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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. That is a direct Drakeo quote from his recent (closed) thread. So, is he a Linden, an ex-Linden, the new Oz, or the Great Pretender? I will leave it up to the forum to decide.
  2. Well I warned you all that someone in our midst was a troll and should be ignored. But the moderator hid my post. Perhaps Drakeo IS a real Linden, posting under an alt. Of course I am only joking, OR AM I ? 😎
  3. So you want a "troll filter" that still allows basic account users the right to post in this forum? A 3 day old basic user posts for help here - that is fine with you? You don't want to take away the basic accounts right to post, even though you have been saying the opposite from your first post. But a 3 day old troll must somehow be filtered out. Is this before or after they post? Explain your magical troll filter. I doubt that you can, but will wave your hands and claim this is only about this forum. Why are you searching ancient posts in this forum looking for what you think are trolls? Are these trolls all less than 30 days old? Is a troll someone who simply disagrees with you? Will you answer any of these questions? If not, I'll just keep asking.
  4. The saddest thing to me is that a real Linden thinks the premise of this thread by the OP is worth a discussion.
  5. I have a Premium alt that never posts here. She's afraid to post in this forum because she doesn't want to be stalked by forum drunks.
  6. Oceana Ballroom seems to have changed to: SECRET LIFE LOUNGE - Where Class Meets Erotica http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Seven Angels/33/252/22 Might not be what you were looking for. They have a Lingerie night on Mondays, and a monthly formal, which was cancelled for July 4th. That's all in the Notices now.
  7. It could also be not allowed because she has Object entry turned on only for Groups, and the plant was not in the land group. But that assumes she has assigned a group to her Linden Home. Then if she was not wearing the group tag for the land, she would get that message unless the option to always rezz in the land group is checked in Firestorm. As about everyone has already said, rezz it on a simple prim, such as a rug on the floor. And of course log off and back and check your Lost & Found folder. Ann, you did not say you have done either of these things yet. I rezz no copy items all the time, and either land on a no object or no build property or forget to wear the correct tag. If the item vanished, it is always in my Lost & Found after a relog. Of course that is only about 100 oopsies over a 10 year period. I have heard of others losing no copy items so I believe it is possible. Who sells a no copy plant anymore?
  8. Urban Dictionary has a few meanings for Shraw, but It could just be a misspelling or pronunciation of some SL term. What term, I have no idea? 1. admirably fine or excellent; extremely good: a shraw performance. 2. sumptuous; rich; grand: that was shraw. 3. of a proudly imposing appearance or kind; majestic: that mountain vista is shraw. OR, Very, Very Gay or absolute rubbish. That song is Shraw, Look at that Shraw geezer. I clearly have too much time on hand tonight
  9. Well, once you become unburied, you can do what I suggested at the start of this thread: Install the SL Viewer, but do NOT run it. Then restart Firestorm and Firefox and slurl links from your browser will show up in Firestorm. If you were able to install Firestorm, you can install the latest SL viewer. Same amount of effort.
  10. Well that is about the most convoluted way to get a simple notecard I can think of. When you get the group message attachment as an object in inventory, you Add it, you get a screen display, which you then have to click, and it makes a folder with two notecards. This is what new features do to SL, make them confusing to oldsters and new alike. We have peeps that think Mesh is easy and can't figure out system clothes or bodies too. They screamed when BOM was added, It's toooo complicated. Welcome to the new improved SL.
  11. Copy it and paste it in Nearby chat click on it and the group opens then Join Then look in Notices, for the July Update List, which is an object as an attachment Then Add the object from inventory, and it makes two notecard folders. One is the parade of homes. Nobody said SL was getting easier. And the Lindens just collect money while the Moles build. The rest is left up to the Belli residents. Once you have joined the group, the Notices are sent to you.
  12. so try the second method. Install SL Viewer but do not run.
  13. Nope - the SL Linden Home page is the only way, since it changes by the minute. there is a Parade of Homes where residents have opened their homes to visitors, all decorated. To get the parade of home notecard, you need to join the Bellisseria Citizens group. secondlife:///app/group/f7b0c9d9-ab6d-30d1-e37f-52b2bb132074/about Or find a join sign at the headquarters...
  14. FireFox In Firefox, goto Tools → Options → Applications Tab and scroll to Secondlife. Look to see if Firestorm is listed, if not, select “other”, then browse your hard drive to find the Firestorm.exe, click on it, select Open, then click Ok. (Reference: Applications panel—Set how Firefox handles different types of files.) OR Download and install the regular SL viewer - but don't run it. the second method is what I used. works for Firefox or Chrome.
