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Raevyn Addams

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Everything posted by Raevyn Addams

  1. It's all about perspective. Some see potential, some see a road-block. Kind of relates to that saying; "Those who want will find a way, those who don't will find an excuse." Not meant derogatory, just my pitiful attempt at trying to appear wise (and likely failing) But I tried, dammit! 😂 I would very much love to see something like this. Can't see it happening, but would love it none the less.
  2. Well, it's definitely slowed things down some! No... a LOT! In the interest of "science", I tested a few theories... * Manually refresh the page once every minute: got 9 tries before it says limit reached. * Use Auto Refresh at 1 minute intervals: get about 6 tries before it says limit reached. * Log out, log back in again, clock appears to "reset" and I can manually click again. Rinse and repeat above. * Even after waiting 10 minutes I'm still getting similar responses to the numbers above. Appears to lack consistency? * It does seem as if I get more tries when clicking manually, but this could just be coincidence. * Not sure if the Auto Refresh alert triggers the limit page by finding a house, or alerts because the page has been triggered. (Either way; false hope, dammit! 😂). * Haven't seen a single house at all since the restriction were implemented. Either people are holding onto them for dear life or they are being caught at a steady rate now instead of at a break-neck speed. * Also the instances of having to manually select Bellisseria from the drop down menu instead of see it first/at the top have increased. Still happened previously when using Auto Refresh like a bat out of hell (prior to the restrictions) but now appears more frequent, at least to me. Who knows? Anyway, there's some random, useless information for you.
  3. I'd like to add to this, that while I do agree with OP to some degree (and I did initially when the first houses were released), having empty homes is actually a GOOD thing for the rest of us. Putting emotion aside, look at it from a technical aspect. The more there is to see, the more there is to render, the harder your (or my, or anyone else's) computer has to work to process all that information. On top of that, when you have a lot of large textures this alone can create lag, as can excess scripts, objects that aren't optimised, and the worst of all, avatar weight. If every house was full then very few of us would be able to move around Bellisseria without rubber-banding. So instead of being upset, be thankful. As hard as it is to see so many empty houses not being used, they serve a purpose BY not being used. And @Evangeline Ling beat me to it, but that's what I mean, yes.
  4. I logged out and logged back in. Didn't need to close the page entirely.
  5. You won't see any yet because they have sold out. For now you have to keep manually refreshing the page where you find the old ones. When a house (or house boat) becomes available in Bellisseria you will be able to select Bellisseria from the same drop down menu where you find the current old Linden Home styles. So just keep refreshing the page and hope for the best.
  6. This is exactly what I did and it worked for me (whether that helps or not I don't know, just throwing my opinion on the pile).
  7. I think that's very considerate of you. It's a hard decision to make since the argument can be made that if you pay for Premium Membership than you are entitled to Premium houses for each Premium account. I've no problem with those who do that, same as I have no problem with those who have none saying that the first aren't playing fair. I see both sides. Because some of us are living both sides. It comes down to personal choice and what you can live with. A person with more empathy perhaps is likely to give away the excess to those who have none, while another may still have empathy but still feel entitled to have what they pay for just as every other premium member pays for - and it doesn't make them wrong. It's just what they are most comfortable with. It's just tough call to make but it's an individual one, and one those who are going to get homes soon are also going to have to face as the region roll-outs progress. So on behalf of those who don't have homes I'd like to say thank you for your generosity. And I'd also like this to show that not all Bellisserian home owners are looking down on those who don't yet have a home. We'll get there, eventually. It's just going to take a little work. A little consideration. And of course, time. Rant over. XD ❤️
  8. To be honest, and this is in no way to diminish or downplay the hard work and creativity of the earlier regions, but as time goes on I'm seeing some truly amazing regions being created. For that level of detail, I can wait. And I will. Not much else one can do.
  9. It was inevitable. And in an odd way, as I just finished saying elsewhere, I actually feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief now - to a degree. I know this won't solve ALL the problems being spoken of (loudly and often) in the rest of the sub forum, but I do hope those who have been so vehemently against the Auto Refresh tool can now exhale in relief a little too. As I said before, I'm cautiously optimistic. But I guess we shall see!
  10. This is going to sound strange but actually feels kind of... better? Instead of having this constant clicking over in the background I have it set for once a minute. There's a LOT more opportunity for someone else to click during those other 59 seconds and get a place before me. It just means I'm not staring at the screen watching it flash, flash, flash, and my old lady fingers won't get gnarled from manually clicking like my life depended on it. I'd like to think this goes some way to making those anti-Auto Refreshers happy but... I'm cautiously optimistic. And dammit, why did I turn that thing back on again? Now I have to wait another 10 mins to start all over again... who needs sleep, right? 🥴
  11. Ah, you could be right! Never mind. But I think we are now essentially restricted to one search a minute; 10 loads per 10 minutes = 1 load a minute, or am I wrong?
