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Everything posted by BinBash

  1. We are offering the opportunity for real pay, not role pay, but actual work is required. Your tip jar is welcome, however, since this particular venue is often supported in that fashion. We've dedicated an island for the education of those that want to become creators, or learn more about the process, in Second Life. The topics covered would bring a person that just landed in SL to where they are able to market their creations and even how to setup vendors for their products. We also have someone teaching how to produce, DJ and stream music, for use with Second Life(r) in-world, for instance Dance Clubs in SL. The following areas still need to be filled and multiple instructors for each subject are required in order to complete this venue. How to use SL and the viewer. Make appliers for in-world mesh Blender basics Blender advanced Texture creation and manipulation Prim building Mesh creation - static Mesh creation - rigged / skinned Clothing creation (Marvelous Designer / Blender / etc.) Rigging / Skinning with or without the use of devkits (Bento Buddy CE is provided) Animations (using Bento Buddy) Animesh (using Bento Buddy We are also expecting that instructors will want to teach their own set process for a combination of subjects to achieve a goal, or something entirely different like ZBrush, Substance Painter, etc., which we will also be covering at a later date, shortly after opening our doors. We're expecting you to earn through our revenue system but we also welcome those that want to be relatively independent so, in support, we offer the land and facilities freely for those unique individuals that meet our quality requirements. You can fill out this form here to give us some preliminary details before we meet. https://forms.gle/gM9Pb7K9TDodFmu59 Please also send a notecard simply stating that you've filled out the "Instructor" form. The creator and sender of the notecard must be the same or it will be ignored.
  2. There is a method that is mostly automated, after some initial work is performed, where you can shape a garment for 1 body and have it reshape to multiple others, although extremes will require some additional work. The skinning for each garment will still have to be done separately, for best results, but the majority of the grunt work is taken care of. I'll walk you through this personally and, as a result, compose material for a tutorial that will help others, if you contact me in-world. While I wouldn't mind posting some information with the hopes that it will help a general crowd I would really only stop what I am currently doing in order to help an individual reach their goal. This reshaping does not require any add-ons or specific 3d application since it aught to be able to be accomplished in all sane packages which include at least 3ds Max, Maya and sometimes Blender.
  3. Welcome and hope you have fun \o/ It's very important to have laughs and giggles when making stuff. I know a couple or three things, call me if you need me.
  4. There's something wrong with your viewer. I'd say relog and try again but you're obviously not interested in the offerings, and I certainly don't need any advice, so please just move along.
  5. I am not a business person. You're not going to see fun and bright news paper type attention getting phrases that make you jump out of your seat, only to be disappointed by the real offering of pretty much "nothing" when you finally sit down for the interview. I am effectively a philanthropist with an understanding that part of helping others is teaching them to earn. My current drive is to bring motivated individuals together to educate people about our virtual world, give them the skills and tools to be an effective and marketable creator and get them excited about the world that they came to see, not escape from. I need your help to accomplish this and nobody is going to be sitting around doing nothing and waiting for tips. You are a paid staff member, a partner earning a revenue split that grows, or the core drive of our foundation, instructors. For those charitable minded people we ask you to join our pedagogical venue, with the traditional style environment that brings us back to a time when life was much simpler. For those driven souls that want to market their knowledge we have a more advanced and entertaining environment for you, where you'll involve yourself in a talk show type venue in order to excite your students with humor, your particular personality and a hope for a more productive future. While this is effectively a charitable venture we are not expecting you to work for free. The drive is for the students and teachers to utilize existing, or future, knowledge to involve themselves with a community that grows and offers potential for earning. We are paying you, it's not pennies, you may want to pay attention! -- The following is a list of members needed in an on-going basis. There are single positions open that need to be filled a single time, which we'll expand on as we grow. For instance we'll need a Community Manager but only 1 for this segment. Because of peoples varying schedules we'll need multiple bouncers, hosts, guests etc. Instructors / Teachers are needed for various subjects including very basic performances such as how SL works and the viewer. These generous individuals will be asked to take a revenue split but an alternative stipend can be negotiated. This is not role play for pay. There are serious numbers here. Community Manager Bouncer / Ticket Taker (estate manager) Videographer (camera operator) Writer (comedic value) - staff meetings twice a week (1 hour per meeting) Dictation (for the non-hearing) Host (Talk Show Venue) Guest Co-Host (Talk Show Venue) Instructors / Teachers, for various studies from how to use SL, to using the viewer to basic and advanced Blender and almost any other 3d application and associated tools as long as they are functional and are commonly use for SL content creation. Builder (buildings of theme) You are invited to provide some information using the offered application but are not required to do so. Regardless if you use this application or choose to wait for a more interactive experience, I will need you to send me a notecard, personally, indicating your interest in our foundation. Without a notecard your application will be dismissed. The creator of the notecard, and the person that sent it, must be the same. I am BinBash Resident, your instant message WILL get lost, the notecard is absolutely necessary. The application is here: https://forms.gle/rpXhJDkuaqwfqQNK6
  6. Community Manager Bouncer / Ticket Taker (estate manager) Videographer (camera operator) Writer (comedic value) - staff meetings twice a week (1 hour per meeting) Dictation (for the non-hearing) Host (Talk Show Venue) Guest Co-Host (Talk Show Venue) Instructors / Teachers, for various studies from how to use SL, to using the viewer to basic and advanced Blender and almost any other 3d application and associated tools as long as they are functional and are commonly use for SL content creation. Builder (buildings of theme) The application is here: https://forms.gle/rpXhJDkuaqwfqQNK6
