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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Well, what would be a good incentive to remind them? Periodical fees for MP listings? As long as the user is around and/or people are buying their stuff, there's not really any algorithmic solution to determine what is 'waste' and what is 'good stuff'.
  2. I'm not a huge fan of the 'high' setting for heels, especially not for more casual getups. I'd like something like this: Also interested in any virtual cobblers that do low/mid (Maitreya) shoes in general.
  3. Tetra, at Equal10 for 2 more days.
  4. Navigating the MP isn't very difficult, sort by newest first if it's new stuff you're looking for, specify what it is you're looking for or browse the relevant category. Look at the provided pictures, read the reviews, and demo before you buy - if you're somehow digging around sculptie shoes it's really just user error. It kind of feels like 'relevance' as a sort by option may do more harm than good, at least as the default option.
  5. Wouldn't that be an awesome post box sign? 'Here lives Orwar, professional enemy'. .. The last executioner in Sweden very proudly had his profession on his sign. "A. G. Dalman - Executioner"
  6. Legally they could sue you for it. It's just unlikely anyone's going to notice it or be bothered by it. Whilst that doesn't apply, legally, to virtual avatars, the implication certainly puts the question well in a moral grey area.
  7. Easier to just ask the store owner if the shape is for sale. If not, then trying to copy another's avatar's exact look is a bit of a moral grey-area. There's also plenty of shapes for sale out there (that generally come with style cards), if you don't want to make your own shape.
  8. Granted, but the AI that sorted your inventory for you figured the easiest way to accommodate navigation was to delete 95% of the items in it, based on when things were last rezzed or worn. I wish there was a way to desaturate textures rather than just adding tint in-world.
  9. I think the MP clean-up routine they have sounds quite reasonable. There's a whole lot of old junk still but either people must be buying it or the merchant is still kicking around - in which case it's their prerogative to have stuff on the MP. In-world .. Well as long as the land is being paid for, why should it be treated any differently?
  10. So .. To make a feature request for an alternative means to make a suggestion/bug report to JIRA, based on how it's incomprehensible for mere immortals such as I .. I would have to submit a JIRA? Good thing I seldom have any good ideas!
  11. Orwar


    .. Hi ultimate tango .. Problems with cougar groups .. No you no tango activities .. No queue no you .. Windy queues .. Some sort of drink maybe? .. Err, yes?
  12. Is it, though? Is there any practical difference between 'I didn't find friends here because all those dots on the map turned out to be bots' versus 'I didn't find friends here because they were in a private parcel with banlines and they didn't let me crash their party' versus 'I didn't find any friends here because all those dots only speak Russian' or 'I didn't find friends here because it was a shopping event/store and people were annoyed by me trying to chat them up'? Hunting dots on the world map sounds like an extremely desperate and not very well thought-through process. Going by the places on the Destination Guide's popular places list, guess what I found all over the place - people! .. Ew, people. Now I'm going to need a bath.
  13. No, it isn't. But presenting it as the one big evil that ruins user retention and creating this false sense of urgency with deranged alarmism is just silly. I reckon any new user seeing an avatar looking like the OP's is going to have a much larger impact on their first impression of Second Life than seeing a 'curious' bunch of avatars piled up in a corner. Having a 'character designer' where you get this: Rather than the expectation of this: Is going to have a larger impact on new user retention. There are a lot of stuff in which there is room for improvement, turning the bots pink isn't going to magically make new users go 'ooh, this is the platform for me!'.
  14. Honestly what's the point of even discussing how LL would go about discovering bots, when there's yet to be any real reason as to why they should? Might as well speculate about how LL would go about implementing a system to force people to register what hair colour their avatar has.
  15. We already have that, in some capacity anyway. You can fly between pretty much all mainland continents (minus Zindra and the old Linden Home continent), sail between/through/around many of them, and drive around them. There's a fair amount of railroad in Heterocera, and usually some railroad on the other continents (Belli's railroad is starting to look quite neat, minus of course that the majority of the view is going to be an endless, repetitive suburbia).
  16. This. I do get the complaint about traffic being the metric for figuring out 'where people are at', in that it may cause you to TP into some bot-trafficked clubs when you go out looking for a club experience (or stores, I guess, but then you're shopping wrong in SL). But is that a minor inconvenience and a slight annoyance, or the heralding trumpets of the apocalypse? Besides, how's that any different from TPing into a venue only to find that there's 25 people fishing at a buoy next to the dance floor (not saying virtual fishers are totally incapable of conversation, in fact I'd rate them slightly higher than the average club-goer, but most of them will likely scatter the moment the buoy runs dry or when they've reached their location quota). What would be a better measure for 'activity'? The amount of chat messages occurring (and promote more gesturbation and more frequent host-spam?), nah. The amount of Flickr followers to the linked accounts of users? The combined social credit of the people in the region? Traffic can be a misguiding metric at times, but if you base your entire meeting-people-game on the amount of avatars that have stood around in a given region it's what I believe the kids these days call a 'skill issue'. Simple solution, hit the 'show on map' button before you TP to see whether any of that traffic is actually present, if there's green dots you give it a go - if those green dots are no fun, just repeat until you find some that are. If that isn't working then it's probably either because A) people just aren't interested in YOU or B) you're one of those 'shy' people who stand around waiting for others to take the initiative to engage with you - an at least occasionally wise man (and creator of the prettiest virtual lamps) once said:
  17. I think there's a mix of alts and bots, you can find single or small clustres avies standing hither and tither across the sea floor (or on sky platforms on micro-parcels), but then you get those perfect rings on the minimap - could be some kind of formation follow script I suppose, but I think it may also just be bots. Of course there's the question of at what level of automation it's a proper 'bot'. Is it still a 'human user' if someone has to walk by the keyboard every 30 minutes to initiate a macro to mass-TP several avies to camp various locations for traffic?
  18. The most numerous type of bot I've seen are the circles of stray avies standing at the bottom of the sea playing Tiny Empires. But I don't think they do any harm in the grand scheme of things, and in many places they are the most interesting features to look at beneath the sea. .. Now if we could only get them to get mermaid avies and do a little dance or something ..
  19. Wow, that makes it so much better! Don't have to scroll at all, heck I could halve the size I usually run the Appearance window in and still see all sliders in any given tab at once. Thanks!
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