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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. What I get from the painful video - and this whole botched announcement - was that this is a wild experiment the Lab are doing because they thing mesh designers will put in higher LOD4's - while everyone who has been in SL more than a few months should know people will fill the space with extra mesh and textures. And lag. They say they are holding off on Estates so they can look at the numbers on Mainland, one imagines how bad the lag becomes. The biggest takeaway though, from all of this, is for a huge announcement the Lab botch it with forum censorship and then put out a blog about 50% off the price of premium for month 1.... and a weak video from a ladie with a bad voice skills. Patch is cute though. He can visit my estate and look about any day!
  2. Well, the boring video says $30 a month extra for 30K prims.... BUT Soon means sometime in 2037
  3. Hokizibin wrote: If you are not making money then perhaps SL isn't for you as well?? That's a very narrow, Trumpish view of the world. Art has no price.
  4. Soon is always a bit of a joke in the computer game industry. Usually played by the devs onto the users, and based on them forgetting about something. "Hey Frank, we forgot that doing X would cause Y - That's ok Joe we can say a fix is coming Soon" This announcement though, the lab were teaming up with Virtual Worlds for something that would "Change our secondlife forever" and it's a 4 times a year, 50% off premium for the first month announcement. meh.
  5. entity0x wrote: Will Sansar take off on a gimmick? Who really cares about Sansar? It has nothing to do with Second Life. We are not it's audience in any way, shape, or form.
  6. No. While you might get 28000 lindens of donations in your first month you won't get it in the second.
  7. If you limit buy then it could take days, weeks or months to arrive. You can cancel then buy again, but not limit it.
  8. It was clunky wording - I have been here for a decade and needed to stop, blink and think - what the hell? Premium members only get the increase? What about people who just rent? I guess whoever was writing the blog post went to the same school of English as me, and can't do it well.
  9. The heavy censorship in this thread early on has unbalanced it a little. It's a bit sad to see the mainland people thumbing their nose at the estate people going "nya nya nya we get more prims"
  10. Real Burger wrote: In the case of the project is discontinued and that we can't get a final release version, can we ask for a refund? No. Its always caveat emptor. I know I paid many thousands of linden for an aircraft carrier from an unnamed (and respected in some circles) aircraft creator. He did the same thing, promised a finished product but got bored with it and never delivered on his word. But I always knew this was a chance from the outset - it was also labeled as beta/pre-release with promises of updates. This is the thing with betas. You need to consider that in many cases the creator is releasing it and charging money for a reason, sometimes even to scam people - and not actually working on (or having any intention of) finishing the product. And there is nothing that can be done - you just need to avoid these beta products. And as you are burnt by people realise that their non-delivery on promises is a mark of their greater business and product in general. It reflects on their honour. There are many better bodies out there than the TMP, change to another and don't look back.
  11. Alwin Alcott wrote: Callum Meriman wrote: There have been people saying that if you are estate banned then all of your alts are too. I tested this recently on my estate and it didn't work, so it's not foolproof. It is indeed that you can't enter with alts anymore too, it's a official feature. After a short while the alts ban is lifted, and only the real banned avatar can't enter. Then sadly its a feature that doesnt work. I tested this on my estate the other day with a friend and his alt, his alt was in without even blinking after his main was banned.
