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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Some scripts “store” data in the description of their prims. Just sayin’.
  2. How much detail do we need before this “scam” can go on the “debunked” list? Perhaps one of the conspiracy theorists (Pr*k, Kl*t*n*) need to contribute so the “scam” is elaborated upon.
  3. It’s ok, I’m just informing you. Anyone who uses the “view unread content” feature will see this.
  4. I am certain that your fluff is delicious, like one of these.
  5. Maybe it’s a homophone with something in another language.
  6. You must be Psychic, sometimes I barely know what I mean, even!
  7. @Callum Meriman My English not so good, who you calling “asawhole”?
  8. I hope the experts who do this, trying to help people, see this and reply. I guess there is the assumption that if someone posts in, say, Russian, then they may not understand a reply in English. So, you would prefer replies in English? I was under the impression that “any help is better than no help at all@.
  9. Being a General region, also had to make sure no k*tty p*rn was out, meow. <= joke
  10. Yes, I was beaten up yesterday for a playful thread. Now, I’m afraid to reply to my own threads!
  11. Thanks, I didn’t know Chrome had an auto-translate feature. However, I do 99.99% of my posts from my phone (everything but pictures). Maybe I should try Chrome on the phone (default is Safari).
  12. Well, Patch asked for the location when I mentioned public restrooms so, you never know. Plus, any excuse to get a mesh French Maid outfit. Couldn’t find one sized for male, so this picture and the ones posted elsewhere show the best views.
  13. Hi there, this is the Private Island Forum, but your post mentions Mainland. Mainland has no grandfathering.
  14. Suggest that Forums have an “auto-translate” feature so we don’t have to go over to Google Translate. (Reference: other popular websites such as FaceBook have this feature.)
  15. @MordsithJennTo abandon your LL home, you just right-click the land and select “Abandon Land”, I believe (it’s been awhile). There are no “setup fees” for mainland, just the cost of “buying” the land (directly from another user, or from auctions, etc.). If you are paying A Chung Estates that is “rent” and has no impact on tier.
  16. Another factor is the daunting search for “perfect” land. My Linden home is “perfectly” situated at the edge of a park. To give that up (and take advantage of 1024 and/or Alt tier/group bonus tier), I’d have to find something I really like - but at what cost?
  17. On the topic of going for it, I’ve realized there is no hurry unless I really want an alt or more land. I’ve never wanted an Alt before, and I barely use my 65536. So, the excitement of the change has dimmed substantially. If LL had a “special offer” or if this was a deal that could end / be grandfathered, then I would be motivated. As it is, “can always do this later..”
  18. Save link, indicating start of “The Great 2018 Land Price Spike”!
  19. Not really, arguments against Premium seem pretty much like trolling, and I don’t see you getting caught up in that. Plus, you’ve stated the cost/benefit of Premium quite clearly - anyone who doesn’t “get it” simply does not want to.
  20. Was in response to surprising drama in this thread, took quite a few backtracks to understand what the various arguments were.
  21. *given 0 point warning for replying to own thread as “bump”* But..But the children!!!
  22. Yeah, I already tagged @Rolig Loon, I’m not gonna help more oops
  23. Lucky staircase! I’d ask for a rematch! (Did you consider raising your hover height so you wouldn’t be buried in the staircase?)
  24. The answers will evolve as we all get more experience!
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