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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Zomg the forum was inaccessible for a few minutes. Panic attack!!!1!!
  2. This is genius! Littke kid: “Where do Glytches come from?” Nervous parent: “Never, ever diddle. That’s all I can say until you are older.”
  3. If I recall correctly, the music video shown on MTV was..interesting.
  4. You mean they were trolling, and not just asking an honest question? I has teh dumb!
  5. Here, they are moved to a place where they can be viewed “in context” with historical information.
  6. Now that we know..gentle suggestion that if you post your job requirements publicly, choosing wording besides “Spam” may reflect better on your business.
  7. Yep, because now they had to all be re-loaded. How’s your internet speed?
  8. There is a menu adjustment for hover height, if you want to fix it there.
  9. No ma’am. The earlier quote was an old joke, an example of a classic “Groucho Marx” style line. I was not seriously suggesting that is a good conversation opener, if you don’t already know the person and their sense of humor. What I was trying to convey is, “pickup lines” aside (I don’t generally use them and an turned off by them), I have genuine confidence in my conversational skills. Heck, real life me has turned down direct pickup lines because I was terrified by being put on the spot. Example: “You’re hot, want to play?” My response: “Err, I just got here sorry.”
  10. You have to show genuine interest about a person to get them genuinely conversing. Not everyone has those skills. I, on the other hand, have mad skills!
  11. But that’s awkward too. Conversation is an art!
  12. I wasn’t asking!! For example purposes only. But now I know.
  13. Thought of a classic: “If I told you that you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?”
  14. I can never tell which end of the line I’m on.
  15. I’ve seen posts where “texture thrashing” (dealing with all the physical files) was a performance hit, to which I always reply: install SL on SSD.
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