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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Pamela Galli wrote: It would be interesting to know which lindens are considered the most helpful. All Lindens, Scouts and Moles I've had any kind of contact with have been quite helpful but of course most work behind the front lines and don't do direct customer support on a regular basis. That being said, the names that immediately spring to my mind are Michael, Dee, Bianca, Ebbe, Grumpity and Dakota. And yes I know Grumpity and Dakota are the ones who got the most complaints but that's because they've got the worst job, cleaning up the sewers of SL.
  2. Shudo wrote: Each ticket that Bianca Linden handles for me is always done efficiently and to my satisfaction. She is a great Linden to deal with. Oh yes, she's wonderful. But two hours response time to a support ticket is remarkable by any standard. Makes you wonder if you need live chat and concierge support at all. Btw, I suggested in my follow up answer that the parcel should be renamed Bianca Passage. I have a feeling that's going to be harder to get through though.
  3. Callum Meriman wrote: Although there is no roll on Main, it would have be lovely if you could have done a reboot cycle on them. The blake sea is weird as anything with the last few weeks of no reboots. Strange, I've spent a lot of time at Blake Sea the last few weeks and haven't notice anything unusual about their performance. I do stay under water most of the time though. However, I did a test on the surface today. With a hovercraft fast enough to cross a sim in 11 seconds, agile enough it only needs two sims two turn 180 degrees and piloted by somebody abrely qualified to handle an inner tube float, I was able to get through nearly all the Blake Sea sims (that is all the sims named Blake Sea plus a few) with hardly any problems at all - except a few times when some island (and once an airport) suddenly jumped out in front of me totally neglecting my right of way. I did crash entering Blake Sea - Arabian but that was after more than 70 successive sim crossings. The craft should have been able to handle more than that but it's not that bad and doesn't seem to indicate any malfunctioning sims
  4. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I was being facetious. Really? We do not joke about humor here, Madelaine, comedy is serious business! In any case, you should never ignore a chance for a good old conspiracy theory, so here is what really happened: The valiant Moles and Governance Lindens, the makers and protectors of all things good in SL, came together to turn the sad old Campus into Havenhurst, a brand new wonderful playground for all the merry users of Second Life. When the Evil Lindens of Maintenance heard about it, they got jealous and blocked the access to this new wonderland with ban lines. Fortunately special agent Bianca Linden uncovered the Maintenance's sinister plan and was able to foil it. This is the true story and any facts that don't fit should be rejected as heresy.
  5. It took Bianca Linden only two and a half hours to process the case and remove the ban lines. LL has really started to get their mainland act together recently.
  6. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Buy the Omega kit for the body you own..Ie..if you have the Isteni, get the Isteni kit. If you have the Sapphira, get the Sapphira kit. The scripting may have changed from incarnation to incarnation which is why there are specific kits for that body. I checked, it has. There is no such thing as an Omega kit for Sapphira anyway but there is one for Isteni, still available on MP but not in-world.
  7. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Actually, the Linden Village is probably a leftover, not an abandoned project. When I first started in SL there really was a Linden Village. All the Lindens had a small place on a protected island that had an apartment kind of thing that they could call home. It was really quite pretty but only Linden avis could go there. I'm willing to bet you're stumbling across a small bit that was part of that island that was forgotten. I'd do a support ticket with the location and see if they can fix it since Linden VIllage no longer exists. Linden Village still exists although I've yet to see a Linden there and most of the parcels are open to anybody now, just two with ban lines that I know of. It's not jsut Linden's private homes btw and never was. The area also includes some privetely owned land a deserted shopping area where Nyx has his office, the famous twin info hubs of Borrowdale and Waterhead, Tutorial Island, the two Help Islandsand several other public facilities. This ban line parcel is right between Mike's disco and the old Japanese info center and blocking the way to Havenhurst where Governance is plotting soemthing that's definitely supposed to be public and involves a treasure chest.
  8. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Protected reef? Oh no, this is Right north of the Nature Preserve. But thank you for reminding me about that little SL gem. The Nature Preserve at Hawkshead is a 960 m2 piece of seabed remarkable for being completely empty and having exactly the same dull grey ground texture as the surrounding parcels. Most nature preserves has some defining feature of course but this one doesn't and that makes it quite unique. Anyway, here's a map of the sim with some rough paint.net doodling by me. black ljne: safe sailing route, red blotch: it's a trap!, green blot: Nature Preserve. 
  9. Qie Niangao wrote: Cool discovery. Not really and I should have done something about it long ago, I had just forgotten about the parcel since I know where the waterway goes after three years in the area. But today I took a few friends out. Everybody crashed into it, filling up the Lost and Founds with three of Rubber Bunny's finest. Qie Niangao wrote: Pretty sure the "Linden Village" parcel title is a clue. Well, to one who runs into it now it looks like some kind of internal feud between different LL departments. Both LLDPW and Governance has done quite a bit of work improving the northeastern bit of the Sansara waterway and then Maintenance snuck in and blocked the access to that part. But he ban lines have been there for ages and yes, they're clearly blocking off the parcelfor some old Linden Village project that never happened. For those who want the gory details, it is as I said absolutely impossible to spot, I don't think it's registered by any Explorer HUD, it covers more than half the width of the passage, it's that particularly annoying ones where you are stuck but the boat sails one and is instantly autoreturned and the nearest rez point is the one I set up at Windermere, three sims away. In other words, if you sail the wonderful waterways of Northeastern Sansara, there's less than an even chance you'll make it through Hawkshead and if you don't, it's instant End of Journey, no recovery possible.
