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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. I really have to agree with Syo there. Assuming you're talking about a straight animal avatar it should never be anywhere near any kind of ARC limit. So something must have gone really wrong when yours was made. If it's modifiable and you have enough content creation knowledge, fix it. If not, I'm afraid the only option is to see if you can find a better one to buy. Edit: to illustrate this, here is the good old SL10B Bear avatar:  Render weight is 1874. You probably want something a little bit more fancy than that one but even if it is 20 times as complex as this, it still shouldn't be anywhere near anybody's ARC threshold.
  2. Pamela Galli wrote: ... they have presented this new version of search as a fait accompli ... You mean a fail accompli, don't you? But to be fair, the Commerce Team are listening both to buyers and sellers these days. They are making progress and I would be very surprised if they don't change the search ranking algorithm very soon. The problem is that the overall progress is way too slow! It took them nearly a year to come up with this change and there are so many other more important issues to fix. SL50B is just 37 years away and at this speed we won't have a presentable Marketplace ready by then. That's not even a joke.
  3. Emma Krokus wrote: The reason I put information into the listing name is that I realise that buyers don't always wish to read the detailed description. So I was trying to give important information (especially land impact for which there isn't a field) in a quick to read form. I can see how this could be regarded at keyword spam and will clean up. Except that you were right and entity0x (and LL) is completely wrong there. "Important information in a quick to read form" is the best explanation I've ever seen of what the title field should and needs to be. If the title and a small thumbnail picture can't give people a good idea what you are selling and make them interested in it, they're not going to click on that link and then it doesn't matter how high or low your search ranking is. This is one of the classic mistakes in search engine design and LL is by no means the first to make it: Problem: People are abusing the keyword field Solution: Tone down the keyword field's significance and use the title field as the main source of keywords instead Result: People are abusing the title field exactly the same way as they used to abuse the keyword field and there is no longer any room for a short, precise presentation to the readers Of course as MP merchants we also have the "Related Products" listing to add to the fun. (For those who don't have an MP store: when we set up the lsit of related tiems for each lsiting, all we have to work with is a small popup window with only the title and SKU of each item - imagine doing that with "search optimized" titles!) Edit: We can argue this forever but let's look at the facts instead. Here are the current top three listings for the keyword house (merchant and store names removed):  If you click on no. 1, you get this:  If you pay the 10 Lindens, you get a set of 10+ year old freebies from Yadni's Junkyard. If you want top search ranking on MP, study this example and do it that way. Simple as that. No half measures though because somebody else is bound to take it all the way and outrank you. (A listing like the one in my example is probably going to outrank you no matter what you do, btw. Ten years age and almost 70 outdated five star ratings from the old XStreetSL days - not much we can do today to compete against that. Fortunately there aren't that many of them) I'm signing off from this discussion now. There isn't really anything left to say until LL changes the search ranking algorithm and I can only take that much déjà vu before it gets too tedious.
  4. entity0x wrote: Do not use your title to advertise how many prims or the copy/mod permissions. This is a very good example of what I meant with user friendly vs search engine friendly. Generally people do not do methodic step-by-step searches. They type in a keyword or two and then they browse through the list that turn up. They may go down a level or two in the category system and they may go three or four pages out in the search results lists but do not expect customers to ever use the price, prim count and permissions filters! Because most of them won't. The title is the only part of the description the vast majority of buyers will ever notice so it's essential to include the most relevant selling points and information there. But yes, if you want high search ranking now, you definitely want to strip down the title to the barest minimum. Or to put it another way: why do you think the main internet search engine today is named Google, and not AltaVista? (Subtle hint: one of them based their product on how they thought people should search, the other on how they actually did)
  5. Callum Meriman wrote: Unless you mean the two sim wide connector up from Nautilus (Hissel / Almythia are two of those regions) it looks just as bad and edge unsailable as always When I try a tri-continent circumnavigation I always get stuck on the sides of this horrible continent. The lab really need to fix some of the coastal disasters they created with tiny little protected passages next to void. I was thinking about the area further west. I used to live at Duzzclown and I'm absolutely sure Johannessen was full of ban lines and skyboxes back then. Now the whole sim is empty "protected land". I'm fairly sure the same is the case with Gueltierrez, Raduccieri and Bunocciero too. I can understand why you have problems with the passage eastwards. There is a navigable protected route there but it's horrendously narrow some places.
  6. Does anybody know if there's anything special going on at the western part of Corsica? I haven't been there of a long time and it seems to be a lot more protected empty water sims than there used to be.
