have it tune your chakras.
  6. I am reminded of "Ugly, giant bags of mostly water"! Bonus: "Life Force, do you understand us?"
  7. I totally agree, there's an example of a *NEW* Covenant that may work just fine with any *NEW* Mainland.
  8. Idea: Existing Mainland may be "a lost cause". Too many "legacy users", can't be contacted or bothered to change anything even if the rules change or if a covenant were put in place. We probably need *NEW* Mainland *WITH* a *NEW* Covenant. Similar to the Bellisaurius covenants but allowing "commerce", etc. NOT LINDEN HOMES, but "true Mainland". I did bring something up similar in a different thread. The difference is, having *NEW* Mainland makes it easier to impose a Covenant, without trying to do so "retroactively" for existing users.
  9. Thanks, Quartz! The originating context of that side discussion is: If Mentors are expected to learn and help support new users' initial experiences with the Official Viewer. If I understand correctly, that part is probably on-topic.
  10. Fun fact: Not only was King Tutankhamen born in Arizona, that's where the New London Bridge is!
  11. You are certainly more than welcome. I had to hold my breath to not respond (not to you, but to what you were quoting)! 🙂
  12. This is a very interesting observation! I can see a "Second Life" equivalent: If a "historical" structure in Second Life were not just moved, but was also converted from Prim to Mesh. Thanks for your post!
  13. I feel ya, I've only used TPV's for 2 reasons in memory (the last 10 years or so): 1) To suppress Spam in Group chats. 2) To derender other people's stuff. At least I can't recall other reasons, but 16 years is a long time.
  14. In favor of the new Apple AR/VR goggles..they have the big advantage of using no "controllers", so they basically fulfill the Science Fiction movie / show version where people use their hands to move and select things. It will be interesting to see the first version of VR goggles that use hand gestures to "build" virtual worlds, move and resize objects, etc. using your hands as controllers. I hope Apple is making a provision for those without hands or cannot use their arms and hands. Simple example, a version that Stephen Hawking could use. (If he was still alive, of course. AR/VR goggles "for the dead" is probably a ways off.) From the Wikipedia article on Hawking https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hawking: Hawking gradually lost the use of his hand, and in 2005 he began to control his communication device with movements of his cheek muscles,[288][289][290] with a rate of about one word per minute.[289] With this decline there was a risk of his developing locked-in syndrome, so Hawking collaborated with Intel Corporation researchers on systems that could translate his brain patterns or facial expressions into switch activations. After several prototypes that did not perform as planned, they settled on an adaptive word predictor made by the London-based startup SwiftKey, which used a system similar to his original technology. Hawking had an easier time adapting to the new system, which was further developed after inputting large amounts of Hawking's papers and other written materials and uses predictive software similar to other smartphone keyboards.
  15. Is there not even a Public group for help on the official viewer? That's sad! Was a "channel" like a Group?
  16. In SL no, but we always celebrate it in my RL (LGBT+) church. Ironically, most people have not heard about Juneteenth, but since I grew up in Texas we learned about it there in school in the 70's.
  17. I think with experience, some people avoid the "war of the walls" by purchasing Mainland parcels that have "protected land" sides - either water or Linden Roads on one or more sides. Nobody can block the view from those sides. Sorry if this does not seem very helpful on the surface as it does not apply to users without "protected land" sides. One other way of looking at it is, everyone "can" put a Skybox above their land in such a way as to not see any neighboring skyboxes. It is a sad fact that many (if not most) users rely on Skyboxes because of the "spoiled view" issues.
  18. This is an interesting point of view, and has given me a lot to think about. Thank you for your insight, as always!
  19. I see one way to achieve this, always use voice, with a chipmunk / alien voice changer!
  20. I AM the older folks!!! ETA: "Self-deprecating humor".
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