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InnerCity Elf

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Everything posted by InnerCity Elf

  1. Oooh, but why would only European landlords pay VAT? Wouldn't everyone who runs that as a business IRL have to pay that, including Americans? I mean, I know there are different % of VAT throughout the American states but in Europe too. Okay, forget that, I just looked at a US map with the sales tax shown for each state, that's definitely a disadvantage for Europeans then.
  2. Thanks for the detailed answer! I see, I wasn't aware of some of those points, and you're right, that wouldn't be much fun, especially since I'd hope to pay monthly for a better rate. Why would a european landlord have to pay 20% higher fee, or do you mean currency conversion? I'm european myself, if I could pay a european landlord in euros instead of L$, that would be better then for both of us probably. I've seen two or three landlords that offer PayPal payment, so that should work, there was no price listed for full homesteads on their websites though. On the other hand, I guess the landlords who have grandfathered homesteads are mostly American. I don't think I'd need help from a landlord other than them to give me the necessary role/permissions to manage the homestead, I know what I want to do and I know how to do it. I'd like to not overpay for no good reason. I had hoped it might be cheaper if you rent long term and pay monthly, I'm just seeing weekly prices everywhere, which surprised me, seeing that probably people who rent a whole sim will want to use it long-term, hmm, I guess that's because people don't want to pay monthly then for fear of "ending up homeless" while having paid already. So I might need to do a bit more research but thanks again, at least now I know there actually could be reasons for higher prices and non-reasons too like the extra fast server talk.
  3. What is a reasonable price to rent a homestead? I've seen anything between 5400 and I think 7300 L$/week, that's a big difference per month over a year or more, so I think there might be a reason. Some people say their homestead is on extra fast servers or such but I'm not sure if that really means anything? And else, I can't really see differences, I know you can get full sims with either 20 000 or 30 000 prims but the prim amount you get for a homestead seems always 5 000, and the size is always the same too, and you get estate manager rights from everyone too when you rent the full homestead. Does it make sense to pay a minimum or medium price or even a high price because there are peaks I'm not aware of, or is it best to find the cheapest deal?
  4. Padfoot Prongs Moony Wormtail is missing on that list obviousy but it's 3 entries only, or? Also, probably nobody would pick that ... on second though, this is SL, so ...
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