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MajikVixen Lorefield

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Everything posted by MajikVixen Lorefield

  1. Where did you find this? Oh, nevermind, I see when I keep reading, thank you: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Residents'_privacy_rights
  2. Yes, and then when you TP, the alpha glitch is back! I went out of my way to buy Doux hair, which I truly and thoroughly love. It does come with a HUD where you can turn on/off materials and that helps too... But like I said, you have to keep pushing that HUD materials button every time you walk, turn, TP, you name it. Alpha glitching is a "normal" SL thing. Gryphon of Maitreya said it best about stacking a bunch of things with alphas, SL doesn't know how to process which layer goes on top, thus the glitch. And I even give picture examples with my flexi hair (and who knew, mesh hair has alphas too) and an alpha skybox.
  3. Hi! ...Alright, I'm not trying to be nasty in any way, honest. I am kinda frustrated, tho, and I truly and genuinely would like to understand what is with some fashion creators that choose to purposefully NOT provide demos? If I cannot find it inworld, I will try to find it on MP. If I can't find it anywhere, I'll ask politely (sometimes via NC), explaining that it is NOTHING personal, but I have several special things going on with my avi that I want to make sure their wonderful creation will flatter (and of course, mutually/respectfully vice-versa). Maybe not that detailed, but enough to schmooze and presume that if they are smart enough to design mesh, they also possess some customer foresight. ...I have LONG mesh hair which will alpha glitch with a few mesh dresses or pants or whatever and have me end up giving everyone a free show. Yeah, I guess I can alpha out the Maitreya where my butt is to prevent this, but isn't the point of this short dress, where I would've really liked to have tried a demo on with first, to see if that can actually be done in a flattering way?? ...And yeah, if I can cam around and this dress doesn't cover some very important parts of my breasts, I want to know just how much failing alpha-ing or tattoo underwearing I might be doing once I have unsatisfactorily prevented having dropped L$ on this regret, all because they would NOT let me try a demo! And I get it, if they simply do not have a demo because the outfit is new or whatever and they just wanted to get the sale out ASAP, okay, fine. Thank you, anyway. I still think you're a hero. But when I ask very nicely and politely if I may try a demo... Why do some creators think that their creations will be absolutely flawless with every avatar creation, as they tell me, "We do not do demos." ...Excuse me?? ...Perhaps they don't care to sell their creations to those who nit-pick at how something would look on their avatar?? *confused* ...Are they suggesting that I don't be myself and change my avatar to suit their clothing?? *a bit angry* ...Are they honestly that afraid and paranoid of giving out a demo to a possible copy-botter? *rolls eyes* ...See, I would NEVER buy something in RL without trying it on first, or without having a good understanding of the return policy (and to my knowledge, there is no return policy in SL, you are on your own). It is not just disappointing to be told "I'm sorry, I can't have a demo for you in enough time," but really, to more so say, that they flat out, "do not ever do demos." ...I'm sorry, are you a SL God? -I beg your pardon?? Even the all star creators do demos, hun. *hint hint* ...You mean you do not actually want this money I'd gladly give you if I could just try on a stupid demo?? I'd even actually pay you a L$ or two for a #%^ demo! Come on. I've actually started to avoid whole shopping districts that statistically rent to creators who do this. But the problem is that more and more creators are doing this because they think this is okay? ...Is it? What am I missing here??
  4. Hiya! I saw something interesting on someone's profile the other day, and I wanted to know how debatable or true it is... Basically, they were a DJ or something, and they said that it's against TOS to record voice in SL, therefore, anything you may want to report in SL from a voice conversation or whatever, is hearsay and not permissible in court or to LL or the like. I can't find anything that may relate it to a DMCA or anything to make sense of what that brief profile glimpse I got actually said... https://www.lindenlab.com/tos & https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/community-standards ...Can the smart people here chime in and shed some light on this for me, pretty please? Thanks! 😁
  5. https://gyazo.com/6e905fbf2ea4c6f31b29ebf1bad19202 Look at my build window. It says 5. Look at area search. It also confirms 5, but if you wanna get all stickler semantic-y about it, it says 4. Apparently there is a discrepancy with mesh objects and the like ... Firestorm group chat has confirmed that we all go by LI now because of what mesh tends to do (be off in count, either up or down, depending --which is why I assume they put LI in the build window and not prims). Now... If I sell something I make, and I advertise how many prims it is, am I going to use what shows up in my build window, or what shows up under "prims" in my area search window? (You can arguably also use Build>Pathfinding>Region Objects, but that also just gives LI, so pretend we're lazy and we'll just use area search.) If I am building something and I need to keep my limit under 50 prims, am I going to use my build window to add up and determine how many prims I have with unlinked objects, or am I going to build with the area search window open? Will I have to ask each contest I participate in how they count prims so that I play by the rules? If I am going to hold a build contest, and each entry is allowed 50 prims, how do I know that they adhered to the prim rule? --Would I individually click on their items and get the build window information + temporarily derender things I have already counted ...or am I going to use area search? And if I use area search, will I go by LI or by prims (as sometimes things do not show a LI, it simply gives "...")? ...How do I be fair? Should I tell participants that we're playing a semantics game with everything under the specific word "prim" or do I count these things the way "everyone" does via LI? ...What do you all think? Please and thank you.