  12. @sceneris, @Leora Jacobus; for either page I don't refresh and don't press the back button. Just return to dashboard and press the yellow button. By the way if you're curious regarding the Auto Refresh Limit, here it is; Sorry @iBrat beat me to it! You're quick! XD And here's irony for you; the minute the bell chimed to alert me of a house... I got that screen. Clearly it wasn't meant to be mine.
  13. I am leap-frogging in an effort to find my perfect place. I have a home, yes. What I'm after is something particular. I think we're all chasing that. I know, this isn't a popular choice since so many would be happy to have anything, but I only have the one, despite having three Premium accounts. When I find one I like I abandon the old one so I only ever have one. And that's what I'll continue to do until I find my forever home, however long that search takes (and yes, could likely take months but that's okay too).
  14. Monty Python fan, right? I knew you were awesome. *hugs you* ❤️
  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again; if we were to have anything remotely commercial I'd vote for a gallery/museum somewhere in Bellisseria where the Moles and Lindens can be immortalised. They are in a sense the "founding fathers (and mothers)" and they've shown great fortitude and humour since this project started, even longer than that. Having a place to recognise all of this work, effort, and (let's face it) stress would be a lovely gesture for prosperity. Wouldn't have to be just pictures on the walls, though it could be that simple. How about quotes they want immortalized, or something they make they think represents them? They could change their displays when it suits them, since some are in the habit of leaving Easter eggs and keeping us guessing. I don't even know how many Moles or Lindens there are, much less what they look like. What better way to connect, both now and into the future? That to me would be better than anything divisive or dated. But of course it's just a matter of opinion, and it is after 2:00 a.m. now so my brain isn't functioning as it should be... *coughs* 😛
  16. Yes we do. And you already did. You're leading by example. More of us should. ❤️
  17. I think I just saw one of them while I was busily ranting contributing to another thread. As I'm not keen on houseboats I let it slide. But that's the first houseboat I've seen in a few days.
  18. In the interest of maintaining civility, I'm just going to leave this riiiiight here... 😑
  19. I've heard this come up a few times, and it does have some merit. I think a factor in not doing so is the demand for houses in Bellisseria right now outweigh supply, so with each new Premium Member that joins SL, they are going to be directed to the same page we now see. They still have the option of the older house styles, even if that's not the ones they see on the new ads or saw at SLB16 etc. Seeing a theme page for Bellisseria and then being told "sorry, sold out" is like buying the car promised in the advertisement and being shown a cart instead while you wait for the car to be built. That's the reality of the situation as it now stands, and LL doesn't want to scare new Premium Members away while they wait. By including ALL housing styles on the one page the effect is "you get the same chance at all these houses", not "you want this one but you can't have it! Here's your consolation prize." I know it's a fine line to tread, and many people already feel duped that they did buy the car promised in the advertisement and got a cart, but the fact remains a Premium Home is part of your membership. Nowhere does it read "You are promised a home in Bellisseria" - you can get a home, and that could be in any of the available themes right now without waiting - and that's the difference.
  20. Line that annoys me the most lately, and isn't even really a line (not a full line anyway); "You SHOULD..." "People SHOULD..." Interesting fact; a psychologist once told me that by changing "should" to "I'd like", or "I wish" you can actively reduce your anger and stress levels. In other words, by letting go of this expectation of having things done to our standard, we can actually alter our brain chemistry to being more receptive to problem solving as opposed to addressing issues confrontationally. There you go!
  21. I have some friends who would love a doublewide, but they're a little too redneck for a pretty camp ground. Given the detail in some of these camper models coming out though I would dearly love to see what a doublewide or even RV would look like. The builds just keep getting better and better in my personal opinion. It will be interesting to see what the later styles will be!
  22. Oh, it was with the initial release of homes. That feels like a long time ago already...
  23. Lord, I never thought I'd see the day I actually posted something like that (yes, I hear all my Australian friends chuckling)... but here we are! And it's relevant! And yes, I am shamelessly following @Beth Macbain's example and keeping the love AND POSITIVITY alive! ❤️ 🕳️🛠️ (Also why do we have every other animal Emoji and no moles?! That's like The Sims franchise having no Llamas! Outrageous! XD)
  24. Aww, well you have to decide what is best for you. I didn't have any huge issue with it since I just meshed my own fence and garden beds for relatively low LI, and the fact it's on a hill kind of does help a little (not a bad view of the river that way), it's up off street level, and the back yard feels big which is nice compared to some I have seen where the house placement feels... a little off? Anyway, a change is as good as a holiday or so the saying goes, so I hope you find what you are looking for! And if my old home doesn't work for you, I am sure it will work for someone else, so it's not all bad news.
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