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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Assume anything from LL is out of date and inaccurate. You are quoting old and now obsolete law, and no one should follow what you quoted, as it is obsolete. Instructions for Form 1099-K (Rev. January 2022) Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. What’s New Exceptions for reporting of third party network transactions. The reporting requirement for these transactions has changed from totals exceeding $20,000 to exceeding $600, regardless of the total number of transactions. See Exception for de minimis payments, later, for more information. Continuous-use form and instructions. Form 1099-K and these instructions have been converted from an annual revision to continuous use. Both the form and instructions will be updated as needed. For the most recent version, go to IRS.gov/Form1099K. Future Developments For the latest information about developments related to Form 1099-K and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to IRS.gov/Form1099K https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1099k.pdf
  2. Explain how buying $750 usd in Lindens (minus the LL fees for buying), and then requesting that same amount in Lindens back to USD and to your RL accounts, counts as income? Assume you had no business or job where you could earn any income in SL, hence no business deductions. You paid extra fees for the privilege of owning linden tokens, which you decided to convert back to dollars in Tillia, and send them back to your RL bank (for more fees of course). Earned income is NOT simply my after tax income I moved between accounts. This is taxation twice, if your RL income tax situation causes this NON income to be taxed again. I can count to two. Learned that a few years ago...
  3. They don't expire unless you upgrade to yearly or downgrade to monthly. However they never forget to rebill you for your quarterly subscription, and if you don't have the funds to pay for it in your account, they block your account for non-payment. Sounds fair huh?
  4. Has LL ever justified, or even given a reason (justifiably or not) why they eliminated the 3 month payment option? Telling us it is no longer an option and then stopping, is not a reason.
  5. I won't speculate on why this is, money laundering, avoiding taxes, evil cheaters, or whatever. But to play the Linden Realms game, where there is a maximum payout for completing the weekly quest of 25 $L, they require you must have a verified PIOF on file before LL can reward you with your precious 25 $L per week added to your linden account balance. It wasn't always this way. Basic account players with no PIOF could for at least six years earn 50 $L per week for the quest, and needed NO payment info on file. Then they added the requirement that you must have PIOF and it had to be used at least once to buy L$, before they will pay you the quest reward. Then they cut the quest reward to 25 $L per week. Then they reduced the number of estates from six to two, since many Basic free account no PIOF players were shut out. You are greeted with this bulletin board in the Realms village:
  6. You need to catch us between naps.
  7. If you are talking about your account name in this forum, you are a Basic member with NO Payment Info On File, so of course you cannot buy lindens from your RL dollars. I think you are trying to sell your lindens to change them into Tilia US Dollars, but keep them in your Tilia account, so you can Buy a premium account. Premium accounts can only be bought with dollars, from your Tilia balance, or from an external RL bank/credit card or Paypal account where you need PIOF, and you do not have PIOF. Seems you need to file a ticket and let them explain it to you. How hard is it to say "I can't convert my lindens to dollars so I can buy a Premium account, can you explain why? Thank You" Copy and paste that in a ticket
  8. I like it, I don't like it, I'm thinking about it, No F**king way, covered it Given the general reactions here, I do think the 3000 $L signup bonus will apply to everyone, including Premium members.
  9. This is a package for those that can more than afford it. If you are making $100 USD/hr or more in RL, you pay for a year in 3 hrs after taxes. Pocket change... It's why some drive Porsche's and some drive Fords, and some ride the bus. This is not a package for ordinary SLer's. And it's not really a package for full region owners either, who already have so much more then Premium Plus offers. Why anyone needs 140 groups is mind boggling - how do you get anything else done?
  10. Games? I thought MS Solitaire was still on Windows 7, but it's missing. Only games I can find in my Games Folder is Inworldz and Second Life, oh excuse me, they are not games. But I still have MS Flight Simulator on my Apple II. So I gather about 94% of the world's population are not gamers...
  11. You're joking right? https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/11034-sl19b-talk-shows-lab-gab-and-meet-the-lindens/
  12. Because that "blog" is by Linden Lab, and they never like to announce something too far in advance, given the short memories of SLers? SL19B will be announced there "very soon", given that it starts in 2 days. Strawberry covers the member blogs written by the SL community, which are not on the LL time schedule. She will list the 400 stores in the SL19B shopnhop on on June 15 when early access begins.
  13. Simple, if you understand the SL royalty system. Saffia Widdershins will conduct all the interviews, as is normal. From her public profile: Saffia is the Owner and Editor of Prim Perfect, Second Life's first magazine for Homes and Gardens. Website and latest news at www.primperfect.net/ Producer and presenter of Designing Worlds - the show for design and designers in Virtual Worlds http://designingworlds.wordpress.com/ (Profile Pic by Strawberry Linden) You submit your questions to Saffia and she chooses which ones to ask the Lindens during the interviews. She is using her own blog website, which seems normal. Strawberry runs the Community blogs section, and Saffia has one of many SL member's blogs that are covered there.