  10. Shiva Meiler wrote: I got the Maria by Isteni with the redelivery but now I'm wondering... should I buy the Omega applier for Sapphira or the one for Isteni (even if the latter is not available at the Omega store anymore)? Not sure what you mean. The whole point with Omega appliers is that the same applier works for all mesh bodies and mesh body parts. Most bodies need a special conversion kit or relay to work with Omega of course but Sapphira doesn't and I don't think Maria or Dea do either.
  11. I don't want to start yet another discussion about whether people shuld be allowed to have ban lines around their private properties, this is something completely different: At Hawkshead, hidden under water, right next to the Linden Waterway, empty plot owned by LL Maintenance. Why on earth do they need banlines around that???
  12. Tawny Tomsen wrote: But i noticed, that i thought wrong. Invisible prims have 3-6 times higher complexity compared to visible prims. I understand, that a prim with textures which contains alpha parts are complex to render. But i think there should be a difference between textures with alpha parts and total invisible components especially when they are minimized. Yes, that is a serious flaw in the render weight calculation. It's fairly easy to overcome though, just use a full transparent low res (I use a 4x4 pixel one myself) texture and alpha masking. Alpha masking is completely ignored by the render weight formula so you won't get the credit you deserve for it but at least you don't get penalized and you can reduce the actual render weight quite a lot this way.
  13. [banned] is gone and both the owners' accounts are terminated. But two different merchants launched updated versions of it and one of them still offers free updates for registered Dea owners. Go to any store with a CasperLet redelivery terminal and click on it. On the redelivery web page, look for the Isteni - Maria Body and click on the Redelivery button. A good general tip there btw: CasperLet redelivery terminals are all interlinked and any of them can be used for redliveries of any copyable product you ever bought from a CasperLet vendor and also for many MP purchases. CasperLet terminals are everywhere but if you have trouble finding one, here's one of mine. Banned Dea was one of the most promising early mesh bodies and although development was never finished and both body and HUD have some flaws, it's still an interesting option today. If you're buying a new body in that style (quite curvy but not outrageously so), you'll probably prefer Slink Hourglass or Lena Lush but the Dea (or Sapphira as it is named today) is still worth checking out and if you already have it, there shouldn't be any urgent need for a replacement. Edit -short comment to ObviousAltIsObvious' post: I'm fairly sure Imagine doesn't give updates to owners of the earlier incarnations of the body but that's not a problem as long as Isteni does. No way of knowing how long that'll last though - it's quite possible Isteni just forgot to delete her dropboxes when she closed - so the Imagine option is something worth keeping in mind for the future.
  14. JenWartooth wrote: Really!!!! You wouldn't know were any of these so called honest realtors are hiding. My land is themed so it may not be suitable for everybody. But if what you want to make fits the theme (British small town/rural), contact me and we'll see if we can find room for it. Two other serious realtors I wouldn't hesitate tor ecommend are Beethros Karas and Prokofy Neva.
  15. KIT86 Flux wrote: im not sure if im even allowed to do it but the Open Collar leash texture is currently way too long and it looks pretty crappy on the collar end when you have someone leashed. is there any way that i can edit the texture or add my own? I can't really go into detail here but yes, it is allowed. The OpenCollar script is full perm open source and lots of people have made their own changes to it. You need to make a new texture and you need to make a small change in the script to use that texture instead of the default. Don't expect too much though, even with the best texture and the best script there are limits to what you can do with particles.
  16. gmlatex wrote: Let's see: Does air have value? If so then why isn't it reasonable to expect it to be paid for? Oh, the good workers toiling away in the air factories are quite well paid by the government - and of course ultimately by the tax payers.
  17. entity0x wrote: And people wonder why I rail on things like listings having no demo button, repeated product images for each color and style of one product, repeated gacha images to reflect 30-item-sets, the overuse and abuse of keywords (probably unknowingly), etc that all contributes to the MP having cluttered searches. I think that should be the conclusion here. For all our arguments, the real problem isn't what the search update does, it is what it doesn't do. Demos listed under main product, versions grouped, expired limited quantity/volume listings automatically unlisted, even a slight improvement in the routines for enforcing the listing guidelines. Each of these changes would have given a much bigger improvement in search, would have been far less controversial and should (without knowing exactly how the MP software is built) be far easier to implement. So sorry to say this, Commerce Team, but you failed. Whether you did the job wrong isn't really that important because you did the wrong job. /me sighs
  18. If I can change the subject slightly. Here's what the autofill function wants you to search for if you're looking for a door:  That brings another factor into the picture. Maybe it's better to just ignore search ranking completely and instead try to figure out how to get your titles included in the autofill list? Edit (agin): Turns out it's very much biased towards old listings. So rather than try to get your own unique titles listed, just copy the ones that are already there.
