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Everything posted by steeljane42

  1. It was one. When there were no universal neck standard and lots more people used system heads with the mesh bodies. These days if it's a quality skin in the same tone it doesn't need any of those "fixes" and looks good in any EEP. Then again there's a lot of subpar skins/creators out there, so there's that. --- As for the LaraX itself. I gave it a quick look, even if don't intend to use it. It might have been the "I wasn't expecting much and I was still disappointed" moment. I said it before it was released, and I will say it again. They should have took the risk and released an actually a new body that wouldn't be a compromise while breaking most of the existing clothing fitting while the body itself is "same old, same old, but now with some fixes".
  2. If by addons you mean stuff like Reborn has, i.e. juicy boobs, juicy rolls, waifu boobs and so on, then Legacy is very limited on mods due to their (stupid) policy. There's a push-up mod - Nerido push-up, which barely has any support, and there are Maze thighs and arms. That's mostly it.
  3. Gave their 3rd gen or whatever skins a look, it's not as bad as I remember it from before, but there's a seam on the back, right between upper and lower sections of the body.
  4. I meant a similar issue for another brand of skins, which do make sex parts for quite a few years now. Their brand begins with an S.
  5. That's how some creators are, sadly. There's a brand that used to do skins only, but these days they do sex parts (should be obvious which brand it is). Same exact issue on their body skins and they know about it, yet never made an attempt to fix it. Back in the days it was somewhat popular as far as skins go, and I saw suggestions here on forums too and also was peeved by it a bit. Like "can't really people see that obvious half body seam line?" In case with that brand it was also most obvious on their lighter skins, too.
  6. No worries about necro-ing the post, but as far as this Gaia release goes - it's not a new one, just updated 2022's release, which had/has Maitreya in it. She does that for B-tier events like BigGirl. For anything actually new she has dropped Maitreya for a bit by now, not sure if in preparation for the X's release, or "just because".
  7. There's that, although it's still no fine art by any means. I have plenty from there including their very first Lara releases and dropped them way before swapping from Lara. They are same rubbish quality by today's standards as those badly made new releases you've mentioned, which are plenty, especially if count FP templates kind of stuff. 2018-2019+ is when it got a lot better there quality wise, so re-releases of recent years with Legacy/Reborn/GenX sizes do look rather decent for that style of clothing. Yep, that's what I said as well. Some coldash stuff also aged very well, although some less so than that the others, so they are definitely better than most new releases at big events and weekend sales.
  8. One can use various theories and guesses, and I say they all could be valid. For example with a bit older stuff like Hart Vest (which as most Deadwool's creations is a lot better than new releases in most cases), it could also be because "users of the older bodies got their stuff back in the days and don't shop anymore" as well. Which is not always the case, but often is. I still see a bunch of Lara users wearing Blueberry releases from 2015, which really didn't age very well compared to newer things, from the same store or anywhere else. Probably it's more about the people. It's not that uncommon when I see people not wearing the Lelutka teeth for example (and not having some fantasy/whatever replacement for it either), or the opposite - wearing 2 and often 3 copies of their bodies and/or heads.
  9. Catwa had two giveaways, last of the original bento heads line - Freya, it was/is quite terrible, and the HDPro Queen, which is as terrible. Stats of worn heads reflect it pretty well. And both of those happened when they already were losing the market. When they were the top brand they only ever had gesture "gifts", and some 24h release date 50% sales, with no black friday sales ever. Also Lelutka dropped their prices to 4k from 5k in 2020, and Catwa kept selling their (in my opinion) awful new heads for 6k until March of this year, and outdated ones with no new updates for 5k as well. But yes, those 3 years of giveaways sure did help to build entire ecosystem as well. Of course some people never got anything else, but I do know a few who eventually swapped to something else from them. And in my opinion it's deserved they are the top brand now. Looks/aesthetics are subjective, but that's 6 fully featured heads over 3 years and not some trial editions with limited features, plus a lot of nice updates with extra features, entire Evo line being updated to EvoX for free as well. Developing and sharing with others universal neck standard is also on them. There is also same thing as about Lara in a way - "who shop more". You can sometimes check it at bonniebots during new rounds of TMD and what not. For the recent example - new Ascend's release, some coat. It was in the trending attachments there for a day. I believe legacy/athletic version had 170(ish) entries, Jake's - 30, and Gianni's - 25. On the same BB site - total daily bodies detected: Legacy Atheltic is always 1st, but Jake is not that far off (usually ~250-300 less than Athletic), followed by regular Legacy M, then Gianni. So if it would reflect clothing sales, then difference would be anywhere as big for clothing too, but it is. They did, plus it's on a permanent 50% sale for over a year. 1750 I think? That's a lot less than Legacy ones for 5k and Gianni, which I think 4.5k. But what is funny is that despite 5k tag - Legacy bodies sell better/faster than Jake if put regular M and Athletic numbers together, and by quite a lot. And Gianni... well, Black Friday sale might push that number up a bit, but yeah, it's on a steady decline new detections (and thus sales) wise. 1k within last 180 days and it keeps going down week by week.