  7. Alwin Alcott wrote: if the buyers use better search terms, or filters,... That's a big if. It's how you did web search back in the 1990s. There were even companies offering to do your web search for you for just a small fee. The web has changed a lot since then though and today people expect a simple single keyword search to work.
  8. InfernosChill wrote: Why does the new search favors new over old items instead of going by relevance / best selling? It's the other way round actually. The old search strongly favored old items and there's no wonder many old established merchants who depended on their old established search ranking are seeing significant sales reductions. That's only one side of it though because the new search certainly doesn't rank by relevance or best selling either. You don't have to do many searches on MP before you realize just how far off it can be. This is something that hurts everybody because it means it's harder for buyers to find what they're looking for and that again may mean they won't buy anything at all. InfernosChill wrote: If you have any suggestion on how merchants can keep up and make their MP stores work better with the new search, I am all ears. Thanks. One problem there is that you can make a listing that the search engine loves or you can make a listing that is informative and easy for a human to read. But you can't really do both. This is the old dilemma pre-Google webmasters faced: do we want our site to rank well in search or do we want it to be informative and user friendly? But if you want to optimize for best possible ranking, here is one fairly easy way: Use the keyword you want to optimize for as the title - only that keyword, no other text whatsoever Fill in the absolute minimum of content in the other fields, above all: leave the keyword and product features fields blank! Once the listing shows up in your store, click on it - and get all your friends to click on it. Then keep clicking on ti to icnrease the click-through ratio (you probably want to use a bot for this) - not too often though, there is a routine there that rejects too frequent click-throughs fromt he same ip address.
  9. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: Hi ChinRey, I can confirm that the Aditi specific test is indeed needed to upload mesh on the beta grid. Or at least it was as of yesterday. Or was that Monday? It's all a bit of a Blendered blur at this point. :matte-motes-smile: Hmmm. I suppose my friend must have taken the test at some point and forgotten about it then. That's reason for teasing, isn't it? Anyway, you managed far more than I can. There is absolutely no way for me to log on to the Aditi website and the only alt I can use on the grid is ChinRey, the others just get a wrong password message.
  10. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Because I can make a better wheel. With teflon pinions, hydocompressed frackets and turboshock recompensators. Yes but what color should it be?
  11. Have you tried uploading mesh to beta with your new alt? I'm not sure if you actually need separate tests for each grid anymore. I know a friend of mine is able to upload to Aditi even though she swears she never found or took that test.
  12. Drongle McMahon wrote: :matte-motes-shocked: You are expecting a rational explanation? How long have you been here? :matte-motes-smile: I stand corrected.
  13. Arwen Serpente wrote: I'm convinced it's the new search as well. Hard to say for sure. That is, I don't doubt that the new search has seriously reduced the income for many merchants and probably the total MP revenue too. But I don't think problems like this random example has improved the situation very much either and I'm quite sure there are a lot more of them now than there used to be. As I said in my previous post, many of these questions have obvious answers (and this may well turn out to be one of them) but the sheer number of them recently is rather worrying.
  14. Drongle McMahon wrote: Interesting. I suspect this is a deliberately introduced effect, like the switch to covex hull for walls at 0.5m thick. Yes probably, but it's hard to see why. This isn't a shape that shuld cause HAVOK any problems. I made an exact mesh replica of the shape I started with and it had a physics weight of just 1.2. Drongle McMahon wrote: Doesn't seem to depend on hollow%. No, it seems to be all about the total amount of pathcut. Mikka Luik did some tests that confirm your result, the threshold is 0.85 total pathcut.
  15. I just noted that six of the nine most recent questions in the Answers section are from people having problems shopping on MP or buying Lindens and there's also this thread here of course. There are always problems like these of course but this is an unusally high number and although I haven't any exact stats, I have the impression this has been going on for a while. Obviously, if people can't buy Lindens, they can't shop on MP and if the checkout is messed up, there won't be any sales. Maybe it's this that is the main reason why so many merchants see drops in sale figures?
  16. Rez cylinderSize: 33-62-4Rotation: 0-270-179Pathcut: 0.85-0.95Hollow: 95.0Physics Shape Type: PrimShow Physics Shape: It shows up as a primWalk across it: it's a convex hullAnybody seen something similar before?
  17. Arwen Serpente wrote: Perhaps I'm not understanding your post, but transaction history does show the name of the buyer (not the recipient in the case of a gift). The source is Commerce Linden, but at the end of the transaction posting, the buyer's name appears in parantheses. Woops, I've never noticed that until now! Thank you, Arwen!