  12. I'll give you a 2/10 for it, but take off 1 for the sockpuppet. 1/10 Hokizibin wrote: Why are these people in charge of money making sims? Normally because they do as i do, pay US$295 a month to the lab and work 8 hour days. In return for maybe US$5 of tips on a good day. Very few regions in SL make money, mostly they are labors of love. Hokizibin wrote: Another thing I have noticed is the very poor building skills. Why is everything so out of scale? Does everyone play SL on tiny little 15 inch monitors? I play on a 47 inch screen and I tell you, I'm not trying to bash those of you that work hard to create but your building skills really suck being so far out of scale. Scale is a weird one, it's nothing to do with screen size (hint - use Ctrl-0 or Ctrl-8 until it looks right on your screen) but more with avatar sizes. Some people are 9' tall some people are 6' tall some people are 4' tall - and all build in scales to suit their avatars. Of course, from all the creating you have done you would also know people's skills are variable. Some people try their best, but can't do much, a bit like some hackers can only ever be skiddies and some griefers can only use other people's tools - never actually making their own. Do you have an LM of somewhere in world with things you have built by the way? I would love to see! And that's the truth. All-in-all though I sincerley hope you find what you seek inside SL, and as you learn I hope you try to consider that sims are not cheap, they cost a lot of money for what is really just art, good or bad. I guess, the way I feel about it is how I write it in my profile. That purple, full bright house with the ugly freebee plants? No matter how bad that pile of ugly looks, it's someone's dream and it makes them happy. Appreciate their happiness rather than the puke inducing monstrosity.
  13. UVB wrote: other than more skydomes being stacked They will be able to fit in twice as many blue domes in those columns now.
  14. Whois can be used to get the holder of the website - assuming they have not used an anonymous service to mask that. Is it a website that is really selling this IP of yours, or is it a scam to get creators to sign up and pay a sub?
  15. Like Linden Realms a game inside a game. Something that will be Meh at best.
  16. There have been people saying that if you are estate banned then all of your alts are too. I tested this recently on my estate and it didn't work, so it's not foolproof.
  17. You can have trouble with both trademarks and copyright depending how the RL shoemaker has protected their product. A shoe is a shoe though, so as long as you stay away from clear 'signature' items you should be ok. Adidas' three stripes for example are trademarked and that is enforced quite well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_stripes & http://www.trademarkandcopyrightlawblog.com/2016/03/adidas-to-trademark-competitors-two-stripes-youre-out/ Fonts are also important for any branding, if you use similar typography you could be in trouble. Use https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks-application-process/search-trademark-database to check. The biggest mistake of course was covered in the mesh tutorial. Don't call your shoes 'N1ke'
  18. The Lab have never understood their own world and they keep making stupid mistakes because of that. One just has to think back to the disaster that was called Jack Linden in 2010. Rumour I hear is that these will be unveiled on November 3, not sure how accurate that is though.
  19. They are the ruins from fanatik. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Fanatik-Architecture-RUINS-Summer-ultimate-mesh-ruin-building-prefab/6604821 For something so prevelant in SL I am shocked the forum warriors are giving you such a hard time. These things are everywhere and most people whould know them by sight.
  20. I exist for sailing, really. Mostly i will sail a 512LI Frigate at about 10knts or a 30LI catamaran at 20knts and on both sim crossings are as smooth as I think is possible with the technology we have to live with. Get your ARC as low as possible - this means ditching mesh bodies, heads and even hair and wearing system clothing and a hat to cover the baldness. Remove every script possible, even sail hudless if you can manage it.
  21. It has been back for a loooooooooooooong time. At least 6 months or more.
  22. If your body is the the system body you can use Singularity to convert it to .obj However, as mentioned above, if you are talking about something like the twi wolf, or a kemono, or a solarian or any other mesh body then you have to go to the people who made it and ask for a developer's kit. Most reputable mesh body makers will have that so you can rig your own clothing.
  23. Using Firestorm? There is a firestorm Jira for this invisible/reappearinvisible again mesh, Whirly did replicate it, but the Jira is left festering. My 8F8 house is very prone to this, something bad in the upload maybe. It's absolutely shocking.
  24. That river can really be highlighted so beautifully. Don't forget the sounds, the river, some ducks, Maybe frogs. Lost Creek Digital Arts has some great animated frogs that also croak, that are nice to watch swimming. There is no need for a dock, really, unless you put a chair on it and a fire pit/brazier to keep warm. I really would start at the river itself and then flow back to the house, make an outside room, a place to sit and watch and listen. Putting down the waterlillies and bullrushes as inspiration.
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