  14. My group chat replies being blocked, and that of my friend also, was finally fixed after LL did the Group Chat Maintenance listed below. The blocked replies for 13 of my groups started on May 15 and was fixed on June 9th. Perhaps LL needs more frequent maintenance of their Group Chat database? Support didn't say in the reply to my ticket if this was a fix specific to just my problems, or they solved a more general issue with this occurring for others. I filed my tickets on May 31 - June 2 and maintenance fixed things on June 9. Group Chat Maintenance Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed. Jun 9, 11:30 PDT In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary. Jun 9, 11:01 PDT Scheduled - We will be performing Group Chat maintenance Thursday June 9th at 11:00 am PDT. During this maintenance group chat may not be available. Please watch this blog for updates. Jun 9, 10:54 PDT
  15. The ad was a spoof, made in the 2000's - see my post in this thread. The ad never existed. Coca cola never contained cocaine, which is a concentrated extract from the coco leaf. The trivial amounts of coca leaf in coke was eliminated by the company starting in 1903. They kept the caffeine and sugar of course, and the high acid content of coke still present today. Dentists love coke, since it can dissolve your teeth enamel and promote bacterial tooth decay. It's a good rust remover and soldering flux too.
  16. Of Course this was a spoof and parody ad made in 2002 in Fictional Urbanism. http://thecitydesk.net/baby_soda_ad/ and https://www.foodpolitics.com/2021/04/the-vintage-coke-parody-ad-strikes-again/
  17. This could upset a few pixel bumpers too. "Hurry up dear, we only have 60 secs before the region reboots..."
  18. I have that HUD. It does not detect orbs, which is what this thread is about. It's also not as fast it claims, unless you are in a rowboat or sailing at 4 knots. And watching that HUD is a good way to steer into someone's beach, which probably has a 0 second orb.
  19. Stay on the trails, don't take shortcuts or rest on the grass. There are weirdos in those woods with zero second orbs ready to ruin your hiking trip.
  20. Correct. No incoming messages in group chat whatsoever for the last 3 weeks. This also means the groups, which I do not have blocked, never open when someone types in chat. I am forced to keep an alt logged in to keep track of my business groups. Of course using Firestorm, that lags my main, and eventually I will run out of memory and crash.
  21. Yes. Here is LL's reply, w/ the names redacted: Hello xxxxxxxxxxxx Thank you for contacting Second Life support, and for your patience. I thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! This is a known issue that our engineers are working hard to fix, and I have provided the information here to them, and thank you for giving such a thorough list of affected groups, that helps a ton! Please bear with me as our specialists investigate, and I'll update you through this ticket as soon as we have more information! Thanks for your understanding and patience! Best Wishes, Cxxxxxx Linden Concierge Support Speciailst Linden Lab I actually provided considerable more information than just the formal group names in my ticket.
  22. I've only been in SL for 12 years, every day, and I have never seen this particular issue just "catch up". Group glitches that last a day or so have been forever and common in SL, but my problem has not changed one bit in 3 weeks. A friend who shares my parcel also has the same problem with the same groups that I do, yet no one else in those groups has incoming replies blocked. What an amazing coincidence that both of us have the same issue with the same groups at the same time. The only thing we have in common is setting Home to the same parcel. None of our alts have this group problem with the same groups that I do.
  23. I submitted a ticket on May 31, 2022. SL reply was it is a known problem and the technical specialist has forwarded my ticket information to engineers, " This is a known issue that our engineers are working hard to fix," I have 11 groups with all replies blocked, and 3 of them are essential for my SL businesses. So we wait.
  24. Well thanks for your intelligent use of a security orb. The problem is landowners that set the orb for the entire parcel up to and over 4096 meters, and then set warning time to zero seconds. I own 6 security orbs, and used them all on a private parcel at one time. But none were set to instant eject and tp home, and they all had restricted ranges to protect only their area. They all had different levels of access and timing, and white lists according to the purpose on the region. Zero second orbs are not allowed on many of the larger baron owned private islands. They cause way too much drama among their renters. They have all had minimum times between 10 secs and 30 secs, with one sailing estate requiring a 45 sec minimum warning time. Why do you think 0 second orbs were banned on these large estates and private islands? Any owner anywhere can add names to the parcel ban list. And if you are present when rambo lands in your shower, you can eject him immediately, ban him from ever visiting again, and let the 15 sec orb remove him if you are not home. There is not a whole lot an unwelcome visitor can do in 15 seconds. You are giving the old men in SL way too much libido.
  25. Where is all this orb free air space for fliers? Nobody wants access to your private land. But passing over your land for 5 secs when flying and being shot down, losing your plane, losing your location, and being sent home, is clearly deliberate griefing. You have no problem with this? The request for a reasonable warning time is for explorers that cannot possibly avoid your parcel when flying at high speed at 300 m. I take it you are not a flier. Or, for boaters who find owners that block their public access waterway with invisible 0 sec orbs, causing your boat to veer off into space as you are sent home. Stop calling an explorer a griefer! If your property line is next to a public road, you are going to have travelers sometimes hit your precious property line. Set your damn orb long enough for them to get back safely on the road! The zero second orb group here are ignoring the realities of normal travel on the SL mainland. Again, the solution lies with the Lindens, and not tirades about griefers who landed in your 3900m skybox in Antarctica and said How R U, and therefore everyone who travels in SL must be punished. An alternative would be to just eliminate all travel and exploration on the mainland. As some Linden said, most people just use teleports these days, so who needs roads.
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