  15. Have you installed the regular SL viewer? Sometimes that make the connection. Or maybe Firefox is the problem. I use Chrome
  16. The link goes to a web map page, which should open if you're browser is set up right. Then click on Visit This Location, and the Link to TP there appears in your Viewer. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morning Dew/142/83/54 Bellisseria Citizens Headquarters, Morning Dew (141, 83, 54) to get there from the big map inworld.
  17. You can find a lot of information at the Bellisseria Citizens Headquarters. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morning Dew/141/82/54 As already mentioned, you can select the home style after you have rented the parcel. Most theme areas have some one-story homes. The Log Houses are quiet backwoods area. Only the campers are 512 parcels with 1/2 the prims, so don't choose those if you want more LI.
  18. Yes, you are not flying in the air-less SL space. Flying takes lift, unless you have a rocket attached, then it's thrust. This might explain why Propeller aircraft are not flying to the Moon. Of course Santa is real, his sleigh runs on pixie dust - the reindeer are just props. Since SL is a vacuum like space, you should just float around in SL space. But they add Gravity, while SL land has no mass. Confusing isn't it?
  19. Because I have a slow little finger and when then I type fast I sometime type the next letter before my left hand little finger releases the Shift key. And I said really, because if there is nothing in your Media or Music stream box, you should not hear it. What you hear from Media and Music is determined by what your parcel About Land settings are. But I also asked you to uncheck the two top boxes in Preferences, so you will not hear media attached to another avatar. If you are still hearing music, it is not Media, but an object with music script embedded in it, such as bird sounds, or heels that play the Mexican Hat Dance when you move. Those things are so annoying I will ban someone wearing them at my club. These sounds CAN travel across parcel borders, unlike streaming Media, if your neighbor does not have Restrict gesture and object sound to this parcel unchecked. But you also would need this box in Sound unchecked. Then you would not hear the Moles Birds on public land. You can Block those sounds from a neighboring avatar, or an object that belongs to that neighbor. Since you want to hear the sounds outside your parcel, perhaps your neighbor does also. There is also a Sound Explorer in FS top menu (World) that shows any sounds, looped or played, belonging to an avatar.The crackle of a fireplace for instance is a Sound that can be blocked with Sound Explorer. You can also just turn down the sound slider, or check the box to mute sounds from Gestures. But sounds are NOT media or YouTube, and are not streamed to your viewer in the same way. If you still hear music with both boxes in About Land blank, stop them with the stop button or arrow (it's different depending on the GUI). You could also invite a trusted friend, or a Linden Mole to your house, and ask if they hear the music. The Mole should be able to determine the source of the music. There should be nothing different in the Linden Homes that changes the way Media and streaming work, from the rest of the SL grid. It doesn't help that the Sound GUI and controls are different in the SL Viewer vs Firestorm. I assumed you were using FS.
  20. But it is not their fault. IF you really are hearing their Media, it is/was because you had your media settings on their music. And you don't turn down the Media and Music sound if you are listening. This is not like RL. Media sound does not travel through air waves in SL. There is no air, or water in SL - it's all an illusion.
  21. There is nothing your neighbors need to do, and they don't need to turn it off. Media does not go beyond parcel boundaries unless you have picked up their stream by going to their land. Go to About Land/ Media and you should see a url in Home Page box, which would be your neighbors YouTube url. Click Set button and then Clear, and OK. Now Home Page box should be clear and you should not hear any sounds from Media. To prevent loading other people's stream in Media, go to Preferences/ Sound & Media. Set Media auto play to Disabled and uncheck the top two boxes. You could also use the media filter to block a website Domain. But if you block YouTube, you won't hear it on your own parcel.
  22. Well, opportunities for growth then. I don't want SL to be for the unwashed masses, TBH. 20 million daily users? AWS would need to expand. We don't need another Facebook.
  23. It will alienate about 10 users, all in this forum. SL has 200,000 active daily users. I don't think the old users in this forum count much in their quest for growth.
  24. Patch Linden doesn't use SL? I think he would disagree with you. What a ridiculous comment that is. Linden Lab's Executive Chairman Oberwolf Linden is new of course. But he has been in SL using his Alt since before he assumed control. Look for a newbie with a wolf tattoo. He signed up for SL with no assistance from the SL staff to experience the same thing a new user would. No one knew who he was as he moved around the regions asking newbie questions. He was impressed at how helpful most Residents were. He even offered them Lindens for helping him with a few avatar questions. I might have spoken to him myself, since few newbies have Lindens to offer for your help, and I wondered who this 5 day old avatar with money really was. Oberwolf (Brad) is also a neighbor to Philip Linden. Their families meet regularly. Brad has known Philip for many years, when he was SL CEO. His son joined SL as a teenager years ago. He also knows something about promoting companies. Brett Linden has been in SL for many years. He is trying new ideas. Hardly an out of touch executive.
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