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Everything posted by MrsSeren

  1. Oh yes, it is lovely. I believe I posted picture in this thread in here and my first blog entry by designer I been blogging for a year nearly was taken there too however taught me something new about rezzing so thanks!
  2. Yay!!!! Sorry folks but I like pulling my friend's leg as she knows what I like and this what seren looks like; I'm wearing red and black in honour of World Sepsis Day as close to my heart as I survived this nasty illness not once but twice!!!
  3. Here I thought ya loves MES! Joking of course, hugs me friend here too!!
  4. Lumae have skins with freckles and for face too.
  5. Tis a chilly evening so I'm warming myself up!
  6. Personally I love Veechi, Booty Beauty, Bloom, Pout, Izzie's, Slack Girl, Shiny Stuffs, MILA, Adored, ItGirls, IDTTY, and MJN - think that gives you enough to go on from me!
  7. https://katniptimes.blogspot.com/2019/09/help-stranded-kitteh.html
  8. I has that avatar, so your alt could easily hang out with me when we want to be cats however entirely up to you but best Disney song! Ironically I was jokingly, singing this in shop with my mom in real life and we was talking about Seren!
  9. Alt one... she holds my rent money once I earned so whatever I earn as host/stripper there after is mine for whatever; she is Maitreya with Catwa non bento head so she basically my bank; lol! Alt two... when I feel need to escape Seren and being adult; my toodledoo and sometimes just nice to be a child and feel that innocence again however I feel less of need to go on her now as the stress I did have as gone now. Then is my main which I post here; and often found in world with; Seren which is Maitreya and Catwa Bento head; when not working as hostess or stripper; I can be found shopping or sim exploring for photos or if I don't reply then likely to be off screen focusing on my blog or posting here in forum or dealing with my mom as I'm RL part time caregiver to her when she unwell but touch wood so far she fine.
  10. Abandoned Freight! With a lot of NSFW stuff too and you're welcome!
  11. Slightly superficial picture but happy birthday to ME!
  12. Personal taste at end of day, what you may like; another person might find unsexy so each to their own and in SL remember we can be anything we want!
  13. Used Lara since Apr 2015; has 0 complaints about Lara and my logic for choosing is kinda funny; my thought was Lara for Laura so must be mine! I remember that much of 2015 as my memories of that year hazy at best due to health reasons however I'm fine now and that is all that matters!
  14. I guess I shouldn't of had that catnip cookie but they like so good!!
  15. @Rhonda Huntress I think you snuck in my wardrobe and borrowed my jacket but I think the shoes work as give it fun edge.
  16. Thanks, made me feel better so can resume being happy kitteh nip head as I am!
  17. Am I one the few who really don't care about this BoM thing in slightest and is gonna carry on her merry catnip snorting ways?
  18. Personally I like the shadows in it; I think is totally adorable shot!
  19. https://katniptimes.blogspot.com/2019/08/laundry-breeds.html
  20. I got in one of the cam sims of Uber and this vest totally called to me so here's from front and back!
  21. Honestly, you all inspire me in different ways on here and I love all different styles and way you'll take pictures because I love how every single picture is unique! I would describe this thread as one big second life scrapbook where we all add our memories and stamp on it. I'm happy I added my few paw marks to this thread, I take as compliment if someone likes my efforts and if they inspired then I say thank you!
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