  6. Hello... The weather outside is weird, supposed to be hot, but the wind blows and makes it cold... so it would be nice to wear one of these with my dresses, tanks, and such. Does anyone know, or has anyone seen, in all of SL, a bell sleeved cardigan? One can prolly be made with BoM + flexi, but I'd really appreciate something more in the kind of upgraded/mesh genre. Multi-colored would be great, but if not, black is a must! I suppose it would look something like this (kinda simple, really... But fancy is okay too):
  7. Oh, holy cow! I'm blind! The answer was right in front of my face the entire time, good grief! Thank you for showing me this, Jewell! *slaps forehead*
  8. Oh, thank you so very much! I never knew that link existed and Google wouldn't tell me either. Have an awesome Memorial Day, Cindy!
  9. ...because of Memorial Day, or is my browser betraying me? Thanks!
  10. ...Because it looks like it might work with what I wanted:
  11. Apparently it's not on MP anymore, but you might find something you like at AVid: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gothic Clothing/42/178/57 Also, have you tried searching MP for "Harry Potter" stuff? This is what that jacket/scarf ensemble strike me as being.
  12. Thank you so much for all your hard work, Josephine! I really do appreciate it. Unfortunately, I failed to mention that because I have naturally curly hair in RL that I vehemently straighten, I just don't want to do anything that's remotely curly or wavy in SL. ...And you're right, the Neria is the closest, as far as making these whispy/feathered/face-framing "bangs" work; it's just a little too big/wavy/curly pointing outward and not inward, tho, to be the exact nit-picky answer I'm looking for. 😂 I think I have the long part of my upgraded hairstyle handled, I'm just trying to get the shorter face-frame whisps. Goodness, thank you again, and sorry to put you to all that trouble for a probably very unsatisfactory reply from me!
  13. ...Okay, I have 3 pictures... The first is what I'm currently doing. That's 2 hair pieces, the long one is flexi, and the short one that frames my face is a mix of some flexi and sculpt. I like it, but everybody complains about complexity, so I'm thinking if I can "upgrade" the feathered face frame to mesh or something, that'd satisfy it. The second is the VERY OLD AND EMBARRASSING prim hair that I still have from many eons ago... Nonetheless, if this style could be made into some form of mesh, this is truly what I need. Lots of feathery whisps going on there, and they fall into the long part of the hair. And the 3rd picture is basically the same as the first, just, the longer hair is already mesh... And I'm trying to figure out how to "upgrade" my feathered face frame. 😯😛
  14. Awesome, thank you so much for trying to help! ...Not a huge fan of the bangs that cover the forehead. Somewhere between that and this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rosy-mood-MESH-hair-Glimpse-short-Red-set/12825256 (even tho I still seem to run into the same issue). Will definitely keep it in mind, tho, and again, thank you so much! "...Hair farm..." 👍 😄
  15. Hello! Huge fan of the Jennifer Aniston "Rachel" haircut where it frames the face and is feathered... Is there something like this in mesh now (or is there such a thing as flexi-mesh - what is the most up to date thing now)? I have super long hair, but if need be, I can just wear 2 hairs to get the top/front part I need, it's just, SUPER IMPORTANT to have this SPECIFIC kind of hair -style, tho (see what I mean by face-frame and feathered?): ...Thanks in advance!
  16. *nods* True... But typing is how I talk in SL. One could arguably record someone else's voice from SL, without the speaker's knowledge, too. I did not think of it that way. One might be used to this. SL is vastly different. Kinda wish there was a fail-safe idiot-proof mode when it comes to important things. "Being an adult is great because you can eat M&Ms for breakfast! ...No, wait, it's not worth the BS I have to trade for it... Can I just go back to eating vegetables and cleaning my room? --I'll be good, I promise!" 😛 Yes, I know. Apparently, my joke was not very funny. *shrugs & goes back to watching SVU* That video's hilarious!!! And no, I wasn't scoffing at having a lawyer look at something... Just, every time we turn around, something costs money. Being human or flawed, costs money! ...I'm surprised nobody thought to nickel and dime us for the air we breathe!