  19. Trip Hastings wrote: The problem comes when I search for SMB, without the quotes. I expect a large number of result (in this case, the 8,252 you mentioned). I expect keyword-relevant results. Some variation between the two makes sense, except that the vast majority of results returned (at current search, 20,564) have ZERO apparent relevance to the search term. That's probably because searches without quotes use fuzzy matching and with a keyword like that things can get really fuzzy. Just take a look at the suggestions the spellchecker on this forum has for SMB.
  20. Oh well, one more post then. I hate to repeat myself but: entity0x wrote: Also, improving your search skills and including more keywords in your search should help you greatly Your absolutely right. Only, how exactly are you planning to teach 900,000 SL users how to improve their search skills? It's a rather daunting tasks you have undertaken there. I can only wish you luck. entity0x wrote: Use relevant and accurate titles that describe your product. Most people actually find complete sentences to be easier to read and more descriptive than a string of single words. Search single keywords higher rank. Edit - three more factors: Let's say I want a blouse with appliers for Maitreya. So I search for: Blouse Maitreya applierand I get a list of titles saying: Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Blouse Maitreya applier Yes, I know that already. Presumably they wouldn't have been listed at all if they weren't blouses with Maitreya appliers. I want to know what's the difference between them but there's no room for that when the title field is transformed into the de facto keyword field and keyword dilution is so severly punished as it appears to be. As for the keyword spammers, the only difference this shift from keyword field to title field will make is that they'll start entering all the spam into the title field. That isn't going to help much, is it? And finally it's the danger of making too specific searches I need a Victorian style mesh door for my house. So I search for Victorian mesh doorand get no hits. Because all the makers of Victorian mesh doors have learned to avoid keyword dilution so they're only listed as: DoorTo see that problem from the seller's point of view. Let's say you have made a door that is very well suitable both for a Victorian and a steampunk house and you decide to aim specifically for those markets and ignore all those potential customers who skipped your search skill classes and only search for the generic "door". Then, if you want a decent ranking, you have to choose, do you want to list it as "Victorian door" or "Steampunk door" because you can't list it as "Victorian Steampunk door" or - even worse - "Vicorian or Steampunk door" or - worst of all - "Door for Victorian or Steampunk houses".
  21. JenWartooth wrote: Well then it looks like I will not have a place to put my keep then. There are lots of good, honest and present landowners renting out land - both mainland and islands - in SL, so don't give up yet. But to be absolutely sure, why not contact the landowner before you rent? Tell them what you want and need and ask if they can offer that.
  22. Hoshi Kenin wrote: LL's silly jelly bean avatar we-can't-be-arsed-to-fix/improve-our-servers-so-we-will-introduce-this-laughably-ludicrous-thing-we-call-avatar-complexity-which-means-in-english-our-servers-don't-work-as-well-as-they-did-back-in-2008. Sorry Hoshi but you are absolutely wrong there and I strongly suggest you try to make sure you have at least some idea what you are talking about before you start criticising everybody else. Rendering is not done by any server, has never been done by any server and can not be done by any server. Every single item, every single texture and every single animation is fetched from the CDN network and transferred to our computers. Once the data has been transferred (and that usually doesn't take long) it's all up to the client computer to make sense of it. From then on it simply doesn't matter how good or bad the servers are because they're not involved in the visual aspect. Except of course when and avatar or other object is moved manually or by a script but that hardly ever causes any huge server load. This is probably why Linden Lab neglected the significance of the ever increasing render load for so long: it didn't affect their equipment and they failed to realize how much it reduced the experience for their customers.
  23. First I recommend you check that your sim has enough spare capacity to run pathfinding objects: Type Ctrl+Shift-1 to open the stats and scroll down to Time -> Spare time. Pathfinding is a serious resource hog and I do not recommend you enable it in your sim unless you have at least 10 ms Spare Time to start with. Then... I may be wrong but as far as I know pathfinding is always switched on for all sims, you just have to configure it right: Select Build -> Pathfinding -> Rebake region (you may have to redo this every now and then - every time a yellow triangle turns up in the address bar) Then: Build -> Pathfinding -> Linksets... (check that all the content you need included in the NAV mesh actually are).
  24. JenWartooth wrote: The three that I have had very bad experices are ... Please no names here, that'll automatically get your post deleted.
  25. VenumusVortex wrote: there has been 1 warr parcel that was sold in Juanita but there is enough room to the east side of that parcel to run one track through to the road so it be like it is in plusia, track in a road aka light rail, same idea can be used in Andraca as well where some of warr are blocked by resident owned parcels. Or why not track above the road - or below. Where there's a will, there's a (Right Of) Way.
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