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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. No, I’ve been reading people’s posts about the different bodies / heads and seeing their pictures, of course.
  2. Last time I looked, couldn’t find original files. They did not set a fee, but I paid L$10k. Worth it, RL tattoo was about US$2500. I’ll hunt them down and ask when I get a chance.
  3. The ability to wear a legacy tattoo layer is actually quite important to me, unless I can find my tattoo creator and get them to make a mesh layer. They created it to exactly match my RL tattoo.
  4. I think zombies are in general like dead people, and stupid people. “When you’re dead, you don’t know it. Other people are impacted. It is the same for stupid people.”
  5. I find browsing the Forum at work helps me survive.
  6. In my childhood nightmares, I would often see a man with NO FACE!!!!
  7. A bad day for someone else, if you are classic Undead!
  8. How does one deal with this? I’ve noticed a lot of posts about it, and I’ll probably have that issue with my first mesh human body. *edit* Oh, I see “you need to have matching skin in the same tone by the same designer”.
  9. Was this answer referring to #4, system clothing “layers”? Are you suggesting I put off getting an avatar, or just put off replacing my entire wardrobe?
  10. I didn’t interpret it that way, but makes sense!
  11. “Open your mouth and close your eyes, and you will get a nice surprise!”
  12. TFW you make the bed with brand new linens and blanket, and pray your husky doesnt destroy them. ..oh wait, this is TIL not TFW..
  13. Nothing like the smell of a batch of freshly baked mesh, hot out of the oven!
  14. Good for Barry White / Isaac Hayes sessions.
  15. I noticed the flag to prevent / ignore touches while opening or closing.
  16. Here in the US, licorice “drops” are hard candy.
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