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Raevyn Addams

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Everything posted by Raevyn Addams

  1. I actually caught a house last night that had a big green screen and green floor floating in the sky above the house that appeared to be for photographs... Sometimes people are such strange creatures.
  2. Just got one. My old place is up for grabs (just across the road from the river in Shanty). And GO!
  3. I honestly think the Moles and Lindens love doing things like this purely for the speculation it generates. They probably have a good chuckle back and forth reading out the comments, or scratch their heads and wonder what any of us were thinking. Good for a laugh. I don't ever expect anything is as it appears until its revealed. #trustnoone
  4. I use Chrome Auto Refresh Plus too, though I have had some suggest that Firefox with it's Auto Refresh equivalent worked better. For me, Chrome is the better of the two. How I do it; 1) When I first log in via Dashboard I select the yellow button: Get Your Home Now. 2) In the Name Your Home field I type in "Place" (with no quotation marks). Then I click Next. This is important because it saves the house name so I don't have to type it again (Note that I do all this BEFORE I have started Auto Refresh Plus or found a Bellisseria home). 3) I return to my Dashboard. Select that yellow button: Get Your Home Now. 4) I open Auto Refresh Plus. Under Time Interval I select 1 (or 2) second. Under Page Monitor I type: Bellisseria. 5) In Auto refresh Plus I select the cog icon/button to open Advanced Features and under Page Monitor (at the bottom of the screen) I select Play sound until I click the notification box. Then I select the red Start button. Then I sit back and wait. Things to note: This may not work for everyone and like @PrudenceAnton stated in her OP it's no guarantee, but they are the EXACT steps I follow everyday and I usually find at least one home a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on availability. I am usually online very early (around 1:30 a.m. SLT or any time after 6:00 p.m. AEST) which gives me a window of about 4 - 6 hours before those in the US wake up and things start to slow down. As such I usually am asleep when the weekly releases happen so what I catch are abandoned homes only. It's worth noting that in the 3 hours I have been online tonight the refresher has picked up at least 5 houses (no houseboats yet). I haven't caught any. I am not sitting there staring at Auto Refresh Plus all the time. Its running in the background as we speak while I do other things. Sometimes during rush/peak times 1 or 2 seconds will be too fast and the page will crash. That's valuable seconds wasted, so if I think things are about to get busy I increase interval to 2 or 3 seconds minimum. 5 seconds seems too slow. Sometimes the sound will play and I will have to manually select Bellisseria from the drop down menu under Select Theme. This isn't ALL the time and I have no idea why it only occurs sometimes, but I have still managed to select Bellisseria, Next, agree to the terms and conditions, and still grab a house. I thought it was a waste of time but I still caught a house this way last night, so it just goes to show it is doable. Keywords that have worked for me: Bellisseria ; Belli ; Traditional ; 1024 . As others have said; patience is a must. For every one I do catch I must miss at least five or more, but I always throw back what I catch. I know what I am looking for, so when I find it then the refreshing process will end (and I will abandon the one I have right now so someone else can have it!) Hopefully this helps someone. Good luck!
  5. Also happens around restart region times (that I have seen). The region directly beside me has a grass texture but occasionally on restart days it reverts to a sand texture. It usually fixes itself within a few minutes, or if it doesn't a relog seems to make it appear green again.
  6. I am surprised that the campers/trailers rated so low compared to the other options. I know there has to be a "loser" but still. Makes me wonder what the predetermining factor is for choosing the top two options (if there was one specific reason at all); maybe it's the amount of land/yard space or something like that?
  7. Just saw a house about 10 mins ago pop up on the screen while I was having dinner. 6:40 p.m. AEST. Gone again.
  8. Congrats! Finally! Aww yay, well done! I sincerely hope you enjoy!
  9. Just caught (and returned) a traditional house at 1:51 a.m. AEST. Whoever gets it, enjoy! :D
  10. Voted. I have to admit, the inclusion of an unknown element got me. I'm curious as to what Patch's Secret 4th home option? could be.
  11. Sea of Farts... Eye of Terminator Conan... THIS is why I'm glad we Residents aren't in charge of naming the regions or even the continent itself! (And just between us I think the Lindens and Moles are just as thankful that we can't too). 😂
  12. Just saw two houseboats a few minutes ago; 12:43 a.m. (or thereabouts) AEST. Last week one went in 3 seconds. Another in 7 seconds. Even Patch Linden was amazed how fast they were being snatched up. But it's not impossible. SOMEONE is getting them. It's just a matter of luck, of being online and ready when they are released, and of course being quicker than others. Don't forget that houses are still being abandoned in between releases so there's always a chance you may just snag yourself one of them. Congrats on your new home!
