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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I like the ambiguous looks.
  2. Rezzing “mesh on mesh” results in the “cannot Rez here because owner” message (it’s really that you’re aiming your Rez poorly, or it would Rez on the ground).
  3. I agree, but I don’t like to disagree with Callum ‘cause he’s so awesome.
  4. Yet the OTHER person must be open-minded.
  5. I tried that - next time, I will try those same buttons with a “working” tattoo.
  6. *wraps heart in bubble wrap*
  7. I can haz Talli Derek sammich?
  8. Sorry for the poor picture quality, that outfit is “Lord Lace”.
  9. TIL, it doesn’t take very long to go from 2000 posts to 3000.
  10. ..is that when people use the system avatar with Mesh head? I could much more easily make pictures of my new avatar that way, some favorite clothing just doesn’t exist (yet?) for mesh.
  11. I was surprised that a mesh seller openly called their L$5 group their “Spam” group. Cool, I paid L$5, where’s my Spam?
  12. Yes, but you’re totally hot.
  13. I am on tenterhooks, eager to learn about “fee debit reimbursements”! (Scr*w the bear.)
  14. I sometimes get “why are you a Neko”? - mostly from the furry community, who often seem prejudiced against those who are not “fully fur”. (It’s very hurtful, I have many ButtHurt Reports to prove it). But I digress.. Why am I a Neko Lion in particular? I gravitated to Lion avatars as my fursona back in 2007. I wasn’t sure why at the time..while I had been a “cat person” in my RL youth, and enjoyed lion stories, I had long since become a “dog person”. But around 2009 I finally realized - the reason I chose “Neko Lion” (bipedal, with both human and lion characteristics) is because the first Furry fiction I ever read was stories about “Nekobe” - who was more Lion than Human. I was pretty touched by those stories. Why are you a ______ in SL?
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