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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Halloween in SL starts on September 1st. Only one week to go. Any Halloween designer/vendor that is not selling their Halloween items in a week has missed the pumpkin. From Bellisseria Linden Homes 2 Convenant: *Decorations should not be placed out any earlier than 30 days in advance of any holiday or season represented and must be removed within 15 days of the holiday or season passing. Any Halloween decorations in Belli before October 1st can be ARed. Good luck with that in the Fantasy and Forest regions
  2. Yes, or adjusted to just show a name, for instance. Pets can have hovertext too. A real breedable operation should be in the sky, out of sight. Not a single reason why you need that in residential or land level. I have about 1000 boxes on my breeding platform, and pretty disorganized atm too. But then, nobody can see them - it's a business not a zoo.
  3. I'd rather not go swimming in that lake. What's that floating on the water?
  4. Most pets and "farm animals" cause more lag than a properly configured breedable. Yet pets, including animesh animals are allowed in Belli. Every time there is lag on my private region, it is from someone with a few chickens, dogs, or tiger PETS (Z***y etc) running around colliding with everything. They all have multiple scripts as well. Pets should be restricted more than breedables, based on the facts, or science as it's sometimes called. Here is what my Covenant from ZoHa Islands reads. It has worked for them for the last 12 years: 8. Breeding animals are allowed if movements and sounds are turned off and lag stays under control. 9. Pets (NON - Breeding ) are allowed if they don't collide with objects and movement is turned off when no one is in the parcel. Keeping breeders on high sky platforms is also recommended, to reduce initial texture loading from ground visitors. Here's an example of a T***** Pet Horse, simply standing in a stable: [Script info: 'Mane': [19/22] running scripts, 1408 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.217510 ms of CPU time consumed.] The T***** horse also uses 36 prims. I keep mine in inventory except when I ride it; don't need the extra lag. And here is my breedable again: [Script info: 'KittyCats - 9T-f Tang2 BluB: [4/8] running scripts, 512 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.007371 ms of CPU time consumed.] 4 running scripts for stationary non physical breedable and 0.0074 ms and 19 running scripts and 0.2175 ms for the Pet (NON breedable). numbers, such pesky things... PS - That ZoHa TOS is for a Residential private region - no clubs or large businesses allowed. A small shop in the sky is allowed if traffic is low. I get about 10 shoppers/week, so I qualify. But then they usually buy my Kittycats boxes, because I can advertise to a very specific crowd.
  5. Sure it does - Shift-Copy and I can have 1000 sex beds on my region in 5 mins...
  6. I wish the canal/river system in Fantasseria had little road signs. Or at least a dead-end sign for canals that have no exit. I tried to navigate from the northern entry at Glimmer Bay to my home in the southern end (Angelwing) with my small boat. I have yet to make it to the nearest river down there. It's a maze that's going to take me months to remember. Actually I would be better off just playing GOH to get a more northern region. A map of the water channels would be nice too. Trying to navigate with the Big Map is not easy - too many landscaping things covering the water with poor contrast between the dark water and dark objects. You can derezz all the objects except water by using ctrl-alt-shift-9. But then there's nothing to see inworld, and you still keep hitting dead end ponds.
  7. By comparision - My Fantasy Home in Belli with 3 avatars, 3 land bound homes still not occupied, and no breedables: Wonder how much of that script time is from landscaping scripts?
  8. Because all breedables are not the same. You don't claim all humans on earth are exactly the same, and they are all like Trump and Bezos, I hope. Patch's two breedables rule for Belli is based on the worst possible case, and even then it's overkill by a factor of 2X for the worst possibly designed breedable. Of course if one Belli region has 16 parcels and they ALL have 2 breedables, then 32 poorly designed breedables could cause lag. Not that likely everyone on a Belli region would have breedables though. Here is the script and object info for one of my breedables: [Script info: 'KittyCats - 9T-f Tang2 BluB: [4/8] running scripts, 512 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.007371 ms of CPU time consumed.] The cat communicates with outside servers once every 10 minutes - a one line text info line. Object Data: Region Data (Linden Homes Stilt on Water region, 2 avatars in region, all homes occupied) : I could easily have 50 breedables and increase total script time by only 0.4 ms, out of 22 ms CPU cycle time available. My rule of thumb is 50 breedables the way I breed them, are about the same as one normally dressed avatar on a region!
  9. I have never seen an SL region go from offline to on in an instant. More like 20 seconds for a rich region to settle down after a restart. Breedables need always on also, as do other processes that might be running that require real-time communications. What happens when you TP into a sleeping region? You get a message, "yawn, you woke me up, please wait until I get my coffee before landing?" Empty regions still cost something in AWS. I don't think anyone has detailed the actual pricing scheme per region for AWS SL regions. But it appears to be more than with their old Phoenix servers, which as Oz said, only needed a small crew to maintain. They could also use their oldest slowest servers for light regions such as open water and scenery in Linden owned land. I doubt AWS has a collection of 10 year old servers they can use for light loads. And how would region crossings work for fliers and boaters if the region was offline that you were entering at 50m/sec? Would give new meaning to border crossing lag.
