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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. This thread is more than three years old, Hottchix69, so I seriously doubt the problem you (and others) have today is related. It's probably better to start a brand new thread about this brand new image bug.
  2. Technically there are no problems: you can promote others to owner(s) and when you leave the group, it will continue under its new ownership. You will still be listed as the foudner of the group but that's all. I don't think there is anything in the TOS prohibiting sales of a group but you may want to check that. There is a trust issue here of course since there is no way to link payment and group ownership: You transfer ownership first and the new owner refuses to pay - nothing you can do about it. They pay you first and you refuse to hand over the group: nothing they can do about it. And finally, lots of people will overlook the transfer and keep contacting you about group issues, believing you're still the owner.
  3. Penny Patton wrote: And apologies to the OP I've kept away from this thread since it's really only a duplicate of another active thread. But really, I do not think anybody owes the OP any apologies. She started the thread with an arrogant comment about "old computers" and she just got what she asked for. The morale is, if you don't want rude answers, don't ask rude questions.
  4. With all this talk about the new jellybaby feature, here is a blog post by Penny Patton - more than a year old but still very, very relevant: http://pennycow.blogspot.no/2015/02/draw-weight.html That first picture says more than a thousand words and the message is clear: getting a sensible avatar render weight and avoiding being "jellybabied" is not about how your avatar looks but how well it's put together. I hope people still submit examples to The 80 000 Challenge thread here btw. Penny's got her really fancy avatar down even further since she posted that article on her blog. Can you match her achievement?
  5. I have to correct a slip in Amethyst's answer: anybody can file a support ticket, not jsut premium members. You can do it here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  6. It's hard to be specific without more information but since it started in heavily populated locations, it's probably render lag which is by far the most common lag issue in SL anyway. The most common causes of render lag are: 1) Render heavy avatars Solutions: stay away from crowded places and/or reduce the maximum avatar complexity in your graphics preferences (a setting slightly over 100,000 should filter out all the excessively heavy avatars whilst leaving most sensibly assembled avatars unaffected) 2) Draw distance As cloudnet already said. 3) LOD Factor aka "Object & Sculpt LOD" or "RenderVolumeLODFactor". This is a cheat originally introduced to compensate for a bug in the sculpt standard and later abused by some mesh makers to artificially reduce land impact. It does the job it is intended to but at a huge rendering cost. Serious sculpt makers have developed better fixes for the bug and serious mesh makers never use that cheat so unless your place is full of flawed items, you can safely reduce it to 1. 4) Textures Always one of the biggest lag factors and even more today with all the furniture and other small items covered with high resolution custom textures (gacha items seem to be particularly problematic here btw). Hard to find a good solution here. You can't do anything about what other people place in your vicinity of course and it's hard to control your own items too, most makers don't give any information about their items' render weights and a single item hardly ever causes issues on its own - it's the sum of everything in the scene that can overwhelm a graphics card.
  7. Jason1 Draconia wrote: Also Check the size of SL Estates/SIMs as well. I am pretty sure about 6 years ago there were about 31000, now it is about 24200? Closer to 32,000 actually. But there's not much new there. The number of sims has been dropping at a fairly steady rate of about 100 a month for five years now. The decline has been speeding up recently (266 fewer sims last 30 days) but it's too early to say if this is a trend or just temporary. In any case, it does not seem to have any direct connection to the recent devaluation of the Linden dollar.
  8. Just some food for thought: I once had a talk with a woman who told me how happy she was with the home she and her boyfriend had made in Second Life. We then started talking about avatar appearance and she told me her avatar looked pretty much the same as she did in real life ... before the fire.
  9. Alwin Alcott wrote: but the crusade from that other user isn't really solving anything either. I don't know anything about that. Sorry.
  10. Alwin Alcott wrote: 1 You have 2 Gacha listing items with the same title. Thats NO violation Correct Alwin Alcott wrote: 2 Several of your gacha item listings use a ton of keywords, and they're all the same. You are using the same 30 keywords to describe at least 4 different listings... This spams the search engine on the MP. This is no violation as long there are no untrue keywords used or abused Correct again but in this case there certainly are numerous untrue keywords used. LL's guidelines specifically mentions using color variants listed separately as keywords as not allowed and I think it's quite clear by now that keywords used for a gacha listing has to refer to the specific item for sale, not to other items from the same set. Alwin Alcott wrote: 3 Check that you dont use duplicate images I see this often, especially with 30 gacha listings that use the same image, even if the product is circled, mistakes can happen as a weary merchant makes the listings... As you know this is totally allowed, there was a thread earlier where LL corrected you Yes, it is totally allowed and "everybody" do it. There's always a risk though. LL doesn't spend that much time reviewing a flagged listing and if they see the same product picture reused, there's always a chance they unlist the item by mistake in a hurry. Alwin Alcott wrote: 4. Multiple Listings of the Same Product? Were you lagging or something? You have identical products, images and listings So what? Duplicate listings are not allowed. There is even a specific flagging category named "Item Spam (multiple listings for the exact same item)". Alwin Alcott wrote: As soon you can show your MP police badge you can tell people what to do with it. All users of MP are encouraged by LL to report listings they think are faulty. You don't need a special badge to do that. Then of course, it's up to LL to decide whether the flagging is justified. Alwin Alcott wrote: Tip for the OP, report the one that flagged your items. That probably won't do any good. The moment LL unlists an item, they agree that the flagging was justified. Whether they are right or wrong may be up to discussion of course but in any case, it's hardly the reporter's responsibility anymore.