  17. That may be true for a bit, but the only constant is change. Humans are not prone to stay stagnant, it goes against nature. Balance, sure, but evolution has ingrained in us the very potent ability to adapt and survive *also may point to the laws of physics here* ...There is statistically a possibility for some very negative outcomes and, lordy, I don't want to even think about those, but hopefully, it doesn't have to come to that and there will be no example to draw from on that note. This is very informative, thank you! That's also very informative, thank you! It kinda also backs up what Lindal said them being about 5 ppl. And yeah, I did know they have meetings: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:User_Groups, I just wasn't aware earlier that Governance was the department that handled ARs. One reads the ToS and Community Standards. If you can't understand those then you hire an attorney to do the interpretation. Otherwise you decide who to trust. ...Well, I know that now, from having done this forum post. But I did not before (also feel I should mention that the forums have been the only help I've gotten on this so far). I've read the ToS quite a few times, and the loop-hole still caught me by surprise. It's not exactly clear (I did mention earlier that there can be children, foreigners, ppl with [cognitive] disabilities/disadvantages, etc., stumbling into and becoming accustomed to what they believe is a wondrously pleasant SL (as they may be escaping RL), and they may not be aware they need to either: A) hire a lawyer, or B) know boundaries on who exactly they can trust)... It's not exactly like RL, where yes, stores/public places of business will likely have video cameras... But you really don't think some friend you invite into your home will be recording everything you say so they can later use it against you, because you're busy doing the very intimate thing of hanging out and watching TV - in SL, everything you type can be recorded, sure ... But I felt safe, knowing that chat logs cannot be shared -just- I didn't realize they can be shared outside of SL (per the asinine loop-hole) (LL really ought to take a copyright of everything said/done in SL to prevent this, but, OMG, that's another can of worms). In RL, I might know where someone I invited into my home lives or works... I can politely confront them, or see the expression on their face or their body language to judge whether or not (or how far) to trust them. It's not the same in SL. Not everyone emotes. Not everyone voices. Not everyone has Bento. Everyone can make an alt. Cultures from all over the world. Barriers. Etc. Etc. ...So, if this is the case, then perhaps the "obvious" needs to be pointed out in the ToS, i.e., "Please consult your attorney, if you cannot clearly interpret our ToS..." And I guess, never mind the fitting Miranda Rights part to this chat-log loop-hole where, "you have the right to remain silent..." "...anything you say and do can and will be used against you in a court of law..." "...you have the right to an attorney..." "...if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you, at no cost..." 😆
  18. Although I can very much agree with your thoughts here... I'm going to try and focus on what Lindal said about it needing to be this way so that if LL needs to help you legally, it doesn't backfire. That's about the best I can do with that. [Second] Life does go on. So I'm just going to continue being productive and trying to do the right thing in all situations, and hope that nothing really horrible has to become an ugly legal matter.
  19. *nod nods* I do not think LL or Lindens are villains, and I do understand what you are saying, and furthermore appreciate it very much. I did not realize how small the Governance Team was (I thought maybe it was more like 20 ppl in a building of maybe 50 - Lindens and maybe lawyers or a legal team) , but I figured that was what happened with a lot of ARs (to which your examples are prolly a lot of what those ARs unfortunately end up being). Let's just hope that they all get the coffee they need! :) ♥
  20. Calling phone support was the second thing I did before coming to the forums. They also said the same thing, that they are not allowed to interpret ToS, for legal reasons.
  21. BTW, I opened a ticket for clarification, and this was the end result... ...I find it odd that the people in charge, who wrote the TOS, cannot interpret them outright. Therefore, I can only assume, by reading between the lines, that in order to get anything done, it must be passed off to the abuse team (who may also be Lindens, but who most importantly get to stay nameless/faceless + behind the scenes, for obvious legal reasons). So I believe Velk is right! I've not had much luck with reporting abuse in the past. I kind of feel it goes off into the oblivion wayside when you report something. But I guess it's better than doing nothing, in case a subpoena should come into effect, to chase down some type of trail.