  7. The current repsones are being processed for interviews. An update will be made with a new application after this. Thank you for the replies.
  8. We need ... A bouncer A camera person A fun guest I am BinBash Resident and I am super duper frawggie busy so I am hiring help. A bouncer will make sure that certain rules, and some protocol, are adhered to. This is a (G) sim and we expect only related content and behavior. A camera person would be skilled, ideally, but we may be in a desperate need so we'll consider newies. A fun guest or more will be utilized as the sessions present themselves. This is an educational platform presented in a talk show venue. The guest will have to be skilled in some area of 3d content creation. Contact me in-world via notecard. If you send me an instant message I may never see it. This is going to be a whole lot of fun, if you are. If you don't like being silly or laughing at silly, it's a waste of time to contact me.
  9. I'm "cool". Can I bring my lily pad?
  10. Polygons are 1 sided. I'm not aware of any platform where a polygon is represented as having two sides, there's no depth. Some game engines will replicate a side for you, which is actually an odd thing to do. SL does not do this so you have to make it yourself, and it allows you to have different material for each side. Here's a short video showing what I think you're talking about and a fix for it. You'll note that, in the video, I didn't use the edge (rim) but that's a call you'll make for yourself. https://youtu.be/3hXq_6rwNNc
  11. If you're making clothing for a custom character you're all set. Any sane 3d application can handle volume bones, if you've chosen to use those for more versatility when skinning your garments. If you're using Blender it has a quirk and is not actually WYSIWYG, a strange thing for a 3d application, so you may become frustrated when it doesn't do what you want it to do, especially with regard to volume bones for fit mesh. If you're just wanting to try your hand at making clothing for some popular mesh bodies you'll want to get the best match that's possible, which requires the use of the kits they're providing for that purpose. Many of them are easy to obtain just by asking, some are just a click away and a few are for purchase. I won't clutter the forum with a list so if you like you can contact me in-world and I can point you in a direction.
  12. I think I can consider myself a "Builder". Although I don't restrict myself to some imposed standard so I'm free to invent things that push the mark and I will continue to do so, regardless if it confuses "Builders". I also don't find any of the information that I'm exporting to be useless, I can see a use for every part of it, for various reasons. I'll be using the new data to compose animations via script, parsing the available details from the asset name, which is going to speed up my work-flow for my projects a great deal. There are import tools, that many are not aware of, that can utilize this extra information in order to recompose the structure and animation in perfect detail, where, without it, this would be virtually impossible as exampled by tools already present in the wind and less than useful.
  13. This is a great idea. I'm going to add that as an option to embed it in the name of the animation file. It will be up to the creator if they want to change that information or allow it to travel with the asset. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't allow that convenience.
  14. I don't have any direct information related to what's going on with Firestorm so please accept my acknowledgment as just a passer by that's too busy to dive into this issue more deeply than I already have... but! My experience is that it now calculates, then re-calculates, the entire collada stream up to 3 times during the process of preparing to upload. Compound that with the inefficient way in which the dae data is parsed and you have a fun tea time. I was able to reduce this time somewhat using debug settings to prevent at least one of these calculations from entering into my work-flow. Unfortunately I'm unable to prevent the remaining one which, I believe, is designed to give the uninitiated a better understanding of what's happening, visually, which is useless to me since I rarely care about bipedal figures and is the only option, and rightly so, in the viewer preview. The last of the calculations is, of course, necessary in order to actually skin the mesh for upload, with necessary checks included. Again, I am hoping they have a plan, that has a sensible end result, for this since it just seems like a very bad move, an incomplete process or just lazy coding. I'm all ears if anyone wants to explain this to me. I can't say that this is restricted to Firestorm, however. I don't have time to dive into this but I suspect this is not an issue with Firestorm specifically.
  15. OptimoMaximo is, of course, right on the money. Avastar's cleanup process reduces fidelity to a point where it's noticeable when accuracy is required. I have "heard" that they are allowing a raw export now but I have yet to see anyone actually using it so I have no proof. In addition the export code is attempting to manipulate bone orientation with respect to translation, this is a logical goof up on the part of the coder and I can understand why they did it, it almost makes sense, but it results in broken translations on joints that have a non-zero orientation, of which I DO have proof. Bento Buddy, on the other hand, does not suffer this pitfall, which provides an accurate solution to this problem as I suspect does MyAnimate.
  16. BinBash

    3dsmax help

    The list of bones isn't useful but the bind data after it is. You can contact me in-world. I'll solve your problem.
  17. I did a quick test to see if maybe MP was goofed up but didn't see anything significant. I wonder if maybe your web browser is acting up.
  18. I use 700x525, did something change? Maybe this is the cause?
  19. I attach the set to Avatar Center. Above the set is a huge blue box with "Demo" on it. It's so far above them that they often don't even see it and I've been contacted a number of times saying that my demo was not a demo so I just tell them to have a happy day and wait. I was contacted once by a person that said that they were kicked out of a club, "for wearing that monstrosity" as it was quoted. And they chastised me for having a bad product, although they couldn't describe what was wrong with it and I had no clue until I they calmed down and teleported me. We both had a good laugh and I ended up giving them the retail version just for their troubles. They ended up buying it anyway, something I would do myself. Some days are fun \o/.
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