  13. I don't know that there are any guarantees. I do remember last week there were two regions released on the one day, though only one region released before and after. Another member told me (sorry I have already forgotten your name) just this morning (since it's after midnight for me) that there hadn't been a release on Wednesday last week or Friday so people had higher expectations that this release, this morning, MAY be bigger. I am just speculating. Don't take it as gospel. For all any of us knew yes it could all be over for today. I don't know. All we can do is wait and see.
  14. Not sure. I'm not in-world. Could have been a region release but haven't heard word yet. But yes I think we saw the same. That was a crazy rush for a few minutes. Clearly some people got them. Congrats to those that did! You guys (and girls) are quick! 😁 Same. Will do if I find out. Enjoy your movie!
  15. MORE just now. Holy heck. What is going on? That was crazy for a second. Unless it was a glitch and was the same few that weren't clearing immediately... YOU got one?? Congrats if you did! EDIT: another 2 just now. Has to be abandons. I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. I'm sure it won't be the last.
  16. Just had THREE hits at 12:13 a.m. AEST for Traditional houses. All gone immediately. That was insane! 😲 Sorry @iBrat, looks like we saw the same ones and posted at the same time! XD
  17. Laughs at how we've suddenly become a court room scenario. Not sure you're even the defendant? I don't know. But last I heard no Moles or Lindens have issued you with a restraining order soooo... you might be okay. I'm no lawyer so don't quote me at all. And I wouldn't. All I know of court proceedings has been from watching Judge Judy in my younger years!
  18. You are my spirit animal! 🤣 That's pretty much my experience to a tee. Though I did watch around 2 hours of tutorials first. Opened Blender. Found the version I downloaded didn't match ANY of the tutorials I'd just watched. Couldn't find the button mentioned in the first steps so couldn't put a damn thing into practice. Uninstalled. Swore to never do that again. Months later did the same thing again anyway. Think I'd rather study quantum physics or rocket science. Or brain surgery. Probably all three would be easier.
  19. I've been away a few days, so I can only surmise what happened regarding land needing to be closed while the Moles and Lindens work. I can't say I'm really that surprised. I live in Shanty and have been watching for weeks as the land across the river from me was expanded upon. Residents hovering on the fringes in the air for hours, standing on the land, underwater, following the dots across the map, getting a little star struck in local or group chats, asking a lot of questions, etc... I'll admit it's kind of cool to see a Linden or Mole around after so many years. I've been around almost 9 years (Rae is my alt) and I can count how many times I've seen either in all that time on one hand. And I can still say that; I don't actively seek them out. The only way I've learned any names are from those who have spoken in the forums. A few weeks ago I saw Abnor Mole hovering above my street just in front of my neighbour's house. I cammed out of curiosity. I snapped a photo (hey, celebrity, remember?), and then I let Abnor be. Maybe snapping photos in itself is kind of creepy, but it's not like I was fogging up his burrow... window? (Does a small robot Mole live in a burrow? It's none of my business!) (EDIT: added the picture in question) The point is there's no problem watching artists work if they do so out in public. But you can't expect their masterpiece to be finished if you keep distracting, be that with good intentioned praise, small talk, sonnets of devotion, to ask questions, ask demands, rub shoulders (or any other body parts, or hope to), or out of sheer boredom. I'll echo the sentiment of the majority (and @Mollymews who posted before me as I was ranting this post so felt like good manners to include here); Leave them alone. Let them do their job. Show some respect. It's really not that much to ask in the grand scheme of things.
  20. I've never heard of that before, as in being so specific to get a house in Bellisseria. More often than not I thought it was more a game of chance. The first vacant home available was the one you were offered, not one at any specific coordinates. You can get a house on mainland that way, but mainland and Bellisseria are not the same thing. Unless I don't understand the question, and that is highly possible. You can't look for houses in-world at Bellisseria (you can look, you just can't claim or choose the one you want). You need to use your Dashboard on the website to claim one when they become available.
  21. In the spirit of... well, keeping the good vibes flowing, made this... um... modest... offering? Don't care what their avatars look like, only that they do great work and deserve some appreciation. As... "artistic" as it is. 🤣
  22. It's Dobby! (From Harry Potter). I wonder if MagicMole/Dobby is waiting for Ebbe to give Dobby a sock (aka, "freedom")... 🤔
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