  10. Gen X bodies are used less than 700 each (according to various stats collecting bots) within a year of release. Preferences and aesthetic aside they are a commerical failure. So, no, rigging for it is a waste of time, and time, Like Paul said, is money. Not to mention that rigging, especially for more complex pieces is a difficult and very time consuming process to do things right. Same idea for head skins/makeups etc. Most people who actually shop for new things are using EvoX, so redoing releases in classic SLUV is a waste of money, time and resources, and thus there are barely any new SLUV releases for years.
  11. Did you relog/teleported out and back with the 1st avatar? During my tests (not tonight and not even recently, but a while ago when I was curious about the same thing) it didn't fully work if first avatar had privacy settings turned off at first, then turned on (or off/on/off cycle). The lookat target did stick around and while was unreliable it was still somewhat active. But if it was enabled prior to testing, then it was working at intended on both avatars. That's assuming you did stick to available Firestorm's settings and didn't went further to compile FS with some changes. In which case I do remember reading it was possible to change some lookat behavior that way, but it also has been a while ago.
  12. It does work, at least on Firestorm. Some other viewers that don't actually hide it completely, but freeze lookat position in front of avatar might work differently, though. There's not really many lookat settings in debug either. So the list of "crazy and paranoid" options would be nice. That said some settings only take the effect after relog and/or teleport. --- As for the topic itself, I have both own and others' lookat disabled at all times. They serve no purpose and get on the way.
  13. It is indeed style dependent. Like I said before in some other thread, I do know some smaller creators who have dropped Maitreya in the last 1-2 years, and their sales weren't affected much as they just don't make things that appeal to general Maitreya crowd. Quick check of my recent stuff. Minuit, Bonnie (ex Otaku), Renie, CX, Val'more, MUSE, Gaia, Unholy, Cruel, Killjoy, Nar Mattaru, Skellybones, Sulfur, Lunafell, Soapberry, Mekaci, Rokins, Crybunbun, Triggered, Insomnia Angel, Imbue, Tanaka, Ghoul, Valentine (V-tech). Some of those never supported Maitreya in the first place, but most did and not anymore. Out of that short (and far far from full) list above I was mostly surprised Valentine and Gaia dropped it, the rest are somewhat expected.
  14. Any modern hair that are not short styles come with a variety of chest sizes, so in worst case you'll just have to use other size for those. But since changes (from the previews) appear to be minimal I doubt even that will be needed. --- That aside I do agree with Zalificent's post above. And I already wrote before, while it's a free update - it's just weird, and reeks of "Welp, our 9 years old body being dropped by creators left and right, but we can't be bothered to make a new one, here is a low effort one to stay relevant and maybe get picked by some creators again.". Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was outsourced like 5.x scripts update, which was done by Marine Kelley and it finally made auto-alpha on it not as terrible as it was until that version. And yeah, at first I bet not many people will feel like being "forced" to wear new X version, but for anyone who actually shops for new stuff it's quite obvious - unless launch/adoption of LaraX will fail completely, then in a very short while clothing for "Lara Original" will stop being released, especially anything original and not FP junk that can be found on MP. Old stuff still be there, yes, but if anyone shops at events and wants new shinies, then they'll have a choice to either use X version instead, or forget about said new shinies. Not many people I've met who are comfortable with changing bodies/shapes all the time to wear a desired outfit, too. It might take a a while, but while different situation it's exactly how Freya users were phased out after creator dropped support for it for years. No new releases>less people sticking to that body> even less new releases because no one needs that size>even more of die-hard Freya fans switching over to different bodies. Until eventually it just died, even before it was replaced by Gen X bodies. So as a conclusion: to me this half-baked update just seems like as low effort to revitalize Maitreya ecosystem as it gets. Almost the same body with tiny fixes that "forces" any active shopper to use it over the "outdated 5.3 version" eventually. Which is a shame, while I don't ever swap to Maitreya anymore myself and really couldn't care less if either 5.3 or new X is/will be supported by any creator, I'd be very interested to try/buy new Maitreya body. Actually a new one, made from scratch.