  22. That's very interesting! It would be blatantly evident, if in one's SL IM, they gave their e-mail address (specifically for sharing chat logs), and then utilized that e-mail address to further break privacy/property laws (and probably SL TOS, as this is now the loop-hole for the loop-hole). Especially if that e-mail was linked to a SL account. Yeah, I guess one could try to be crafty (alts, different e-mails, VPN, etc.) ...But everything ultimately leaves a footprint once it's out on the web - ask any professional website builder (or IT person, detective, or even a person thinking about running for office). And yeah, I can see why a business wouldn't want to be involved in these types of legal issues, as this kind of publicity usually never ends well. ...Plus who wants to help put definition/restraint on the likes of "SL" when it's more marketable as being open to interpretation or experience? (Who is your avatar? Who are you? Are you real? Are you a troll? Are you anonymous? Is this fantasy? Is this reality? Is it a fantasy that extends into reality or vice-versa? ...Should we even define a creative media like SL? Where is the boundary? Where do you draw the line? ...And if it's primarily up to the consumer, then IMO, it needs to be more blatant and not so blurred.) I get it. And in a perfect world, where leaders lead by example, it would certainly be nice if someone would step in and ironically prevent potential situations that advocate any type of sociopath/predator activities or [cyber-]bullying other than "you have a choice to TP away or use the 'mute'/'block' buttons." ...But then again, how would that negatively impact the [predominantly narcissistic] SL economy? ...And while we're at it, you know what would also be really ironic here? Having to share "unsharable" chat logs outside of SL to an attorney. ...I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point! Also, lawbreakers are banking on "the fact" that anything to do with the court system takes a LONG time and can be VERY pricey, so the plaintiff may be off-put or deterred. ...To which, I say, "If you have lost everything, then you have nothing to lose by fighting for the restoration of your dignity." Ultimately, there's lots of variables and speculations. Let's just say it boils down to whether or not the ends justify the means, and whether or not these risks are worth it. My personal legacy is that you always hit harder when you find a way to do it, playing by the rules. If you hit below the belt, you are weak, amongst other not-so-great adjectives, that will inevitably surface to define your character's legacy and deductively conclude it. <---Proverbs & idioms: "lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas" + "you reap what you sow."
  23. Alright. As a writer, am I entitled to any intellectual property rights with my own words? I mean, visual arts get a DMCA. Writers usually deal with plagiarism, but this scenario just blows me away ... as it was never spelled out for me (or anyone who might be of any kind of cognitive/experience deficit, language barrier, etc.). ...And I believe I am now having a SL existential crisis... I trusted and believed in dumb things like integrity. Residents even prefer to reference SL as a "virtual reality platform," and not a "game" because you can be and do anything you want in here, that you may not be able to accomplish in RL. And now that it's been 11 years, this brings to light my personal conundrum that, well, now I'm convinced that the Earth was never round (as hundreds of years of science would prove), but it's actually been indeed flat (as proven by an ongoing degradation of humanity) all along! It's very disappointing, yeah. I came here for escape from the "horrors" I experienced from humanity in RL. Can you imagine if someone who was bedridden came to live in SL, and found nothing but reasons to not trust or even participate in humanity anymore? I don't think this is what LL had in mind when creating SL. But I guess it's just the nature of humanity to put everything to the test until it's inevitably broken ...and then Honda buys Sansar. Anyway. Thank you SL forum, for finally enlightening me (with your wonderful humor, kindness, and truthful/straightforward thoughts). They are much appreciated. Wish ANY of the newcomer friendly places had taken the initiative, long ago. And in a way, I guess I can't be mad at the mental health support group/place, because they brought this to my attention (in the way that one might be shocked to discover death at a young age via a pet or something). ...But I certainly wish that I had some sort of recourse or option, other than to be even more careful of whom I trust in here, and to watch every single word I utter until I'm completely & catatonic-ally driven to go outside instead.
  24. Aha. I see, I think. My issue is with a place that represents itself as peer support for mental health issues in SL. This whole chat-log loop-hole was their idea, making what they stand for somewhat hypocritical (as they reiterate at the start of every meeting that everyone should feel safe to share in nearby chat, because "what is said here, stays here"). This was discovered on accident, as after years of attending, someone whom I had a past problem with suddenly showed up, and I stupidly sought out the leaders' additional advice... and they asked for "proof." ...So then, are they unethical since they're only "peer support" and not "professional support" (as that must be their loop-hole to play on the aforementioned TOS loop-hole)? And how far can I take this? Is this reportable to LL as some type of abuse? -As I kinda feel like all the ppl seeking some mental health support in SL have a right to know and therefore make educated decisions for themselves as to what may not "stay there" when they share.
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