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Everything posted by MrsSeren

  1. I feel bit better but still mentally and physically exhausted and I getting there; just taking baby steps but that all i can do. Now in other news; my mom is moving about bit more and her appetite has returned so she getting there with baby steps too.
  2. @Skell Dagger My rl mom is enjoying your Flickr, you have a new fan who don't use SL but she likes seeing who I follow and now she bookmarked your flickr so I think that pretty cool and thought to let you know on here.
  3. Speaking in Maitreya friends; they working on fix for the toes nails so i'm using default nails so I can still wear my pretty open toed shoes till it fixed. Which made me happy because I miss wearing my colourful pretty nails, I know not everyone feels same but this part of way I express myself with fun looking nail designs either on toes or fingers!
  4. Personally I like the update; only thing I would like fixed is when you apply nail polish that your toenails disappear!
  5. Honestly, you ALL in this THREAD help by just letting me write what I feel and @kali Wylder I love that quote; it's one my faves and I have stuck on kitchen door as reminder to my parents just because I'm having bad day; it not personal and I appreciate them being there for when I feel ready to talk. So THANKS!!
  6. Today... I feel mentally and physically drained; I just going through my routine in SL today and just not really with it.
  7. Honestly few hours later; I'm still feeling in that weird mood. I prob log off after my set, take my feelings out on MMO I play with friends and hope it makes me feel bit less well meh.
  8. Today... I just feel meh; I feel like I could cry, I feel like I'm happy then repeat and still looking after mom as she still hurting.
  9. Thanks, I just hate seeing her in so much pain right now.
  10. I managed to get mom to eat some dinner so that good, she trying to sleep for night and hope she gets some sleep as really hate her being in pain as she almost as bad she was with last flare and I'm still okay; just glad is this thread where I can just let out and talk to close friends on FB messenger about it too which helps me feel less overwhelmed and less alone if that sounds stupid then I'm sorry.
  11. Today I'm okay, just having to be caregiver to my real life; mom (I live with my parents) as her sciatica has flared again after 2 years with 0 pain and my dad doesn't like to help so I take over and hope she feels herself again soon as I don't like seeing her in so much pain.
  12. First official blog photo taken on BlackDragon! Further info found here: https://katniptimes.blogspot.com/2020/01/if-there-are-no-ups-and-downs-in-your.html
  13. I check and read every day; especially how does your avatar look, how are you feeling threads as nice to read and partake in those as such united community feeling and some of the outfits shown can inspire me to assemble a different look. However I don't think quite can call myself a forum reg but some may dispute that; lol!
  14. I'm happy, I'm content and ultimately feeling proud of myself as managed to take picture yet again in BD viewer using slow motions and managed catch me winking for photo for my blog so like happy days there! Just getting organised and ready to host for one of my perm sets I have over the weekend as ironically weekend is slower work wise for me than during the week as I do more host sets then however quieter weekend gives me time to work on blog though sometimes if I have time during week I do then but every other week is quieter as one week is busy then following week is quieter than other week and following week after that one goes busy then repeat! LOL Wow, I kinda rambled on there.
  15. LOL No, it just me being happy on easier editing of things is all.
  16. Sooo I gave BlackDragon a go again; and this what I did to celebrate hitting 2000 followers on my Flickr and once I changed keybinds then wasn't such a problem and i liked how if you edited something near you the arrows would be visible to you. Anyways I'm digressing but here is my first official BD photo!
  17. That pretty much how it is at mine in Lincoln, I just glad I have voluntary job I do twice a week to help me stop dwelling and have my blog and colouring in as creative outlets for when want to be creative. Today is okay day, I'm feeling kinda like I'm here and not here at same times; I have days where I feel like that and have had days like since I was 12 but now 35 so yeah.
  18. It various colours, I'm like and I live out in sticks in small village which is 25 miles south of place where jobcentre is situated and some staff just come out with some stupid advice at times. I'm glad I made you laugh though!
  19. I had good day despite having go to Jobcentre/Unemployment Office today; had little squee because met (indirectly) @Garnet Psaltery; had brief chat and yes I did squee like fangirl! Thank for putting up with my rambling Garnet; you are just as down to earth in world as you are in your posts on here! *squeezes in soft hug*
  20. Tiny Empires Federation and 3K; I been playing for last 5 years; been with same Queendom in that time for Federation and 3K I started a year back. We very chatty social group plus we have odd party now and again too! Only cost is the HUD if you go for the full version whereas the limited version I believe is free but lessens what you can do in the game.
  21. Yay another Neverwinter player, then I should technically be fine but I still get confused and I admit I do confuse easily however I may try again when I have more time to dabble.
  22. Never could get head round BD; I feel like I'm one few who don't use lumipro however I'd love to buy but it such an expense so it on back burner. Having said all that; I think my pictures turn out okay with using windlights.
  23. I'm online most days, some of you I have met either when I been working or out shopping and admit some of you I did fan girl over! I was active earlier because I had host set and was online for few after talking to my friends.
  24. Stock piles chocolate round you with lots of hugs when you feel ready to take them! I'm good at least this weekend I'm not in pain like I was last weekend so far so good; touch wood.
  25. Touching on this; the second pack don't actually include the hair but I agree with main point that why don't they do one big pack however I do love Doux hair!
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