  15. You are thinking about Casper, which got acquired by LL. And which had zero changes so far anyway. Maitreya's redelivery system is not Casper based, but a self hosted one.
  16. There's always something nice to find. Sadly it can be quite a quest to find new and quality things as new (as is actually new, not just side brands of existing/known creators) stores/creators don't get accepted to most AAA and even AA events easily, if ever. And MP is just one big pile of garbage with broken search and keywords spam. If you buy more than a very rare few things on weekend sales each week, then yes, it'll likely be junk. I usually glance through the lists myself, and I demo some stuff here and there, but with rare few exceptions it's not worth it even for the weekend sale price. Not to mention the general shift towards weekend sales model some "smart" creators did/do. Like separating a simple outfit to not just two, which is expected, but sometimes up to 4 pieces, and depending on which weekend sale it goes into, it can be 60-100x4. I call it a weekend pricing model, because there's absolutely no way more than a few people would buy those at full price, which is 250-300x4, not for the usual bad/mediocre quality generic stuff, so it was meant to be on weekend sales in the first place. I'd say 97% of stuff you see on weekend sales is junk, 2% is decent, but generic. So it's good for the new people, alts and so on, but might be no use for those of us who've been around for longer. And last 1% on good weeks (which are definitely not ones that are flooded with Halloween and (soon) Xmas stuff) is always worth to check. And yes, indeed, lots older clothes look and fit way better than new ones. Male stuff, and overused, but compare Deadwool suits, shirts, pants and jeans to what being sold on weekend sales and even big events these days? It's not even close, and not in favor of new clothes.
  17. Many places do. Many creators also make head skins in Velour (it's a skin brand) tones, means you get face skin from them, and body skin at Velour store. But if you want to keep your Odio skin, then their skins are located in the corner between female skins and makeup, at the bottom.
  18. It is exactly that. A charity auction prize from Fantasy Faire this year. Person who won it had/has a pick about it in her profile.
  19. Not a Mac person, but if the can't log in part means instant crash, then here's the similar thread from a few days ago, solution that helped the OP there included.
  20. I'd say it does vary per case for the whole gray area thing. I've seen very unique avatars lately with all Halloween stuff going on. Lots of efforts and tools went to make such looks, and shapes, including big face deformers sets. I can see why copying those kind of looks/shapes could be considered a moral gray area. And to be honest, I think someone who actually goes that far to copy someone just wastes their time as they'd come with something unique on their own by the time they'd manage to recreate something. But "copying" a basic Lelutka Ceylon look, which I think is what I see here... well, not really. There's only so much each head can vary per sliders setup, because while all those sliders go from 0 to 100, extremes always look terrible, so it's a pretty narrow window to work with without "breaking" the head and with each head coming with some unique traits it's even more narrow range of shapes available at the end. Skins/addons can make same shape look different, though. As for the topic itself, like I said I do think it's Ceylon with pretty basic "kawaii" shape that is so popular for this head. I see many of such looks around. Could be Briannon, it does similar look with right skins well too. But while angle is not good to see the lips from the side, I'd still say it's Ceylon and not Briannon, as the latter has more full lips that don't scale down as good as Ceylon's. Don't think it's Ora, though. Angle is not good to make sure, but Ora's nose is quite different.
  21. As long as there's no ToS regarding "customer support", and obviously it won't and shouldn't be a thing in SL, ever, I don't think any further changes from the current system are needed. Now don't get me wrong, I do enjoy getting support in cases I need it, and I definitely report issues I found to creators. Many of those issues get fixed, some doesn't, depends on a creator and complexity of an issue. But in a world where creators are not obligated to provide any support at all and customers are encouraged to just vote with theit wallets; i.e. supporting good creators and not supporting ones who ignore their issues, the creator's last login date is absolutely irrelevant.