  11. Let's see... Examples of duplicate listings: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/zerkalo-Like-a-Bird-Pillow-Light/9601951 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/zerkalo-Like-a-Bird-Pillow-Light/9601954 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/zerkalo-Like-a-Bird-Pillow-Light/9601956 Examples of keyword spam: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/zerkalo-Like-a-Bird-Food-Tray-Light/9601949 Keywords (some obvious spam underlined): zerkalo,like,bird,cage,table,light,gacha,original,aruba,beach,couture,candles,hippie,flower,white,red,orange,cream,tan,summer,cool,winter,spring,home,decor,pillow,sleep,sit,animation,metal,tray,food https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Aruba-Relax-Top-Leggings-Candy-Pack/8087774 Keywords (some obvious spam underlined): Aruba,beach,relax,classic,womens,bottoms,leggings,yoga,pants,Fitmesh,Maitreya,Slink,Belleza,Demo,Navy,Black,Bordo,Red,Teal,Thistle,Gray,White,lace,Purple,Top,Blouse,Shirt,Fit,Mesh,Outfit,Pack,Autumn All credit to you for having the sense to ask for advice at the forum but the answer is, yes, you really, really need to review your MP listings, they're full of TOS violations disallowed listing practices.
  12. Freya Mokusei wrote: Folks put all sorts of junk in their parcel descriptions to try and get a sale and most folks in SL are technically inexperienced - it doesn't necessarily mean anything and probably doesn't. Not just probably doesn't, certainly doesn't. The server class system was discontinued in 2009 but is still used as false advertising by some unscrupulous or ignorant sim owners. Here's the blog post announcing the end of sim classes: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land-and-Sea-General/Moving-away-from-server-Class/ba-p/650813
  13. Somebody posted this link at the" What is the Sansar" group today and I don't think it has ben mentioned on the forum yet: https://www.spreaker.com/user/constantinnovation/episode-7-ebbe-altberg-virtual-reality-s_1 Some rather interesting info abot Sansar there and, perhaps even more interesting, some insight in Ebbe's view on Second Life.
  14. Just add one detail to Madelaine's answer: sometimes the item you try to rez will seem to vanish completely from your inventory. No need to worry if that happens though, all you need is a relog and it'll be back in place.
  15. Wow! Penny's post sums up a lot. It should be mandatory reading for everybody in SL! Thank you, Penny! One comment though: Although the situation for rezzed objects isn't nearly as bad as for avatars and worn objects, it's far from rosy red. For a start textures don't count towards land impact and they contribute far more to the overall lag level than geometry does. Also, with mesh it is possible to cheat with land impact, You just butcher the LOD models and tell the users they have to increase their RenderVolumeLODFactor. The situation here is so bad that Firestorm actually has bloated LOD factor as default. Although avatar render weight is the biggest lag issue overall, it is not hard to find examples of SL scenes where the combination of texture abuse and poor LOD models adds far more render lag than a dozen heavy avatars would. Ironically, it's very often content creators who regard themselves - and successfully promote themselves as - top notch who make those mistakes. The philosophy seems to be that it has to be top quality if only the people who can afford the most expensive gpus are able to see it properly. (and the very best works are of course the ones that'll bring even a GeForce GTX 1080 to its knees...)
  16. wherorangi wrote: the rendering engine is 100% LL code in all desktop viewers. As is the data transport, storage and connectivity engines I don't know if this is correct but according to Beq Janus (and she usually knows what she's talking about) there used to be 3rd party viewers with alternative rendering engines but that changed after the Emerald scandal and LL does no longer allow that. My impression is that although the SL rendering engine is far from ideal, it's not that bad either. I've tried to make scenes with a render load aproximating what you'd find in a professionally made virtual environment and the performance seem to be slightly worse than what we should expect but not critically so. I think there has been a gradual detrioration over time. When I revisit scenes that haven't changed for years, they seem to be slightly slower to load now than they used to. Not sure what that means and it seems more like a caching and/or data transfer issue than actual rendering performance. But in any case, the lag caused by inefficient software is minor compared to the lag caused by inefficient content.
