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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Counterpoint for any who don't know: I can see Race being included because of general discrimination both from within, and from outside the LGBT community (including from other people of Color). Basically, a lot of people of Color stay "DL" because it is not accepted in their community. (You probably knew all that. Smart lady!!)
  2. The "ABDL Pride" discussion reminds me of a classic joke. (Where I went to school, these were called "Aggie Jokes". "Aggies" were supposed to be "dumb farmers". Similar to "Polack Jokes". Our school team was the "Aggies", so we told the jokes ourselves.) The Aggie's buddy told him, "If you want to impress the girls, put a potato in your pants". So the Aggie did. Every girl that walked by, wrinkled up her nose and said "Ewwwww!", and wouldn't talk to the Aggie. The Aggie's friend said, "You're supposed to put the potato in FRONT!"
  3. Imagining ABDL in a Pride Parade: "We Pooped! Our Diapers! And We're Proud!" Makes you wonder, how can they have "Pride" if they have no "shame"? I guess that's part of the joie de vivre! Or maybe the raison d'etre!
  4. At least the "Where's my Straight Pride Parade?" doofuses haven't checked in still.
  5. Ooh! Is like "Pink Darth Vader"? Anyway, "Gay Goths". Got it! Versus. "Str8 Goths".
  6. Wait...do we have a flag for that, too? 👀 You know it would just be an all-black flag.
  7. It was an HP specialized computer, my Dad had me input programs into it when I was in maybe 4th grade at his job at McDonnell-Douglas. It had a tape drive to save programs, 1-button BASIC keywords, an LED display, and a plotter. I remember two programs that he and my older brother wrote for it: A Tic-Tac-Toe program (for the Plotter), and Multiplication "teacher". I think that I learned some of my higher multiplication tables using that program! The next computer (at the same office) that Data had me try with him as a "DataPoint". It had a CRT and keyboard! I remember trying to write a "Hangman" program. These weren't Dad's computers at the office - just computers he had access to. Way more advanced than any kids my age could have had, unless their parents were rich, or had ALTAIRs or something. Or possibly PETs. *Correction* These were both much more advanced than ALTAIRSs, not sure about PETs.
  8. Those pictures could easily be a male, who just happens to have long hair and "feminine features". Just sayin'!!
  9. Very good! Now, please read EliseAnne85's post which was nowhere near as.."supportive". That's all I meant 🙂 Thanks!
  10. LOL! I wasn't talking about "who is older", just that keyboards had changed. I barely missed the period where my high school apparently had a mechanical dumb terminal. I think my brother used that when he was in school. I don't remember it having a punch card reader when I saw it. However: When I took a college break and attended a local junior college one summer, they did have classes (I took one) in some old school mainframe stuffs but I digress: They had a punchcard class but I missed it. Yeah, I didn't do computers until 1974 I think. After punch cards in general.. DANG you're old! But still pretty!!
  11. This one is personal to me - they moved it between keyboard layouts in the 90's!! Plus, you now have to choose if you want to use the one on the Number Pad with Num Lock on, or the other one. Get off my lawn!
  12. One of my favorite Sci Fi authors had a novel in which the general population would speak like this: "Duh..Duh, Duh Duh Duh, Duh!" And that was written in the 50's.
  13. When I first read your post, I thought, "What about Dementors?" Everybody loves Dementors, they..take your breath away!
  14. * holds his breath, turns blue, and bursts * I've seen groups of Bears in parades. I've been to Bear parties. I know that Bear groups raise money for charity, etc. Seen none of that with ABDL. So, unless I'm missing something, the two groups would seem to be completely different types of LGBT groups. Whether or not ABDL is more of a "fetish". * takes a deep breath to hold it again once more *
  15. I could explain the distinction but: I don't want to be a hypocrite ❤️
  16. I guess if we're lucky, we get more posts about "Pride In Second Life'! ..The June "LGBT+ Pride" celebrations in general, not necessarily discussions about flags and "Rainbows are about God!!!!1!!!".
  17. In general, if a Mainland covenant were instituted for "any changes" - then I see a general challenge: - How to notify users that there is a change? - Many users may not log in often at all - so "changing / removing / etc." anything for them, if they only login every few months, etc. will be a big "question mark".
  18. ..I was once dumb enough to pay someone L$$$$$$ for a micro-parcel they had, that was completely surrounded by my land. So, there's that scenario: Micro-parcels surrounded by land with just 1 owner.
  19. I was thinking about "how" to do this. I think, instituting a new Mainland Covenant is one way.
  20. Blurring the lines between SL as we know it and "Instances" like in Sansar.
  21. Me: Sorry, I don't know about mesh, or bodies..I just wear one body ever. Scripting? Sure! No, I am bad at rotations, sorry.
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