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Everything posted by MrsSeren

  1. I have blue pair of pyjama bottoms just like your pixel ones but they so comfy and nothing beats pjs for real life comfort; imo! Love your picture too
  2. Yes; it the main hud, using the the first tab called Alpha and you click where you think holes are on the legs part to disguise the holes.
  3. @Marigold Devin I did promise you this picture with the cat sofa and hope you did come back to see the picture I promised you. I include two shots; one so you can see cat sofa easier and other of actual close up of the outfit.
  4. Touching on this; I never when I write my blog; call my entries LOTD #125 because I like giving them actual names as example one where I was emulating; Swan Lake... I called Kitteh Lake as I am neko girl so you get idea and I might be slightly cocky saying this however I'm proud of my blog!
  5. I am still planning to do that picture of me on cat sofa but right now this how I look!
  6. Slightly off topic but you can buy a cat sofa, okay don't have a lot of sitting animations but it still super cute and it comes with a small cat; sold by Half Deer. Edit: I post picture with Seren lounging on it tomorrow so you can see what mine looks like, lol.
  7. Blog and relevant info found here.
  8. When I take break from SL; I colour in, I cook, I read and game and just forget about SL and all stuff associated with it. Sometimes just a break can be good just all you need and hope you find what you need from you.
  9. Mostly it is blue; especially royal blue or turquoise. I love bright jewel like colours, not to keen on the ultra pale colours then I'm pale in life so brights look better than pale colours or neutrals or too much black/navy blue near the face as can look very harsh.
  10. So get head redelivered and then I may eventually try BoM.
  11. I know Maitreya has hud to use BOM but any news regards Catwa and if so could anyone walk me through it in simple terms as I confuse easily however thank you in advance for helps!
  12. I have an opencollar, you need that setting in preferences for it to work though once you have it ticked; you will need to relog and you should be hopefully good to go! As that only thing I can think of you should need to do so here's hoping it works for you!
  13. Sounds like you need to turn on RLV in your viewer's preferences; if your using Firestorm then Preferences > Firestorm > Extras > then tick: Allow Remote Scripted Viewer Controls (RLVa); other viewers then no clue.
  14. https://katniptimes.blogspot.com/2020/01/just-waiting.html
  15. I say; "EXCUSE ME" after I burp so I do have some ladylike qualities even if I don't burp like a lady! So pffft ; LOL!
  16. I know it not quite decade as made MrsSeren in Sept 2013 however it still shows how I have evolved MrsSeren and thank you for challenge. In the first picture I'm barely 5 days old on MrsSeren here; my friend behind me is helping me and my then partner get settled in SL and helping us find items; and clothes. Second picture; it's 6 months from the first picture; I got better skin, discovered the delights of Truth hair a month after the first picture; my then partner asked create if she could send me Lolas as he wanted to gift them to me though now I look at them and shudder but it is thought and just got my Slink hands. Fast forward to the final picture; I took that in Feb 2019 so almost a year back now; I been wearing my Maitreya almost 5 years and been owner of Catwa Bento mesh head for almost 2 years. I wear a bento neko tail too however I rarely wear the Bento neko ears I own as I find if I add earrings, then said earrings then move as ears moved so I end up with earrings bashing my poor pixel head.
  17. *Holds hand up* I admit I BURP and FART then been on occasion known to tell odd dirty joke; my own mom whom I live with says I don't do lady burps but then that begs question of: what is a lady burp?
  18. I like so many different looks on Seren, but for tomorrow I decided to dabble at 90s Grunge! I think she pulls it off, well I like the look.
  19. This picture I just took with my SL sister; Akira. She is absolutely a true friend, one of my bestest friends; we known each other pretty much within days of me coming to SL and me finding the former store; LoveCats. She has only ever yelled at me ONCE but that because I kinda disappeared on her for almost a month (I think) however that because was big time seriously ill and made full recovery since. I am proud to say our friendship goes beyond SL as we keep in touch outside of SL, we trust each other enough to have each other on FB with non SL FB accounts; here's hoping to another 6 years of friendship with this amazing lady and best friend. Edit: As that number of years we been friends to date; lol.
  20. I have subtle physics, my boobs only bounce if I suddenly stand after sitting and have soft bounce when I walk and dance; much like my boobs in life and I don't think my pixel boobs are huge by any means; LOL!
  21. I admit I have one as curious when I host who is watching me as normally looking at stage; LOL! Otherwise I am not bothered if you look at me, it happens but not end of world. Okay; anyone else hear; look at me, I'm Sandra Dee? No? just me, never mind!
  22. Earlier when I first had migraine which since cleared off like yay as don't like missing my host sets even though it is valid reason to call for cover but yeah; still don't like to miss them! However perfectly fine now; pondering what next to blog; the dilemma of being a blogger!
  23. Ringing in 2020 in style; further info found here
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