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MajikVixen Lorefield

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Everything posted by MajikVixen Lorefield

  1. I was talking about SL with a friend of mine who is dedicated to BIG games like WoW and a bunch of others I can't remember, back when I was complaining about how we moved to The Cloud. If you compare the LL company building to the WoW company building, it is small. It's in Silicon Valley, but they pay big bucks to be there. The staff is also very small. WoW has buildings and a HUGE staff. The very nature of SL = users to be creative and to make things. But because everyone's technology is different, the creation is VAST, not uniform. So this puts a HUGE strain on SL servers. Likely why moving to The Cloud was done, not because it's cheaper, but to preserve whatever longevity SL has left. The conclusion of our conversation about SL was a bit dim, it is a sinking ship no matter how you slice it. I guess we just enjoy whatever lasts of it until it dwarf stars.
  2. Hey Google, which states do not have sales tax? "Most states have sales tax to help generate revenue for its operations - but five states currently have no sales tax: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon."
  3. ...Then why is Tilia in charge and not Paypal? The CA Dept. of Tax & Fee Administration has actually encouraged me to report this. If one side is going to cross all their t's and dot all their i's, then why not assert the other side on same level? And yes, It is complicated as all hell. I think businesses do that sometimes to discourage push-back, because it's an infuriating (and crappy) tactic. There was a reason why I do not invest in any other platforms anymore. Besides, SL doesn't like to be referred to as a "game," but rather a "virtual reality platform," thus, why "lower" themselves to the same level as others? Additionally, in the other online places I used to partake in, the tax is included in their fees. Why didn't SL do that from the get-go? Why the dramatic change all of the sudden? ...Will we go back to paying for teleports eventually, too? Perhaps this is the reason why they will not allow someone without a SL account to gift L$.
  4. @Persephone Emerald Thankies very much for the explanation! I can certainly appreciate all that. ...I'm a succubus, tho, and kinda loyal/stubborn
  5. Hiya! ...I debated on whether to put this in the Avatar or Merchant part of the Forums, but I ended up figuring Wanted was the safest spot. Feel free to move it, if need be. I just wanted to comment on my experience with the weekly sales and different heads, really. It's very simple. I got the CatWa Queen HDPro as part of the freebie promotion when it came out (I'm guessing around March of 2021). I absolutely love it! And I also love all the weekly sales (addicted is more like it, actually)! ...But I have noticed that there are a crap-ton more makeup options for Lelutka Evo X than CatWa HDPro (or even BoM) featured in the weekly sales. I have asked a huge group (that always chats about their appearance, inventory, etc.) as to why that is, and their response was mostly because Lelutka Evo X is the new trend. It got me thinking. I don't remember as many sales or promotions for makeup on CatWa's HDPro when it came out, as I have and now see for Lelutka's Evo X. I feel like I missed it, missed out, or something! Like, what happened?? And it looks like Lelutka Evo X came out around the same time as the CatWa HDPro, according to what I could find on Google. ...So did Creators just assume that everything BoM/system layers were "old news" and that's why they're more focused on Lelutka's Evo X? Because I see something pretty and I still have L$ to drop ...but it's only made for Lelutka Evo X! Doesn't actually make me wanna go buy that head, actually causes me the opposite reaction. ...Why it's a bit annoying, is because Lelutka Evo X can do BoM, but their BoM is applied differently, so their BoM is NOT universal with all BoM compatible heads (their BoM, if it shows up at all, ends up under my chin). Well, I have also been told this is to deter ripping (copybotting texture stealers), which, like, what is to stop one copybotter that owns a Lelutka from ripping off someone else's Lelutka? And again... I mean, I see something pretty and I'm just gonna end up keeping my L$, sadly! So... if you're an awesome Creator who sells pretty things and participates in the weekly sales... Yeah, yeah, Lelutka, yay, and all that... But... Can you please make it for other universal BoM heads too? I mean, is it really that much of a pain to create for both kinds of heads? My goodness! Thanks so very much!!! ♥
