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Raevyn Addams

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Everything posted by Raevyn Addams

  1. You are most welcome. Blacklisting should permanently derender only the objects you highlighted/selected. If I understand correctly, no it doesn't derender all instances of that object off the grid. You will still see it at the shop and anywhere else. Derendering is only hiding objects you selected. If you rez two copies of the same chair and derender one, the other chair will still be there because you only derendered one. I hope that answered your question and made sense?
  2. I saw a house yesterday. Just one. Now with restrictions in place and Auto Refresh set at one minute intervals I'm barely seeing any movement. Never mind. Patience is a virtue or so the saying goes!
  3. Actually I just tested this on Firestorm Viewer and it is possible (I can't say for sure with other viewers but I can't imagine it would be much different). 1) Right click on one item to get the edit window to pop up. 2) While you still have that original item selected, click and drag your mouse to cover the area that contains all the objects you want to derender (you should see all the items highlighted). 3) When you have this mass-selection highlighted, right-click on one thing (anything) that is highlighted > More > More > Derender. I just derendered a third of my neighbours houses and furnishings that were showing in my draw distance to test my theory. I didn't post pics of that because I feared someone might recognise their home and think I was derendering their house or objects on purpose because I didn't like them. This above seemed like a safer option. Temporary = hides things for now, but when you log back in they will show up again. Blacklist = hides things more permanently. A region restart may make things appear, or you may have to manually make them reappear if you wish to see them again. To reverse derendering, at the top of your viewer screen select World > Asset Blacklist > Remove Selected. Then relog. The objects should have returned. Anyway, it works.
  4. This is a good point. As I watched Jamesborough being made I really REALLY wanted one of those waterfront lots. When they were gone I felt so disappointed. But you know what? It worked out to be a blessing in disguise in a way. Because the more I see these new regions being created and the amount of detail going into them the more I realise I want one of them. I may have been happy in my ideal spot for a while... until the new ideal spot came along. And then the next. This is small consolation to those who just want a home and don't care what they get, but the point is this; Sometimes we don't always get what we want, but that doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing. You never know what's around the corner or what tomorrow, or the next day, or the next week, may bring!
  5. At the risk voicing an unpopular opinion, I have to wonder why anyone would respond to complaints in THIS particular thread, since by its very title it is a thread dedicated to venting. That's like going out into the rain and complaining about getting wet. To me, this just defies logic. Yes, there has been a lot of upset comments posted lately. A lot of negative views shared, and a lot of individual threads started dedicated to this very thing. But if everyone was to vent in one specific area then why can't that be tolerated? Providing ToS, rules, laws, and civility is adhered to, isn't venting in the one spot a good thing? Isn't it better to have a majority of the fires contained to one area rather than battling the flames as they pop up all over the forum? And while I know this thread isn't going to stop everyone from posting their own threads completely or even stop the negativity, it may lessen the instances of them. It might even be making people feel a little better to get their frustrations out here amongst others who feel the same way. What's the harm in it? If people are sick of reading such posts, why come here to this specific thread in the first place? What do they expect to gain beyond further frustration? Is it the sheer thrill of arguing? A need to convert others to their way of thinking? To prove themselves right and others wrong? I just don't get it. People venting about people venting in a thread about venting... 🙄 So now that I've effectively and undoubtedly offended someone, fire away. ( And yes I'm fully aware I'm venting about people venting about people venting in a thread about venting! *my aching head* XD )
  6. I'm guilty of this myself, and I have seen a LOT of people doing the same thing by adding pathways, driveways and such. The issue is that while the majority of us do adhere to the theme, there are just as many people out there who don't care for the rules and will blatantly disregard them. And it's THOSE people who will eventually ruin it for all of us who are doing the right thing, or insofar as the wording of the Covenant allows. I really do think it is only a matter of time before LL starts cracking down on everyone because of the sins of a few. They definitely will the more this "liberty" is abused, hence the warning "Don't do it".
  7. What about a furry man? (I have no idea, I just took your idea and ran with it, sorry! 🤣) @Kieok; it looks like you scored yourself an amazing place! I have to admit I love seeing homes that have moving boxes and For Sale/Sold signs in the yard. It just adds a more realistic touch. Pictures look great too. I would say enjoy your new home but it looks like you are already. Ah, enjoy anyway! You waited long enough for it.
  8. I'd think you would be happy about this. Because when we do invariably screw it up then you get to say I told you so and we don't get to use Auto Refresh tool. Isn't that a win? EDIT: FYI those who may be interested, 120 intervals works fine, no limit cap in the last 2 hours.
  9. Oh, definitely. Which is why I suggested people don't try it. Considering we already have people testing the boundaries of what they can get away with I think anyone that breaks the rules does so at great risk. Ignorance is no excuse. But people being... well, people... Need I say more? 😜 (I even put your quote in bold because it should be reinforced. Never let anyone say they weren't warned!)
  10. I'm curious about that myself. Would be interesting to know to see if there's any great discrepancy between that and the previous releases. And congrats on your new house! 😊 Hopeful, mostly. Anxious. Excited. A little apprehensive. No, wait, not those kinds of feels... 😜 To be honest I think this is open to personal interpretation. Some people have noticed more Moles and Lindens at the regions that are close to release. Some mention hints being dropped in groups. I don't think there is any way to really know, but more than a few "guesstimations". But yes, as @Mae Omizu mentioned above me, just keeping an eye on the regions and watching them progress might give some indications. It won't be exact, but nothing is. It's all just a case of "wait and see."