  18. I just did some tests with the the latest Fs version and a few prims and couldn't find any such problems at all. Auto align can be a bit unpredictable on mesh and on more complex prims and of course you have to remember to use planar mapping on all the faces, but I suppose you've already checked that.
  19. Tari Landar wrote: It is extremely likely that the seller did get the money and is merely telling you that she didn't. I agree that is the most likely explanation but that doesn't necessarily mean she's dishonest in any way. MP sales only show up in the transaction history as being Commerce Linden so there's no way of knowing who the customer was from that. With no record about the transaction on MP, the only thing the seller can do is compare the sales stats and transaction history for that day and see if they match. Or wait for LL to sort it out of course. It is their responsibility, no matter how you look at it.
  20. Selc wrote: Might anyone know of a lossless method for reducing the Render Weight/Avatar Complexity of a mesh .dae file exponentially? When it comes to ARC textures may add far more than the mesh itself so you want to be careful with how many and how high res textures you use. But I suppose you knew that already.
  21. EliavahAzaleia wrote: Thanks you two! I actually talked to the creator and they told me that they don't use the offical kit, they just guestimate their weights ^^ Really? I was sure they ahd the kit, it fits so well.... Ummmm.... I mean I've heard it fits so well. EliavahAzaleia wrote: And they helped me out with which bones and weight value would be helpful to rig. That was really nice of them! I have a feeling that if all the people who've been trying to reverse-engineer the Maitreya rigging got together and compared notes, they'd get it spot on. Easy to understand why that won't happen though.
  22. You decide. I only wanted to make a place that felt more real than Second Life usually do. And now it's time to fill the houses with people! Greater Coniston is an English themed landscape in the Hidden Lake District, right next to the Linden Village. Centered at the Coniston sim an also including large parts of the neighbor sims, Langdale, Buttermere, Keswick and Windermere - all in all more than two sims worth of rich, varied landscape, with residental areas, shopping districts and lots of parks and open land. With modern and old fashioned houses ranging from small 20 L$/week cottages and all the way to big 1500 L$/week castles, everybody shold be able to find a home of the right size here. We also have a few open plots available for those who want to build their own hosue here (all builds have to fit the overall scale and theme to be accepted). Prim quotas are fairly flexible and additional prims are always available at 2 L$/week for each, The area has three ports with access to all the sea around Sansara and Heterocera, the second largest and most varied boating area in Second Life and the Northeastern Sansara Linden Road runs straight through Coniston, giving access to all the roads across SL's largest continent. Greater Coniston has all the facilities you expect in an RL English town, pubs, church, police station, school, fire department, gas stations, coast guard etc., etc., making it ideal for modern role playing (as ong as you don't disutrb the other residents of course). Anchorage at the ports are available both separately and as part of rentals. Skyboxes are available as long as we can find room for them, both separately and in conjunction with ground level houses. More? Did I mention the Hidden Lake (if you can find it), or the sandbox for tenants? or... there's way too much to list it all here! Come over and take a look, the best place to start is probably the renovated old worker's town of North Keswick: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Keswick/147/229/39  A few other places: Northwest Buttermere  South Keswick  Heronbank  Willow Terrace  Woodville  Adamas Square  Langdale Seaside  Port Langdale  More photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121871163@N02/albums/72157663860970810
  23. It may be integrated in some item you are wearing, Most likely your hair but there are other wearables with built-in facelight too.
  24. Pamela Galli wrote: Deeplyly discouraging about the airship rank. I often buy things at the top of search at Amazon because it's a way of increasing the odds of getting a good value -- not the cheapest, tho -- and good service. God knows people could use that kind of help on the MP, esp if the top items are there only because they are cheap. There is more to relevance than cheapness. In that particular case it seemed most of the high ranked results weren't necessarily bad but rather ... unusual. Possibly very interesting to somebody specifically looking for a steampunk airship but probably not to somebody who wants a generic one.
  25. Chic Aeon wrote: Not really my area but my first thought would be that the person that has the ones rigged that works "perfectly" may have the Maitreya Development Kit which (again only from what I have read) has the weighting numbers so that you can match yours to the body??????? I happen to know the answer there and you're spot on, Chic. You need the advanced developer kit btw, not the free-for-all available at the Maitreya store and from what I understand, there is very little chance you can manage to get hold of that. It doesn't hurt to ask though. You can find a link to the application form here: https://sl-maitreya.blogspot.no/p/maitreya-mesh-body-developer-kits.html
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