  6. ...So we're all changing our credit card billing addresses to mailboxes we now have in the tax exempt states that we're moving to, right? I am just confused on specifics, and waiting for either Tilia or LL to respond further (it might be a game of passing the buck at the moment)... You guys are saying that it not only depends on state, but county, city and all that? I actually called the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (as that's the state I'm concerned about), and both advisors, especially the one at headquarters in Sacramento said there are no taxes on electronic transactions for non-tangible items. She said they referred to it as "TPP." She referred me to "prewritten software" section "(D)" for Regulation 1502: https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/lawguides/vol1/sutr/1502.html ...But then, this page https://www.salestaxhandbook.com/california/sales-tax-taxability, that Drake1 Nightfire posted, says that "Canned Software - Delivered on Tangible Media" and "Customization of Canned Software" are taxable in CA. I guess that means that if you actually use the official Second Life Viewer, you are subject to a taxable loop-hole??? Pfft. I loathe the SL viewer and have only used it when Premium Chat blamed our lack of group communication functionality moving to the cloud on not using their official viewer. 0.o Other than that, it was to reinstate cache/inventory issues with the previous potato laptop. Sincerely. ...But I guess as 3rd party developers work with LL to make viewers, we'd still be subject to a tax for that, if that's all true. *shrug* And BTW, I don't know about you all, but I would like to just comment that if SL is a place where you can be anything you want and do anything you want (as it allows for anonymity), running into this type of petty tax money stuff being passed onto the consumer certainly tarnishes my escape from reality after 13 years of mostly favorable awesomeness. I might even go so far as to say it's geographical discrimination, LOL! Lastly, I also think that if you are utilizing SL as a way to experience life outside of your real life situation, where you're otherwise something like a veteran, senior, or disabled... you should be federally tax exempt. A lot of businesses offer discounts for such, so if this is going in that direction, LL ought to consider that, as I believe one of the reasons why virtual reality was created, was to improve the lives of such. I mean, it's true, the entertainment value brings in the revenue, but honestly, if you're bedridden, SL is an improvement on that type of living situation.
  7. Hi. I'm not an official or an expert, but, well, wow... Nobody has attempted to answer your question since your post on Friday about it! So, as I have Maitreya too, I will attempt taking a generalized stab at this... First, make sure you have the updated version of the Maitreya body. I believe we are on V5.3 now, although, as I didn't like the feet resize option, me, myself, I'm still at V5.1. I believe either of those versions are pretty up to date, depending on your preferences. Next, I would say that you should totally join the Maitreya Lara Friends group... There are a lot of wonderful people there who can assist you at any time. I believe I have even talked with the Creator on there before too. If you copy/paste this into nearby chat, you should get their direct link to join: secondlife:///app/group/7fe09f12-111a-9e64-d60e-5faef1dd4b69/about Also, I'd like to tell you that they have lots of things to reference, like manuals or tutorials on their website: https://sl-maitreya.blogspot.com/p/lara-mesh-body-v5.html which you may find very helpful. And if I had to personally guess, it might be that when you try apply the different shapes, there could be little to no difference in the face shape... And as Maitreya is a body and not a head, you may not be looking at the right place on your body for a shape change? As a last resort, this could possibly get into an internet connection and cache issue (I have had LOTS of those, but never with my shape). But definitely, I would try looking at their website or asking in their group to have someone walk through it with you and try to figure out what's actually going on, hun. Good luck and let us know what was happening?
  8. Aha, yes, it does. That's helpful. Thank you *sighs and laughs*
  9. Oh! Some accounts that cannot log in, an alt is able to, if that helps anyone
  10. I was looking for the "waiting to log in" chat place... because logging in on FS/SL Viewer isn't working, and logging into a low-lag region isn't working... Just wanted some place to feel "connected" while things got sorted as per grid status. ...How is everyone doing other than that, today?
  11. Premium is great, congrats on getting it! Another way to make L$ is to play traffic/camping games inworld. You don't need much experience to start playing them, and you earn L$. I don't see all of the games in SL listed, but here's another starting point with various references: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Making_money
  12. I'm a huge fan of traffic games. You don't need much experience to start playing them, and you earn L$. I don't see all of the games in SL listed, but here's another starting point with various references: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Making_money
  13. Sorry I'm late to the party, but I would like to suggest the Signature Geralt body and Redgrave skin. Take care!
  14. ...Interesting, sent an inworld just to see what would require this kind of writing
  15. ...Taking the Posada down soon, please come get your free Winter Themed Wing gifties (never to be sold) ASAP, thanks!