  11. Technically correct BUT (and I don't in any way condone this, it's just one of those "do as I say, not as I do" rules that my mother always threw at me when I was growing up) you can actually place items outside your lot providing you use an anchor that remains inside the boundary lines, you just shouldn't do it as it's against the Covenant to do so. And I have to think that anything you rez to cover brick walls is going to be bigger and bulkier in an effort to mask, which in turn doesn't really solve the original problem, it just compounds it (and trust me to overthink and complicate matters unnecessarily). So at the end of the day after all that is said and done, leaving things as they are would be the best option - that, or move. But that's another problem for another day.
  12. The English version of that has been live for almost 24 hours now, and in case others have missed it; Also if you haven't already, I'd suggest you post this in the International forums where applicable. I am not in any way trying to overshadow or belittle or insult or offend you, and I think it's great you've taken the initiative to show others who may not have noticed. I'm just trying to be helpful in my own, peculiar way too.
  13. There's a few problems here. The latter, the Tilia issue, has already been addressed by others before me so I won't comment on that since there's little point. I'd just be repeating what's already been said. What I want to address here is the start of your post; your computer was bad and you didn't have anyone to talk to so you didn't return for five years. Five years is a long time by anyone's standards. Depending on who you talk to there hasn't been a great deal of change in SL for a long time, and now recently changes seem to be rolling out at least once a month. Even I feel like a noob when I return after a break for a month or two until I find my feet again. Change can be jarring and stressful, especially for those already struggling to begin with. Forgive me for making assumptions, and no offence is intended if I am assuming wrongly, but by your opening statement the fact you didn't have anyone to talk to makes me think you were or are a bit of a loner? Maybe it's more of a challenge to meet other people and make friends? Maybe SL wasn't or isn't as inviting as you'd like it to be, so it's another stressful factor on top of change, and the Tilia issue, and any other issues that may also be contributing to this in other aspects of your life? (None of which I'm going to speculate about as it's no-one's business. That's not the point I'm trying to make). The point I AM trying to make is this; could this feeling you have regarding quitting not just be about Tilia, but could it be a culmination of all these factors?
  14. Then clearly something has to be working! That, or the virtual gods chose to smile on you today. Whatever the reason, congrats on your new home!
  15. I use Lelutka head, Maitreya body. Avi-glam eyes are my favourites. Genus is the latest "in thing" right now, and while there are more things being made for it there's still plenty available for the older model heads, specifically; Catwa and Lelutka. Over time that will of course change as more products are released. While spending 5k for each head is an expensive endeavor, you can consider Genus as a future investment and hope the current trend continues. There's every chance another model head may appear in the not too distant future and suddenly that becomes the new must-have. Either way that's your call to make. As for "everything right now being made for Genus or Catwa"; it may feel like that, especially with particular creators and regular sales events. If you absolutely love these creators' work then you have to follow the trend they dictate or wait for them to create for your model head. You could also ask if they would consider it, but I wouldn't hold my breath. If you don't mind shopping around try the Marketplace; some people seem to forget it exists. Most major head creators have groups so try asking in these too to see if there's any recommendations others would make that you possibly haven't come across yet. Not sure if any of that was helpful, but if you take away any piece of information from this post it should be; regularly search Marketplace and don't rely on Sales Events.
  16. Also don't forget to watch the SSP thread, I spotted these earlier, they might be of interest: There's plenty more but it's a start.
  17. 120 - 130 intervals seems to work fine. No limit restriction in the last hour.
  18. Literally just had a house come up now, first time in 24 hours at least. Missed it. But at least I finally saw one! 10:41 p.m. AEST.
  19. And there would always be someone out there who would pay it. Which would take us, in no time, straight back to Bellisseria becoming Mainland 2.0 with people feeling justified to charge what they want, and rez what they want, since they paid a high price for it. And the headaches continue... 😑
  20. You're all for the earworms lately, aren't you? After "the Black Knight" and "We want a Shrubbery!" and "Let it Go!" NOW we are here... *sits back and smirks and can't help but laugh* 🤣
  21. Very true. The only real issue would be derendering, forgetting you derendered, and placing something in place of them; so that instead of the nice picket fence what people actually see is a fence embedded in a fence (fenception?)... which is still actually doable! Stylistically not ideal but the principle remains the same. Yes, timing matters. If you have to derender, do it LAST! 🤣
  22. It will only work from your side, meaning those taking pictures outside your house for their amazing photos, or those visiting your house, are still going to see them. And probably wonder if it's a design flaw/misplacement of prims/décor/accident as opposed to an actual attempt at covering up. But I could be completely wrong about that.
  23. Oh, I get it. Believe me, I do! I just abandoned my house a few days ago that I'd had since the original roll out. The location wasn't bad at all but there was always some little thing I wish I could "fix". To someone else it may have been ideal, but to me... nope! In terms of finding a way anything is going to be a temporary solution until one is happy with their lot, both figuratively and literally. Some may have more staying power or be able to make the best of a bad situation better than others. Not me. I'm too picky, apparently. And so the search continues! And yes we do. But not all of us. Just some. And even that depends on external factors like lack of sleep or chocolate... But yes, if there's a way to exploit something I'll we as a species will find it! 😜
  24. I think it could be done without the need for grandiose payments (not that dissimilar to the current land sales option we have to sell to a particular resident for a minimum of 1 Linden) but I do see your point that even something as simple as that has the propensity to be (and likely will be) abused in the name of greed. It's a shame. By giving people the option you might see a slight decline in those jumping around from house to house (like me) trying to find their ideal location. But on the other hand it's just as likely people will start screaming favouritism as all the "good" houses are sold/swapped to alts or best friends, and even more problems arise.
  25. I want to see Skid Row! Where all of the homeless can huddle together in their tin and cardboard shacks rattling their cups and begging for a few spare lindens to feed their starving sculpty babies, or feed their gacha addiction... I know, I know, it's all kinds of wrong, but if you think about it having a shanty or seedy side of town will make the rest of the homes look opulent by comparison!
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