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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I pointed this out also. I’m not quite sure how this works, but apparently the title was “in jest” but the actual topic was “serious” and we’re supposed to not be offended because we’re men (we are socialized to not be emotional). Not sure how that works. If the text had matched the light-hearted click-bait title or vice-versa, would have been different..in good ways.
  2. They are only “shut down” if someone reports the thread. Yes, discussions are useful. Discussions about stereotypes in this forum seem to only divide, trigger sensitive individuals, and serve as an echo chamber for those with the loudest voices. Boys have feelings too.
  3. I wasn’t judging Scylla, just the topic. “Boys are silly doody-heads, because they are lonely and bad at friending.”
  4. I think the highest it got here was 96F this year. Our lows here are maybe 46F-52F. Until January, when it will be 30’s.
  5. We often joke about “research topics” because there are so many posts about that. I don’t believe this was a real post about asking for research data, but I do believe that these types of discussions are misguided. In fact, guided by opinions that are not reinforced by knowledge, compassion, good judgement, positive intentions, etc.
  6. Who is to say? Would you make a judgement based on how many agree with your statement on its “validity”? What would make a stereotype “valid”? None of that makes any sense. As I said..stereotypes..tribes..blah blah blah.
  7. I think, to get an honest / true answer, you’d have to get “actual men” to answer if they are lonely in SL, etc. Otherwise, any answers from others who “heard it from men” are hearsay. You need first-hand data. You know, for your sociology paper.
  8. Other stereotypes: women like shopping together, always go to the bathroom together, go out partying together. See? It works both ways. Why the OP had to pick a “sad”, almost “pathos-begging” stereotype of men? Think about it. Or at least try.
  9. It’s either brilliant or stupid: an SL Christmas party, with caroling on Voice, and the rule that you can’t lookup the lyrics. Made up words and non-words, humming etc. would ensue.
  10. If I, as a straight person, said that I had no gay friends because "it is natural for me to stick to my own tribe", I would most definitely be called a homophobe. Yet you seem to think it is okay to make that statement, apparently in regards to gay people having no straight friends. Don’t read into it. I was merely making an observation.
  11. I believe it’s under purchase history. Look for a Linden post about MP updates. I’m on phone so can’t search easily.
  12. The Lab added free redelivery today.
  13. Well, clouds are light and airy..but put too much stuffs in them, and they get heavy. It’s gonna rain all over SL when the clouds get too heavy!
  14. So now, are y’all going to necro all those “Didn’t get mah stuffs!!1!!” threads, and suggest they try redelivery?
  15. I assume moving to the cloud involves some humongous packaging annoyance.
  16. I know gay people who have no straight friends. It’s natural for people to stick to their own tribe.
  17. Did any post yet address the humorous title of the thread? It recalls “male-pattern”..baldness lulz and also “shocking truth” clickbait! Well done!
  18. Question: If a man had asked a similar question about women, wouldn’t there be some cries of, “sexism!”? In my not-so-humble opinion, almost all stereotypes are based in some type of reality BUT the reality of human expression and interaction is a “continuum” and so, stereotypes have very little facility - except to reflect on those who observe the stereotype.
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