  17. Salomena Askari wrote: How can i hide thise message.. ? i want see that..cause a bug ? when i change sim it show me again and again.. Unsurprisingly, this discussion got a bit out of hand. Here's a reply to the original question as I understood it... Yes, there is a bug that causes that alert to pop up again, and again and again, sometimes when you move to a different sim, sometimes with no apprent reason at all. It even gives faulty messages. About an hour or two ago I got an alert saying "Your avatar weight is 56314. You will not be seen by half the avatars in your vicinity". Ten minutes later I got a new alert saying: "Your avatar weight is 56314. You will be render by all avatars in your vicinity". Hopefully they'll fix that bug soon. You should think twice before switching it off though. Despite that flaw, it is important info and you really need to know how much you are lagging down your own and other people's viewers.
  18. A screen like the one you describe is something you actually can file an Abuse Report about. File it as "Harassment > Targeted behavior intended to disrupt". There's never any guarantee LL wil act on an abuse report of course and you may have to do it a few times but it's certainly worth a try.
  19. You may find some tips how to make yourself a good looking low lag avatar here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/The-80-000-Challenge/td-p/3031467
  20. llaneel wrote: But I feel that SL used as a form of education can be more real than a REAL education. It can but that never really happened. llaneel wrote: and if if these educators acted upon this new style of teaching I think enrollment would have sky rocketed. BUT sadly i can predicted that they probaly used their own self styled WRIT and ROTE technique. To some degree yes but also, Linden Lab never provided adequate educational tools in Second Life. llaneel wrote: Besides education should be free. Of course! It's not as if teachers need money to pay for food and housing and such is it? We're far above such mundane matters! Or do you mean free as in "somebody else should pay the bill for you"? Just for the amusement of anybody with a dark sense of humor, here is the official list of educational institutions in Second Life: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Education_Directory If you want to, check how many of these still exist and how many of those who still exist show any signs of recent activity.
  21. ChinRey


    Eight. A while ago Linden Lab announced they would increase the maximum number of faces for a Second Life mesh but that never happened. What they came up with insetad was a crude mesh butchering tool that chops a poor multiface (that is more than eight) mesh into a mess of separate poor quality mini-meshes.
  22. You have my sympathy. I've just updated Firestorm and the updater ate my prefs file so I'm back to default - I had forgotten how horrendous that camera position bug is. And after 13 years LL still hasn't done anything to fix what may well be the most singificant bug in the system! Anyway, fiddling with the preferences settigns isn't going to do much good. You don't have access to the settings thatr eally matter there. As Freya said, you have to go to the debug settings. Penny Patton and Nalates Urriah wrote excellent descriptions how to do it in their blogs: http://pennycow.blogspot.no/2012/01/improving-sl-camera-short-version.html and http://blog.nalates.net/2011/07/24/second-life-camera-position-tips/
  23. First, acoording to Linden Lab, the server classes mean nothing anymore. These days sims are assigned server resources according to which type of sim (full, homestead or open space) it is, nothing else. That also means it is very unlikely another sim will affect your performance even if they happen to share the same Ip address so I guess you should take a look at your own sim. First: breedables. Not all breedables today are high lag but some (expecially the Big Cats btw) are and even the relatively low lag ones can be a problem if there are many of them or they start to malfunction. Second: Pathfinders. A single fairly simple pathfinder script can easily steal half the sim's resources and if it's faulty (like specifying an unreachable target location) it can bring a sim to a standstill all on its own. These are the two most likely causes, not only because they are the big ones but also because they are often periodic just like you describe. If neither can explain the problems, I suggest you look at the detailed frame time breakdown at the bottom of the stats window. That might give you a clue to what is happening. And also, if you get those lag peaks with plenty of spare frame time, you can be sure it's not the normal tasks of the server that causes it.
  24. Devriv wrote: They are most definitely not incompetent Rey; some have professional-level knowledge of modeling, texturing, and 3D software and are experts. Even the option of letting the uploader make the LODs is bypassed and the LODs (even Medium ones!) zeroed because they want low LI. This is deliberate choice, not a question of competence. Yes it is a deliberate choice but it's done because of incompetence. Competent mesh makers have a vast range of more effective and less destructive techniques to reduce LI. LOD butchery is for the fakers. not the makers.
  25. Pamela Galli wrote: No, but I have not seen the bug manifest itself in several months. Actually they may have done some sort of quick-hack patchup fixing the common symptoms rather than the actual problem. The case I had recently was a bit sepcial, I was trying to watch a local texture with alpha while a friend with editing rights to my items was standing right next to me. That didn't work of course.
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