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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Good catch..I was previously editing the script in a prim, but got lazy and have been doing some extensive revisions "in inventory" instead. I will try putting the same script version in a prim and see if the errors go away. If you are right, I will get errors only when compiling "in inventory" but not in a prim! I did notice there is no "Mono" option when in inventory (but wasn't sure if maybe they just took the option away). If you are correct, I will be able to get the error to go away after I select "Mono" in the prim and then hopefully I will be able to go back to editing "in inventory". Note that I have been renaming the script as I update versions..so either I never selected "Mono" (and went over the limit) or maybe somehow renaming starts over. Will post tonight after I try it. Thanks!
  2. Ok folks..I've been programming in LSL for years now and don't remember this happening before. If my code gets a bit too complex for the LSL compiler, I get this message: (All with Line 0, Column 0) Function Args: ssiiii Local List: (null) Function Args: (null) I previously manage to get the error to go away by "refactoring" my code (reducing if/else branches and string sizes mostly). However, it has come back with a vengeance. I checked Google, no luck. Any suggestions? This is getting a bit frustrating, and I've been pretty patient with it! Thank you!
  3. I found this, but not sure if I will be able to find a "font size" attribute when I examine "settings.xml".. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Skinning_How_To/Add_custom_fonts_to_the_viewer
  4. Hey all, I do a lot of scripting and prefer to use the official viewer. Is there any way to enlarge/embiggen the font in the LSL scripting editor? The old eyes aren't what they used to be!
  5. I'm a scripter for years now and finally scripting for particles. I noticed some "textures for Particles" in the MP specifically say they are "tintable". I didn't see how this is possible until I realized that there are parameters in the llParticleSystem() function for tinting..this is what was meant, right? I don't see any other way to "tint" a texture except as part of the llParticleSystem() call. *EDIT* I failed to mention that the seller said "These are PNG images with transparent backgrounds". Seller is Vivified, store is Vivified Designs.
  6. Due to your post Subject, I now have Jimi Hendrix stuck in my head. Thanks for making the forum a fun place!
  7. Thanks Theresa, this was bugging me too and I didn't know about the debug setting.
  8. I see it finally, will try tonight. Thanks, all!
  9. Reading the news from yesterday, I didn't find anywhere in the article (or the original post) where the new "hover height" controls are. Can someone tell me?
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