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Everything posted by MrsSeren

  1. Honestly? I feel like I'm drowning, someone put me through major nastiness and grief in my RL where I live so now I feel like my bipolar is threatening to overwhelm me currently so my mood ain't great and person blames other stuff when they don't realise that they are one of my major triggers for my bipolar so yeah I'm bit all over place currently and trying not to cry as I write this so all I can say right now.... FML!
  2. Cindy; this for you right and I'm so sorry for your loss!
  3. Thank you kindly and I appreciate your reply! *HUGS*
  4. Chocolate is best cure for PMS; even if my figure disagrees but it makes me HAPPY so yeah. LOL.
  5. I swear by tea tree for breakouts, but otherwise today is another good day and mom letting me cook over weekend so yay me!
  6. Further info can be found in my blog so can click the link in post or go to link in my signature if you have signatures turned on.
  7. This was my reaction too; makes me feel better to think was only person going like WTF? I think seriously be last thing on your mind but that just my two cents and won't say no more because frankly I'm opinionated and firey enough without adding any fuel.
  8. As some of you may know or not; I work as hostess and back in Nov 2018 I was bestowed this honour as was bugged by 2 very close DJ friends that I should nominate myself but only did to shut them up; if your wondering what was nominating myself for... it was to be inducted into Hall of Fame for DJs & Hosts; so here is me posing with my plaque.
  9. I don't have that issue, my current version is 2.3 and fits fine albeit I need to make my skin match as changed skins since last using!
  10. As hostess I been having this too; not sure what going on but mine was 2013!
  11. Today is good day; I found new sim to explore further which I do later today.
  12. So I went off exploring sims in Destination Guide; came off across this little gem and definitely recommend visiting Garriuga and here is my photo from there featuring me from behind!
  13. I went back to the Coffee House; I found Gus who professed his love to mes! I'm watching you Gus, you cheeky kitteh!
  14. I love Blueberry and Just Because for denim; Just Because for formal gowns, Candy Kitten for rare times I want kawaii, Insanya for something bit unusual; tops I can find in most stores a top I like but generally my style is dependant on my mood of that day. Like today in world; I'm wearing sandals, denim capris, tee with ponytail and that works for me today as in mood for casual (you will see picture in another thread shortly) then other times I want sexy sassy so yeah.
  15. That explains the hit on, he sensed a neko; figures! But thanks for the laugh! D'aww! *gives you big squishy hug*
  16. Looks like we visited same Coffee House, did Gus try it on with you?
  17. I'm really good, I had major splurge as got 2 new skins for my body and same one for head; just two different tones so can use for different looks and/or moods.
  18. Found this beautiful Coffee House/Cafe sim on my wandering today's although think Gus; the barista was trying it on with me as he professed his love for me! Oh my; then noticed few minutes later; he did same with another customer - good job I'm not jealous type! Yes, I'm showing off my new skin too as promised: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* CATWA Head "Heidi" MixedType with DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for MAITREYA BODIES - FR MixedType and chose one with freckles but Seren NEEDS her FRECKLES; darn it! Name of the sim is Burrow Coffee Co. and here is SURL if anyone visit and enjoy Gus being a floozy! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Forks/134/140/43
  19. For me and one other person I spoke to randomly in SL; thought this scene in Return to Oz reminded us both of mesh heads and this scene as young child always creeped me out!
  20. Those forum get togethers look fun, feel free to poke me see if I'm free as I would love to join and tomorrow I post picture of new skin at some point.
  21. Mom doing better each day; I'm definitely myself and applied to couple places as blogger so fingers crossed.
  22. For Maitreya; there is one lady part for sale with Omega relay and it Pro Bento Vajayjay - personally I find it pretty good because I can make it match my skin perfectly but not sure if anything else for other mesh bodies.
  23. Further info; can be found in my blog: https://katniptimes.blogspot.com/2020/02/clothing-dilemmas.html
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