  16. Welcome To Zamargad's 2021 Posada! Hello and welcome! We're so glad you could make it! Traditionally, Zamargad is a land of the Dark Fae (and, gasp, even "demons")! ...And it seems that our beloved Mary, Joseph, and their donkey have somehow stumbled upon this enchanting, but yet, somewhat creepy place in their travels! Not to worry, tho! You see, even the Darkest of Fae have respect for the holiest of things! And, uhm, *cough* ...tend not to mettle in the affairs of mortals unless it's under the guise of a cease-fire truce, as in, safe-natured celebrations! ...'Cause parties are what the Fae do best, *cough* aside from mischief making and irresponsibility. *cough, cough* Anyway, with that in mind, we have respectfully built a Majikal protective orb, deep inside the dark wood, for them to rest, while the Fae (and other fantasy, er, fantastic creatures) and mortal alike, can help pass the time with some merriment! Please ascend the stairs to partake! -Majik (AKA "Lilith")♥
  17. Zamargad Posada Interactive Notes, 2021 *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*.¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:* https://gyazo.com/019402eab2d8a8ccbe874555d21310b7 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zamargad/128/100/23 If this LM doesn't work because of the Landing Point, please use the "TP to Zamargad Posada!" cross @ the Landing Point: https://gyazo.com/244483cc7d476a233418d820fd51b62e "Hello! Please Sit On Me To TP To Zamargad's Posada! (Or You Can Right-Click 'TP') ;)" *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*.¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:* This is where you will start Zamargad's Posada: https://gyazo.com/69fe1dd3c5e4446eebe921943ab83c2a "Please Touch Me For Zamargad's 2021 Posada Information" *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*.¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:* Text chat relay will be in effect, only for the immediate area of the Posada @ the Dark Forest Orb. Voice is allowed, but the Orb spans 30m. *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*.¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:* Climb up the stairs to go to the Posada... Bento food and beverages are provided: https://gyazo.com/1a47ef35c245afc3f36a4290678d22ec Gifties will also be available: https://gyazo.com/47089a8fb0d3d95ea0a4db203a7d90f1 Plenty of chairs too: https://gyazo.com/d5cc43f70963f2b43abe8e7e4bff7c6b Dancing is also an option (no live performer, however, Radio Paradise is quite nice): https://gyazo.com/10eb2f47ddb788dece8b7b1427cad404 "Hybrid Dance Machine Click To Dance!" ...An abundance of dances in all kinds of genres are available for singles, couples, and even petites! Cam over to any of the tiny floating islands and sit on a star, or choose to dance in the air from that option: https://gyazo.com/1fa1870a7144d8a8abc1ffbaae1b4c9e The Fae have reserved the loft island for Mary, Joseph, and their donkey: https://gyazo.com/a245e268664a6aeb6a53a21d1866c260 *:-.,_,.-:*'´ `*.¸.*´`'*:-.,_,.-:* At your own risk, feel free to explore the South 1/2 of Zamargad, outside the Posada. You will find more TP doors at the bottom of the lake with the swirling leaves, as well as all kinds of other surprises scattered about.
  18. ...As it gets a bit closer to the date, I'll just post some additional information (that is also available inworld) for my contribution (and so you can get a better picture of what to expect)...
  19. Hi there! Been a bit since I've done anything festive, but this year, I figured we could all use some good cheer! I've been inspired by a SL church, to participate in a Posada. It's currently going on until Christmas, however, my particular part of that event will happen on the 20th. You can find more information, and even some free wings I made for visitors at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zamargad/128/100/23! Hope to maybe see you around, and that next year is much better
  20. But other adult stuff is still okay in SL? Sorry, but this is lame. Rather enjoyed gachas. Everyone knows that you only play the ones where you like everything you could possibly win, and you just resell stuff you got extras of. This is likely to devalue the stuff reselling. ...Now I'm wondering who to thank for invading my reality escape, the pandemic or the newer generation? Oi. Someone come up with a fun work around before I replay the Half-Baked scene where he quits, yet again! 🤪🤣
  21. Again, just tryna help. Even if I was paying for more chat, tho, the point is that I'm just not getting ANY chat.
  22. Oh yeah, I just remembered something else... As a Premium member, extra groups is something that you are paying a subscription for. If say, my ISP has a blackout for more than 2 hours, I get a refund for an entire day because you should only pay for things you are actually getting (& they want a reputable business rapport with customers). ...I wonder if the same logic can be applied to the missing SL group chat features for weeks & weeks now? That may certainly ease the craziness some.
  23. That's funny, Premium Chat told me it was my browser settings. *points to the lack of communication, thanks the pandemic, and omits something else*
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