  22. It depends. If you check Lucia's bodies/heads stats list, you can see a very steady grow of most popular heads, especially Avalon (but not limited to it). 3.8k growth within last 180 days, that's 7.6k out of 26k total in a year. Head was released in Spring of 2021. So pretty linear growth with some extra increases during their sales.
  23. I keep such lists through most of the year, although it's rather empty through December - January. When shopping, and I shop a lot for clothing, landscape and furniture mostly, with some occasional random stuff here and there, I tend to categorize everything. 1st category is a "must have" one, I usually end up getting it right away. Although there are exceptions, for example if I just made an awesome outfit I want to wear for a few days, and there are more around that I want to get/wear, then sometimes those "must have" things end up in a demo folder. I don't exactly enjoy swapping from one outfit to another 5 times a day and usually wear one outfit for a few days, especially if I'm busy building. In case with furniture/landscape stuff, it depends if I see myself using it right away or not, if yes, I get it, if not I just add to my list to keep in mind/get later. 2nd category is a "waits for sales" one. Often good pieces, sometimes just ones I don't know how/where/with what to use those with. If I find either a matching piece (clothing/shoes) or a good spot (rezzables), I buy them before sales from time to time, if not, then they wait for the sales. 2nd category is also divided by a and b sections. "A" for stores that only do big sales, like Black Friday or store bday ones, and "B" for those that do weekend sales. 3rd category is a "maybe" one. I usually pile up not too terrible stuff there for a few months, check back later and either move it to the 2nd category or just delete, depends if I liked it enough on a second look. When it gets closer to the sales, so around a week from now, I make sure to re-check some of the stuff, especially rezzables as I might have got something similar and/or better since I've added them to the list, and then when finally lists are going to be posted I check them and make a rough plan from what I want to start with. Usually more expensive things I end up getting first as long as it's a "normal" full store (except latest few releases) 50% sale. Some stores only have 30% sales and/or only add a very limited selection of items on sale. Those I tend to just skip completely. 30% is better than nothing, but there's only so much time I have to check all those stores. They didn't have any Black Friday sales in the last few years. They do have 50% release sales, though. If you have a group slot then join their group and keep an eye on noticed through the weekends, although Alex releases his creations in bursts. Like a few releases in a few weeks to maybe a few months, then sometimes nothing for ages. He is/was back recently with a few new releases, but ones before it were from Spring 2021.
  24. Those old heads didn't even get an update to include universal neck that was available in their hdpro heads over 3 years ago, which is far less efforts/work than EvoX update. But as much as I dislike Catwa (as a brand and look wise), I can't say it's something "bad". Can't support old stuff forever. Lelutka also made one final BoM update for their Origins heads before Evo line was out, dropped their price to 1.5k with the Evo release or shortly after, and a few months ago they were retired for good. It wouldn't stop the "bullying" anyway, though. Look is subjective of course, and as long as you like your own look it's the only thing that matters, but no amount of skin lift and EvoX updates would make those old heads any better. Not to mention just how much people get fed up seeing Catyas and Daniels non stop when Catwa was a "thing to get" back into 2016-2018.
  25. Not with each, mostly older generations of consoles, and even that is not as simple. Current generation consoles play entire library of previous generation just fine. I think there were like 10 PS4 titles (that no one heard about) on the incompatible list for PS5. And as much Microsoft did/does wrong, they've been pushing backwards compatibility on Xbox even on previous generation. PS3>PS4 generation swap was the worst in terms of backwards compatibility, on the Sony's side at least, although it was mitigated (and still does) by the era of remasters and (now) remakes of the older games. At least games that were generation defining back in the days, obviously no one is going to remaster/remake thousands of titles that never got popular even back then. PS2>PS3 was an odd one, initial PS3 models had PS2 hardware built-in, so they've played PS2 games exactly like PS2 would. Later PS3 models had software emulation, which made it worse. PS1>PS2 wasn't perfect, but PS2s can read and play most PS1 games of the same region. But yeah, consoles moved to x86 architecture during previous generation, so it's much easier/better now than it was before.
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