  10. Sid will write your resume for you, and be brutally honest... Guaranteed to keep you unemployed forever. Andrew has a wide range of gaming and management experience. I expect as Engineering VP he will concentrate on improving some performance issues in SL. But I doubt he is going to worry about keeping SL software compatible with 10 year old laptops on dial up lines. He said he started at LL on August 1st, and he is now listed in the LL About web page along with his background. If he is new to SL, he's still probably struggling to figure out the SL Viewer, and where all the shortcut keys are.
  11. Nearly 30 years in game and 3D related fields and companies, starting with Microsoft working on Direct X in 1993. Maybe he can finally figure out if SL is a game or a social experience? His Linked in resume for LL: "Innovating on the original meta-verse"
  12. I was thinking Grinchas... After Dr. Seuss. Gacha and Gacha's are now forbidden words in SL. Grinch - a person or thing that spoils or dampens the pleasure of others.
  13. Raffle boards at Breedable auctions are extremely common. There are about 30 Kittycat auctions/week, and they all have a raffle board. The prize is a well bred sometimes rare kitty box, or live cat. It the cat is worth 2000 $L, the raffle ticket would be around 100 $L, and the prize owner hopes there are 20 entries. Multiple tickets can be purchased, if you want to increase your odds of winning. In this case you know the prize exactly, but there is only one winner randomly chosen by the board, and no consolation prize for the rest. You get a chance of winning a 2000$L transferable cat for 100$L, or whatever amount you add to the raffle board. They usually only run for a few hours before the auction, and end after the auction is over. If SL really wants to disrupt and anger another group of residents, they could question raffle boards based on a "changing regulatory climate". It would make zero sense, except to the guy here that wants all Breedables banned.
  14. They just removed my post about some joker on MP was selling a 27 lb gold bar (1 prim) for $250,000 L It was relevant because folks were complaining about the high prices some were charging on MP for rare Gacha items. Just a bit of humor (which I noted in the edit box). But humor is not allowed in this forum, which is too bad since reading the same arguments 1000X over is a waste of pixels and time. I have nothing to add even though this policy will affect both of my businesses in different ways. Both will result in less income. And NO, I don't sell anything on the MP or have ever used a Gacha. I work about 40 hrs/week inworld, breeding and selling my originally bred unique cats in my inworld shops, and in club entertainment, for tips. I know many of my clients are not rich in RL, nor high end graphics designers. They depend on the "lower skills" as Prok put it, to scrape enough Lindens together to pay tier, buy inexpensive items, and have fun at clubs. Prok is right about this affecting the general economy, although not a one of you will admit it.
  15. Never Mind What was in this $10K fatpack was revealed when I was typing.
  16. I posted the same video on Page 78 of this thread on Aug. 4. They used 35 empty plates, which of course they had to buy, for seven attempts at winning the Gacha prize, and never won a thing. A family restaurant (meaning kids w/ parents) and a gambling scheme aimed at your stomach. Two kids and their father ate 35 plates of sushi in one setting? I know sushi is not that filling, but it goes down easier with a good Japanese beer. This is entirely legal in Japan, as is all Gacha except the Complete Gacha games. This scheme to get you to Buy, Buy, Buy! as the title says, could be called Gacha with tokens and there is no guarantee you will ever win a prize.
  17. https://www.lindenlab.com/about Without Ebb, it looks like Patch would report to Brad Oberwager, the Executive Chairman. That's one people. Who's involved in the Gacha decision? LL isn't saying but you can guess from their management chart at their "about" web page list. Since they are asking for outside legal advice, their General Counsel is a good guess for one. Plus the hundreds of "legal experts" here in this thread. Oh wait, just joking. Did this policy decision make it to the Board of Directors? Seems it would be a one minute agenda item during a board meeting.
  18. Isn't that a meaningless rule? HOW do you deposit US$ directly into your Tilia account? You can Buy Lindens with your USD . Tilia is not a checking account. You can not deposit USD into the Tilia Stored Value Balance. You must Sell Lindens thru Lindex to convert to the Tilia USD balance. It has always been this way afaik.
  19. Yaaay! I am finally caught up (well was) in this thread. Still waiting to see how KittyCats adapts to the new rulings, re the selling of Special Collections. I think the owner will take good revenue hit. And those of us that breed for new traits will also have to spend more, or reduce our activity buying cat food. The days of Rares and Ultra Rares selling for 10X to 20X what you paid are over. And I really hate the side panel on this forum. Especially the animated GIF's. I would like to throw a water balloon full of D**** at that redhead. re:
  20. WE WILL NEVER DIE ! These Collection cats were released on October 9, 2012, and were not available for purchase after October 31, 2012. This is not an advertisement!
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